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The CGM of a galaxy in a galaxy group at z=1.3

Nicolás Tejos


On behalf Suraj Poudel et al.

arctomo workshop�Cerro Calán - Dec 14th, 2023

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G1 in SGASJ1527

E1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

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G1 in SGASJ1527

G1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

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G1 in SGASJ1527

E2 (z=1.28)

G1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

E1 (z=1.28)

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G1 in SGASJ1527



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G1 in SGASJ1527

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G1 in SGASJ1527


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G1 in SGASJ1527

E1 & E2 dominate the system in terms of mass


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G1 in SGASJ1527

E1 & E2 dominate the system in terms of mass


We consider the system to be a galaxy group at z=1.28

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G1 in SGASJ1527

E2 (z=1.28)

G1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

E1 (z=1.28)

G1 is dv=-100 km/s from E1&E2

[OII] emission

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G1 in SGASJ1527


MUSE binned 4x4

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G1 in SGASJ1527


MUSE binned 4x4

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G1 in SGASJ1527


MUSE binned 4x4

MgII absorption in G1

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G1 in SGASJ1527 - MgII absorption EW


Comparison with QSOs (from Huang+21)

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G1 in SGASJ1527 - MgII absorption EW


Comparison with Lopez+2020

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G1 in SGASJ1527 - MgII absorption EW


Comparison with FeII absorption

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G1 in SGASJ1527 - MgII kinematics


E1 & E2

G1 systemic

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G1 in SGASJ1527 - MgII kinematics


E1 & E2

G1 systemic



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G1 in SGASJ1527 - MgII kinematics


E1 & E2

G1 systemic



May not be robust…

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G1 in SGASJ1527 - MgII kinematics DtB to E1 and E2


E1 - MgII redshifted

E2 - MgII blueshifted

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G1 in SGASJ1527

E2 (z=1.28)

G1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

E1 (z=1.28)

MgII inflow

MgII outflow

G1 is dv=-100 km/s from E1&E2

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G1 in SGASJ1527

E2 (z=1.28)

G1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

E1 (z=1.28)

MgII inflow

MgII outflow

G1 is dv=-100 km/s from E1&E2

E1 is 12 kpc away from E2

G1 is 60 kpc away from E1

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G1 in SGASJ1527

E2 (z=1.28)

G1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

E1 (z=1.28)

MgII inflow

MgII outflow

G1 is dv=-100 km/s from E1&E2

E1 is 12 kpc away from E2

G1 is 60 kpc away from E1

~ 140 kpc radius for reference

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G1 in SGASJ1527

G1 in SGASJ1527

E2 (z=1.28)

G1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

E1 (z=1.28)

MgII inflow

MgII outflow

G1 is dv=-100 km/s from E1&E2

E1 is 12 kpc away from E2

G1 is 60 kpc away from E1

~ 140 kpc radius for reference

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G1 in SGASJ1527

G1 in SGASJ1527

Pending points:

  • Confirm all properties of G1, E1 and E2
  • Assess whether the system is a small isolated group or close to the outskirts of a galaxy cluster
  • Other ideas?

E2 (z=1.28)

G1 (z=1.28)

arc (z=2.76)

E1 (z=1.28)

MgII inflow

MgII outflow

G1 is dv=-100 km/s from E1&E2

E1 is 12 kpc away from E2

G1 is 60 kpc away from E1

~ 140 kpc radius for reference