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Performance takeaways from game development

Madlaina Kalunder | @anialdam | madlaina.li / 3d.io

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3D performance optimization starts at the design stage

application type | target device(s) | pace | style | flow | ...

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What can we learn from 30+ years of game development?

hardware restrictions made engineers creative

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Content creation optimization

  • design for your level of detail (LOD)
  • geometry optimization
  • texture & material optimizations

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Creation of LOD

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Normal Map Baking

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Draw call reduction / merging materials

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Remeshing (optimizing the model for shader programmes)

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Imposters (Foliage,

Billboards …)

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Interior Culling / Camera Occlusion

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Loading performance optimization

  • texture atlasing
  • texture compression
  • texture set generation

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Realtime performance optimization

  • datasets for different devices
  • optimize for GPU
  • optimize render passes (deferred shading & screen space techniques)
  • optimize collision meshes

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Realtime performance optimization

  • progressive loading
  • chunk loading
  • mesh instancing

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Realtime performance optimization

  • particles, particles, particles

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Realtime performance optimization

  • precompute static light
  • lightmap baking

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Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Madlaina Kalunder | @anialdam | madlaina.li / 3d.io