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Report for LASF4RI meeting on Venezuela

A non-exhaustive review of the relevant past and present activities of Venezuela(ns) in Particle Physics and Cosmology with links to external partners

Reina Camacho (LPNHE/CNRS, France)

Arturo Sánchez (Università di Udine, ICTP, INFN, Italy & CERN, Switzerland)

On behalf of many people inside and outside our country interested in supporting this effort

ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil, May 1st 2019

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The Venezuelan case is exceptional. The degradation of scientific production is a known fact.

As many of you are aware, the situation in Venezuela makes it extremely difficult to perform any research and even educational activity currently. But LASF4RI is a long term effort!

Phases of Venezuelan HEP:

  • Initial strong involvement in theoretical HEP and astronomy
  • Creation of a small experimental HEP community thanks to training projects as HELEN and regional scientific collaborations as LAGO
  • Currently, two communities working together in training and capacity building projects: the local community and the diaspora (involved in international scientific collaborations)

Fundamental (theoretical) Research

Large experiments’ collaborations

Small or individual collaborations



Capacity Building


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  • Relevant Venezuelan research facilities
  • Emblematic research and training initiatives
  • Venezuelan institutions and individuals performing HEP & Cosmology research in collaboration with external partners around the world
  • Current training and capacity building projects

Making emphasis on those areas where we can contribute to any future project as well as the educational experiences that make us a strong partner on the development and execution of training programs for current and future researchers in the region. Something crucial in any long-term project.

Fundamental (theoretical) Research

Large experiments’ collaborations

Small or individual collaborations



Capacity Building


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The Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía (CIDA)

was founded in honour of Francisco J. Duarte in 1975 for promoting observation, investigation, experimentation, theoretical work, and dissemination of research in the field of astronomy. Venezuela's main astronomical observatory is the Llano del Hato National Astronomical Observatory, located 3600m above sea level in the Venezuelan Andes providing high-level training.

The Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC)

is a research institute and graduate training in Venezuela founded on February 9, 1959 by government decree, has its origins in the Venezuelan Institute of Neurology and Brain Research (IVNIC) which Dr. Humberto Fernandez Moran founded in 1955.

Centro Nacional de Cálculo Científico (CeCalCULA)

is the first supercomputing center in Venezuela. This center develops services and training of personnel in the area of high performance computing and provides the academic and industrial community with highly competitive computer tools and techniques.




Relevant Venezuelan Research Facilities


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Emblematic Research & Training Initiatives with Venezuelan participation

High Energy Latin American European Network (HELEN)

HELEN -and E-planet- were academic cooperation programmes based on a network between universities and institutes from Latin America and Europe, involving laboratories in particle physics (CERN, DESY and the Laboratori del Gran Sasso) and the Pierre Auger Observatory. With 22 universities and research institutions from eight Latin American countries, 16 from six European countries, and CERN. Several dozen of venezuelan students participated in the program, including us! http://www.roma1.infn.it/exp/helen/

Quasar Equatorial Survey Team (QUEST)

QUEST is a joint venture between Yale University, Indiana University, and Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía (CIDA) in Venezuela to photographically survey the sky using a digital camera, an array of 112 charge-coupled devices. It had used the 1.0-metre Schmidt telescope at the Llano del Hato National Astronomical Observatory in Venezuela.

Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO)

LAGO is an international project of astrophysics and astroparticles involving several countries of Latin America located at different altitudes from Mexico to Antarctica. It is integrated by interdisciplinary groups of physicists, engineers and students with almost 100 members from 25 academic institutions. It was founded in 2005. http://lagoproject.net





Big boost to the Venezuelan scientific community

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Venezuelans scientific capacity


Experimental collider physics


~10 permanent researchers, postdocs and PhDs

Neutrino Physics





Theoretical Physics

>10 researchers and professors inside and outside the country

Cosmology and gravitation

OzDES, LSST, SkyMapper

Cosmic rays


IceCube, LAGO, Auger, AMANDA, HAWC

Nuclear physics


Medical physics


Management ATLAS Open Data,


High-qualified Venezuelans scientists work in international collaborations. Some of them are leaders and project managers in fundamental research, detectors’ development and Open Access policies and projects.

Most of them working outside the country and keep links with Venezuelan institutions through training and educational initiatives (with the support of their work institutions!) Check a list of contacts in the backup

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Some emblematic Research & Training Initiatives

Centro Virtual de Altos Estudios de Altas Energías (CEVALE2VE)

A virtual research and learning community. Created with the goal of promoting the scientific dissemination, education and research in the field of particle and high energy physics in the Venezuelan and Latin American scientific community. Its vision is in the education and training in fundamental and experimental research to positively influence and stimulate physics student's interest in HEP research. Awareness of opportunities in physics and possible career paths in research. It has been looking to boost policy making working towards formalising the involvement of Venezuela institutions in HEP experiments

ICTP Physics Without Frontiers (ICTP-PWF)

The Latin American section of the ICTP Physics Without Frontiers program is an effort leading by the ICTP, Venezuelan and Colombian researchers. It is an outreach program in a tight relationship with the ATLAS Outreach group at CERN, that look for the dissemination of the HEP field and the career opportunities. It is executed once a year and since the last three years is has been adding countries and cities in South America. With the aim of including more institutions, including some in Central America countries.

