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Topic 1 Urban and Rural Where Canadians Live

Pages 196 to 207

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  • Look at the photographs on p. 196
    • What do you see in each?

    • In which of the above cities would you prefer to visit? Why?

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Where Do Canadians live?

  • The majority of Canadians live in cities
  • WHY?
  • Cities…
    • Provide services for people
    • Large enough to support universities, sports teams, and other major cultural activities
    • Source of most technological innovation
    • Engines of economic growth for their province/territory or even the country

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  • There are a wide variety of communities in Canada…
    • Hamlet -> Fewer than 200 people (Swift Current)
    • Village -> 200-800 people (Rushoon)
    • Town ->1,000-10,000 people (Carbonear)
    • City -> Greater than 10,000 people (St. John’s)
    • Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)-> Greater than 100,000 people
  • All of these communities exist throughout Canada

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  • Urban -> an area where lots of people live at a high density
  • Rural -> People are spread out at a low density
  • Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) contain both urban and rural areas
    • 2011 census, Statistics Canada created the term population centre to more specifically define urban areas
      • An area with at least 1,000 people and a density of at least 400 people per square kilometre
  • Where do you live????

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  • Population Centres are divided into THREE categories
    • Small Population Centre
      • Between 1,000 and 29,999 people
    • Medium Population Centre
      • Between 30,000 and 99,999 people
    • Large Population Centre
      • 100,000 people or more

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  • OK, now back to CMAs
  • A CMA is made up of one or more neighbouring municipalities located around the urban core
  • Example…St. John’s
    • Closely surrounded by which municipalities?

  • A CMA must have at least 100,000 people total and at least 50,000 in its core
  • Does St. John’s and surrounding areas qualify as a CMA???

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  • Canadians continue to move to CMAs
  • 10 fastest growing CMAs in Canada
    • Calgary, Alberta
    • Edmonton, Alberta
    • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
    • Kelowna, BC
    • Moncton, NB
    • Vancouver, BC
    • Toronto, ON
    • Ottawa-Gatineau, ON
    • St. John’s NL
    • Brantford, ON

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City Wise

  • Canada is one of the largest countries in terms of land area
  • However, it has a small population for its size
  • Why???
  • Difficult to build cities in many areas
    • Northern Canada
    • Swamplands surrounding Hudson Bay
  • Some places are better suited for resource development than city building

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City Wise

  • Some people choose to live in rural areas
    • Most decide to live in urban areas
    • 81% of Canadians live in large population centres
    • The three largest are:
      • Toronto
      • Montreal
      • Vancouver

    • 35% of all Canadians live in these three population centres!!!!

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City Wise

  • As mentioned earlier…
    • 81% live in population centres
    • See Figure 5.2 on page 200
    • Over 80% of Canadians live in _______% of the country

  • Therefore Urbanization is occurring in Canada
    • Growing trend of increasing numbers of people choosing to live in cities
    • Therefore, Canada is urbanized

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  • The Golden Horseshoe region in Southern Ontario and the Montreal region are very popular for settlement

  • Europeans were drawn

here for its climate and

rich soil

  • Today it is known as

Canada’s Heartland

    • Hub of Canada’s economic

and industrial activity

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Western Canada

  • Natural Systems contributed to western Canada’s development
  • Southern BC saw many ports developed
    • WHY?
    • Close to Pacific Ocean (Made trade easy)
      • Trade with Who????

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Western Canada

  • Area also has a moderate climate and plenty of fish stocks
  • Many forests further inland
  • These reasons have lead to the growth of Vancouver and Victoria and they remain very popular

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Resource-based Communities

  • 20% of Canadians live in scattered rural communities
  • Most of these communities have grown around a primary industry
    • Fishing, forestry,


  • These communities

face both major

opportunities or

major challenges…

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Business Cycle

  • Often provides excellent employment
    • Leads to opportunities for businesses in that community
  • However, much profit from selling this resource doesn’t come back to the community
    • Back to shareholders of company
  • There is little Accumulation of Capital in resource-based communities
  • Also, resource could run out or demand for it could drop
    • Lead to serious economic challenges
  • This is the Business Cycle of resource-based communities

