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C1.42 Applied Biomechanics

Text 235-239

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The 7 Principles

  • The seven principles of biomechanics
    • Allows you to gain insight into movement dynamics
  • Seven principles grouped into four broad categories:
    • Stability
    • Maximum effort
    • Linear motion
    • Angular motion
  • Application of these principles can be done for reasons that are broken into three broad categories

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Applications in Biomechanics

  • A knowledge of Biomechanics can be applied to a variety of human movement “problems/situations” in order to aid how people move
  • Performance improvement
    • Coaches and athletes focused on “performance improvement” within the aspects of technique and sport training
    • we will focus one unit on this later
  • Injury prevention and rehabilitation
    • High level of interest in biomechanics from sports medicine specialists, trainers, and injured athletes in relation to “injury prevention and rehabilitation”
    • will be one component of Anatomy and Physiology
  • Fitness and personal training
    • Biomechanical analysis can be applied both to exercise and to equipment
    • part of performance unit - general lifestyle goals

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Performance Improvement

  • Coaches and Athletes tends to focus on this area
  • improve technique or training regimens
  • requires outside the box thinking, questioning what works


  • Pre-Stretch
  • Training Plyometrics
  • Equipment Design

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Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

  • Beyond the realm of PAS
  • Progressive resistance training to improve muscular endurance, size, and tensile strength of both muscle and connective tissue can be integrated into the off- and pre-season schedule
  • Specific design of aerobic and muscular warm-up tailored to the activities planned for the workout will bring more injury prevention value to the session
  • All key muscles to be used must be stretched
  • Muscle imbalance needs to be addressed


  • Injury Risk Assessment
  • Controlling Momentum
  • Lifting Objects

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Fitness and Personal Training

  • Biomechanical analysis begins by examining the method of execution of an exercise or movement; such analyses enable one to give advice concerning:
    • The position of joints to isolate specific muscles
    • How to align the movement to the muscle
    • How to combine muscles for optimal results
    • The optimal speed for the objective
    • The best starting position and range of motion for an exercise
    • How to modify the leverage to gain a greater strength output


  • Gaining Leverage
  • Generating Force
  • Evaluating Resistance Machines