Latin American Alliance for Capacity building in Advance (LA-CONGA) Physics Initiative

The primary objective of this proposal is to modernise the educational platform in eight Latin American targets higher education institutions (HEI) from the Andean region using HEP as a model. It relies on the development of innovative e-learning platform, based on low-cost open-access tools, and flexible nano modules. Strengthening the relations among the target HEI's.





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5th “IPP” + 4th PWF-LA program

The call was opened in social media, reaching a broader group of institutions and students. We are currently running the course. And the PWF program is already proposed for evaluation.


4th “IPP” + 3rd PWF-LA program

The course had a lower participation but those students that reached the end, continue their path into HEP studies. At the same time, the PWF program visited Uruguay and Argentina too.


2nd “IPP” course + alliance with ICTP

Different instructors and more students joined to the classes. While another modus operandi was implemented. The CEVALE2VE group joined the ICTP-PWF program.


1st “Introduction to Particle Physics”

The course, called “Introducción a la Física de Partículas” or “Introduction to Particle Physics” goes official. Venezuelans and Colombians students are present.


CEVALE2VE created as outreach project

Venezuelans researchers working in international collaborations (CMS, ATLAS, ISOLDE, TOTEM, PICSEL,...) together with researchers and professors in Venezuela created a set of seminars and design a particle physics “course”.


Centro Virtual de Altos Estudios de Altas Energías (Venezuelan chapter, CEVALE2VE)

  • Initially started by a group of venezuelans postdocs based in European and North-American institutions to help promoting particle physics in Venezuelan and Colombian universities
  • CEVALE2VE is now a regional effort with key members from Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela and organise several training and educational activities
  • I.e. CEVALE2VE developed a 60-hours virtual course “Introduction to HEP” for master and PhD students
  • More than 100 students so far… In 2019, ~40 students from Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela are following the course
    • In many of those cases is a formal course in their physics curriculum, getting credits for it, thanks to the support of the local professors
  • Many of these students have continued a career in HEP
  • A dozen have participated in HEP international schools, six are doing a master in HEP and five are following PhD studies http://atlas.cern/updates/atlas-blog/HEP-education-worldwide-with-atlas-open-data

3rd “IPP” course + 2nd PWF-LA program

Students from Peru joined the course, and a second round-trip to Latin America strength the network and opened the opportunity to get visibility in the region.


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ICTP Physics Without Frontiers program (ICTP-PWF) in Latin America

  • The Latin American section of the ICTP Physics Without Frontiers program is an effort leading by the ICTP, in coordination with Venezuelan and Colombian researchers.
  • The team has organised roadshows annually since 2016.
    • The roadshows were also supported by the ATLAS experiment and the CEVALE2VE group.
  • Several educational activities take place during the roadshows including seminars by LHC physicist, hands-on sessions where the students analyse LHC data collected by ATLAS, virtual visits directly to scientists working at CERN and career and opportunities sessions in HEP.


The 2nd edition of the PWF-LA

Three countries visited: Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. Peruvian students started to follow the CEVALE2VE course


The 3rd edition of the PWF-LA

Four countries visited: Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia and Venezuela. In 2019 we plan to add Ecuador!


First conversations with the ICTP

Venezuelans and Colombians researchers starts to coordinate a pilot project for their countries


The 1st edition of the PWF-LA

The first edition took place in six institutions in five cities in Colombia and Venezuela

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Latin American Alliance for Capacity building in Advanced (LA-CONGA) Physics Initiative

  • The primary objective of this proposal is to modernise the educational platform in eight Latin American targets higher education institutions (HEI) from the Andean region (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela), using HEP as a model.

  • The aimed modernisation relies strongly on the development of innovative e-learning platform, based on low-cost open-access tools, a flexible problem solving oriented nano modules, and strengthening of inter-institutional relations among the target HEI's.

  • It aims to share a one-year master/specialisation program through a unique collaborative virtual research and learning communities network of universities, HEP research centres and data science/IT companies.