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Example…Cod Moritorium

  • Many of these small communities struggle during these times
    • Struggle to retain infrastructure like schools and hospitals
  • Example…
    • Cod Moritorium (1992)
    • Federal Government placed a moritorium (ban) on cod fishing
    • Many fish plants and

employees without work

(moved to larger urban


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Example…Labrador City

  • Experiencing significant economic growth
  • Demand for iron ore (used to make steel) has soared
    • Especially from China and India
  • Although this growth is great for the community, there are still challenges
    • Competitive housing (very expensive now)

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  • Define Rural
  • Define urban
  • What percentage of Canadians live in Urban centers? Why, what do cities offer?
  • Define population centre and how population centre’s classified based on size?
  • Define CMA and identify three CMA’s in Canada that are growing rapidly.

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  • Explain what Canada’s Heartland is and why it is called this?
  • What makes the CMA’s of Vancouver and Victoria in BC so attractive?
  • What percentage of Canadian’s live in rural communities?
  • What type of industry or economic activity is found in rural Canada? What are the pros and cons of this type of economic development in rural Canada?...Offer a specific example to support this...

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Topic 2 Urban Land Use

Pages 208 to 215

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  • Land Use is a term that geographers and planners use to identify the different areas where we live, shop, work, play, and go to school
  • There are six main types of land use in Canada:
    • Residential Land Use
    • Transportation Land Use
    • Commercial Land Use
    • Industrial Land Use
    • Institutional Land Use
    • Open Space and Recreational Land Use

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Residential Land Use

  • Refers to land be used for living space
  • Examples
    • Single-family houses
    • Apartment buildings,
    • Townhouses

    • (attached houses, usually take up little room, but have several floors)

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Transportation Land Use

  • Land used to move people from one place to another

  • Examples:
    • Roads, Subways, Trains, Airports, etc.

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Commercial Land Use

  • Land being used for business activities, or buying and selling of goods and services
  • Examples…
    • Shopping Mall
    • Stavanger Drive
    • Kelsey Drive
    • Water Street

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Industrial Land Use

  • Land used for secondary industries (Manufacturing)
  • Examples…
    • Factories
    • Warehouses
  • Usually located near major routes or highways so goods can be transported easily

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Institutional Land Use

  • Land used for schools, hospitals, places of worship and government offices

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Open Space and Recreational Land Use

  • Open Space
    • Land that has been left in its natural state
    • Examples…
      • Forests
  • Recreational
    • Land used for recreation activities
      • Examples…
        • Playgrounds
        • Parks
        • Golf courses
        • Fields

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Land Use Planning

  • Challenges to balance Land Use
    • Providing housing for a growing population and maintain prosperous urban economy
    • Also satisfy the need for green open space and protect wildlife habitats around urban places

  • These decisions are made by urban and transportation planners, politicians, developers and citizens
  • There may be many issues in making these decisions

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Land Use Planning

  • Page 212-213
  • Land Use In Mount Pearl GeoLab Challenge

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Canada’s Booming Urban Centres

  • Growth of New Canadian towns followed the railway
  • After World War II, the Baby Boom occurred and young families needed homes and a place to live

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Canada’s Booming Urban Centres

  • Automobiles became more common allowing families to live further away from the city center

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Canada’s Booming Urban Centres

  • This marked the birth of the suburbs
    • A residential area on the outskirts of a city

    • Many banks, restaurants, hospitals, etc. moved to the suburbs with the people
    • Canadians no longer had to commute for all their needs
    • But they did commute to work

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Canada’s Booming Urban Centres

  • This marked the birth of the suburbs
    • A residential area on the outskirts of a city

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Page 215 Media Watch

Discuss questions page 215 about song and urban growth

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Geolab Challenge

Bar Graph the 1851 to 2011 total populations, Number of Urban residents, and Number of Rural residents

