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Defiant_Drills’ Comm Prices/Examples


-All prices listed are STARTING RATES and are subject to change based on complexity and whether or not your character(s) have preexisting references

-I charge extra for NSFW and have a separate price sheet for that content

-my commission Terms and Conditions are listed at the end of this presentation

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B/W Sketch Commissions - Starting @ 60 USD

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Basic Render Commissions - Started @ 120 USD

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Painterly Commissions - Starting @ 250 USD

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Illustration Commission - Starting @ 400 USD

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Character Sheet - Starting @ 300 USD for Front/Back. Varies w/ complexity.

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Loose Painting Commission - Starting @ 150 USD

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Mecha (ideally LancerRPG related) - Starting @ 300 USD

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Custom Chomperbots - Starting @ 300 USD

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Secret Menu: Meme Commissions - Starting @ 50 USD

Sketchy Style Cartoony Style

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“I can’t tell the difference between basic renders, painterlies, and illustrations-”

Basic Render - these take me on average 1-2 day(s) to complete and is my least polished coloring method. I rarely do backgrounds for these.

Painterly - these take me on average 2-3 days(s) to complete and are my mid-to-high level polish pieces. I sometimes do background on these.

Illustrations - these are pay per day. I charge 200 USD per work day and work on the piece for as long as you are willing to pay for. I require a minimum 2 days worth of payment to at least allow me time to get it passed a basic render level of polish. On average, these pieces run 600-800 USD. I will do always to a background for these.

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A Reminder:

The prices listed are the BASE prices. They are subject to change based on the complexity of your character(s), props, backgrounds, etc. A list of what I charge extra for is provided on the next slide.

My prices are based on time and I shoot to make around 25/hr. �Example- 2 hrs is the FASTEST I can complete a B/W Sketch. So if I quote a B/W sketch at 100, it means I think it’ll take me closer to 4 hrs to complete.

You have no obligation to commission me if the quote is out of your price range, however I expect a cordial decline to move forward, not to be berated.

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Defiant_Drills Commissions: Additional Information

Payment: �~All Payment are done via PayPal�~USD Only�~Payment expected upfront for commissions under 100 USD�~Payment plans available for commissions over 100 USD

Where to contact me: �~Twitter: @Defiant_Drills, @DramaticClimax (+18)~Tumblr: WhereShadowsThrive~Discord: add the account� “ defiant_drills_biz ” (best method)

Just direct message me on those platforms! That is the single best way to get ahold of me, I usually respond within 24 hours.

Will draw: humans furries scalies mecha couples monsters couples NSFW (if the commission is NSFW, a separate price & will do/won’t do sheet will be provided)

Will charge extra for: additional characters - mecha - props - wings - large tails - excessive fur/hair - armor/detailed outfits - patterns/scale work - feathers - simple backgrounds - characters without preexisting references - variants (ex. SFW + NSFW variants)

Will NOT draw: offensive/harmful material - children - IRL people - pet portraits (except fish, I will draw fish) - chibi - detailed backgrounds - vehicles - group scenes (maximum I will do is 3 characters)

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Terms and Conditions (Part 1 of 2)

Refund Policy: Refunds are allowed up until I start your commission. Once I start, I will not allow refunds requests. Circumstances in which I issue a refund after starting a piece are entirely my call and I reserve the right to not explain specifics should I have to issue a refund during a piece's creation. I will try to give you a 24 hr notice for when I plan to start your piece. ��Revision Policy: You are allowed one major revision in the sketch phase free of charge (example: a full pose change). After that, I reserve the right to request extra payment if I find that your revision requests are taking too long. To avoid this potentially happening, make sure all of your reference material is clear and easy to understand. When I ask for feedback on a WIP (work in progress), make sure you are clear and easy to understand. I will NOT charge extra for revisions that I believe are the result of me just completely missing the mark.

Expected Turnover Time/Queue: I guarantee a 90 days or less turnover time. I will not promise the piece will be completed any sooner than that. You MUST allow for those 90 days to elapse before requesting a refund due to wait time. I usually get commissions done within 30-60 days of receiving payment, however I ask for 90 to cover for potential emergencies and stress reduction. I will provide you a link to my trello page once payment is received. Please refer to that page whenever you have questions about where you fall in my queue.

Character Ownership Policy: If you are commissioning an OC (original character) piece from me, I am trusting that the character in question is in fact your character. If the character in question belongs to someone else, that must be stated during the inquiry phase. You MUST have some amount of permission from the owner of someone else's character for me to accept commissions featuring OCs that are not explicitly yours. If I find out that the OC that was commissioned was stolen from somebody else and your piece is in progress or completed, that will land you on my commissioner blacklist, I will not issue a refund, and I will refuse to work with you henceforth. If I find out prior to starting your piece that the OC is stolen, I will issue a partial refund, blacklist you, and refuse to work with you henceforth.

NFT/Crypto/AI Policy: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you allowed to mint/sell this commission as an NFT (non fungible token). You are NOT allowed to use this commission in or around anything related to AI generation. You do not currently have nor will you ever have my express permission to do so and I will not agree to this if you ask. If I find you are putting my work through AI software (i.e. using it to complete sketches, to alter the piece, and more), you will be blacklisted instantly, I will rescind your rights to the piece, and I will likely issue a public warning to other artists to not work with you.

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Terms and Conditions (Part 2 of 2)

Use Policy: You are allowed to make physical print(s)/merch of this piece so long as they are meant solely for personal use/enjoyment and NOT for resale. You are allowed to repost this piece onto social media so long as you do not claim to be the creator of the piece. You do not have to tag me, however I ideally prefer you use the watermarked version should you repost your commission.

Response Time Policy: As mentioned in above, I will contact you ahead of time when I plan to work on your piece. If you do not respond to that initial message, you will lose your initial stated timeslot and I will waitlist you until you respond. If you approve the time at which I stated I would start work on your commission, I expect you to be online and available to respond to WIPs in a timely manner. If ~1 hour elapsed without any feedback on a WIP without being told why you are unable to respond, I will proceed to move forward on your commission without feedback. To avoid this, make sure your notifications for the app on which you contacted me are on when we are working together. Because I charge by time, I have a very finite amount of time to work on your piece and I will not go into overtime without extra payment because you neglected your direct messages and/or failed to disclose a reason why you cannot respond in a timely manner. I find lack of timely response without a solid reason when you know I'm working on your commission to be extremely disrespectful and I will blacklist you if I find this is a consistent behavior while working with you.