The participating institutions

In Latin-America

- Colombia: Universidad Antonio Nariño (Bogota) and Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga)

- Ecuador: Universidad Yachay Tech (Ibarra) and San Francisco de Quito (Quito)

- Peru: Universidad San Marcos and Universidad Nacional Industrial (Lima)

- Venezuela: Universidad Central de Venezuela and Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas)

In Europe

- University Paris Diderot

- Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS, France)

- University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)

- Technische Universität (Dresden)

- International Centre for Theoretical Physics ICTP (Trieste)

- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY (Hamburg)

- Conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire CERN (Geneve)

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The Venezuelan case is exceptional. The degradation of scientific production is a known fact.

However, Venezuelans researchers in relevant positions worldwide together with local and multilateral institutions -and many Latin American colleagues!- continue to design and produce scientific projects and professional networks. Also successfully execute and co-coordinate programs in the region and in their respective associated institutions that make us a relevant addition to any scientific Latin American effort in HEP and Cosmology.

Besides the current issues, we are aware that we will pass by a period of (re)build our scientific expertise in sync with the region, this is why we bet for more training-related programs, including those that support university educators in physics, like the so-called “BrainGain Venezuela” program already funded by the ICTP and soon-to-open call for applications.

Fundamental (theoretical) Research

Large experiments’ collaborations

Small or individual collaborations



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With the input of people associated to institutions like

And many others ...


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Some Venezuelans in international collaborations


Theoretical Physics

  • Anamaria Font - Universidad Central de Venezuela (HEP, string theory)
  • Freddy Cachazo - Perimeter Institute (Quantum Field Theory and QCD)
  • Fernando Febres Cordero - University of Freiburg (QCD)
  • Ernesto Contreras - Yachay Tech (relativity and gravitation)
  • Ernesto Fuenmayor - Universidad Central de Venezuela (relativity and gravitation)
  • Claudio Mendoza - Associate Research Fellow at Western Michigan University (astrophysical and astrochemical interest)
  • Álvaro Restuccia - Universidad de Antofagasta (relativity and gravitation)
  • José Eliel Camargo - Postdoc at Imperial College of London (BSM)
  • Martin Vollman - Postdoc at Technische Universität München (BSM)
  • Manuel Vidal Vielma - PhD student at Université de Genève

Experimental collider physics


  • José Ocariz - Professor at Université Paris Diderot/LPNHE
  • Reina Camacho - Researcher CNRS/LPNHE
  • Joany Manjarrés - Postdoc University of Dresden
  • Heberth Torres - Postdoc University of Dresden
  • Arturo Sánchez - Postdoc ICTP/Universidad de Udine
  • Daniela Paredes - Postdoc Hong-Kong University
  • Henso Abreu - Postdoc Tel Aviv University
  • Fabricio Jimenez - PhD student Université Auvergne Clermont/LPC


  • Maria Di Domenico - PhD student Pisa

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Some Venezuelans in international collaborations


Neutrino physics

  • Mayly Sánchez - Professor at Iowa State University (DUNE, NOvA)
  • Minerba Betancourt - Associated scientist (Short Baseline Neutrino/MINERvA @ Fermilab)

Cosmic rays/astroparticles

  • Luís Nuñez - Professor at Universidad Industrial de Santander (LAGO and Auger)
  • José Antonio López -Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) (LAGO)
  • Javier González - Professor at University of Delaware ( IceCube and Auger)
  • Ignacio Taboada - Professor Georgia Tech (HAWC and IceCube)
  • Lars Thollander - Universidad Simón Bolívar (AMANDA and IceCube)

Cosmology and gravitation

  • Anaïs Moller - Postdoc Université Auvergne Clermont/LPC (Dark Energy Survey, OzDES, LSST, SkyMapper)


  • Yara Lorena Jaffe - Professor Universidad de Valparaiso (ESO)
  • Gladis Magris- CIDA
  • Kathy Vivas - Associate Astronomer at CTIO.
  • Cesar Briceño - Scientist at CTIO and Telescope Scientist at SOAR/ CIDA

Nuclear physics

  • Haydn Barros - Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Lasljo Sajo - Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar

Medical physics

  • Miguel Martín - Professor at Universidad Central de Venezuela (RMN/Imágenes médicas)

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Nature indexes (2017-2018)


Physical Sciences


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CEVALE2VE publications

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ATLAS Outreach

ATLAS Experiment at CERN / Open Data Project Manager

May 2016 - PRESENT,CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Responsible, manager of team and resources, architect and developer of the complete ATLAS Open Data project for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN

The technical Supervisor of two PhD students for their Qualifications’ tasks.

Main platform: http://opendata.atlas.cern

Other References

ATL-CB-PUB-2015-001 - https://cds.cern.ch/record/2002139

ATL-OREACH-PUB-2016-001 - https://cds.cern.ch/record/2203649

ATL-OREACH-PUB-2018-001 - https://cds.cern.ch/record/2624572

ATL-COM-OREACH-2019-002 - https://cds.cern.ch/record/2664887



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European associated partners

Programme countries and affiliated institutions

Latin-american and US associated partners

Partner countries institutions