Circle graph % of Urban versus Rual population for each year

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Topic Three: Urban Sprawl

Page 218 to 225

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Urban planning and Autromobiles

  • Automobiles allowed people to Move to the Suburbs from City Centers
  • Suburb living, automobiles and commuting to work resulted in…
    • Need for parking lots
    • Shopping malls emerged
  • Automobiles have …
    • Economic cost
    • Environmental cost
  • Urban planning impacts
    • Distances commuted
    • Amount of pollution
    • Traffic congestion

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Urban planning and Autromobiles

  • Page 219 Chart Ost and benefits of Automobiles

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Urban Sprawl

  • Urban Sprawl -Outward expansion of urban centres to nearby bordering areas
  • As cities grow, many issues arise…
    • Traffic congestion
    • Overburdened services
    • Air Pollution
    • Planning for efficient mass transit
    • Managing wastes
    • Containing urban sprawl
  • As communities grow,

many natural and human

systems are put at risk

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Urban Sprawl

Return to page 220...Case Study

Have students read case study and study map of

Urban Sprawl

Answer questions…

  • Explain two ways that Urban Sprawl affects agricultural land?
  • Explain what has been done in Ontario to protect against urban sprawl?

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  • Smog -> Combination of pollutants (gases, particles) that form a haze over a city
  • According to Environment Canada, 95% of smog is caused by burning fuels in vehicles
  • Urban areas need to be able to grow while remaining sustainable

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  • One way cities have attempted to decrease smog is the availability of High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)lanes
    • Lanes solely used by buses and vehicles with at least two people
    • Designed to help move more people through busy areas


    • Help ease congestion

in regular lanes

  • HOV lanes currently

exist in the Greater

Toronto area

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Waste Management

  • As populations in urban areas increase, so does the amount of waste produced
  • Many communities have a recycling and composting program in place to combat this
    • “Curb It St. John’s”
  • Although these programs exist, recycling is still an issue
    • How can we fix this???
  • Other areas are also transporting their waste to other areas
    • Great Pacific Garbage Patch Article
  • The real solution is to reduce

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  • Great Pacific Garbage Patch

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  • Questions page 223...need to be modified
  • According to Joni Mitchell are Suburbs a positive thing yes or no?
  • Suburbs have resulted in what two types of infrastructure being built?
  • What are the two major forms of cost associated with automobiles, and give at least three examples of each?
  • What are some of the positive or beneficial aspects of automobiles that makes humanity willing to justify some of their cost?

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  • What impact can good urban planning have on the cost associated with automobiles?
  • Identify the issues associated with urban sprawl.
  • How has ontario attempted to protect its province from urban sprawl and why?
  • What is smog and what considered to be it main cause?
  • What can individuals living in cities do to try and lessen the production and impact or smog and traffic congestion?

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  • Describe the smog situation in some of China’s major cities.
  • What does the former mayor Penalosa of Bogota think about cities? What has be done to try and improve quality of life in Bogota, explain.

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Future Cities

Page 224 to 233

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The Future of Cities

  • Canada’s cities are constantly changing
    • New Suburbs are designed to be more like small villages
      • More pedestrian friendly
      • Homes and retail stores are close together and easier to access
      • The idea is to reduce our reliance on cars
      • Pedestrian walkways encourage people to walk rather than dealing with traffic
      • Front porches allow people to be more in contact with their neighbours and neighbourhood

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The Future of Cities

  • So new suburbs have a bigger focus on pedestrian walkways in cities today
  • Remember Bogota’s Bike Lanes and Buses
    • WHY??? Fitness, Environmentally friendly

  • Remember Mayor Penalosa and his idea that cities should be built for people not cars
    • democratically equal ability to commute so a bus with 100 should have 100 times more access to roads than a single driver in a single car

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Smart Growth Solutions

  • New designs for urban planning is called Smart Growth
    • Focuses on plans for urban expansion while also preserving the natural environment
  • Smart Growth focuses on placing more people in smaller areas
    • Houses that take up less land area
    • Apartment buildings
    • Retail, schools, entertainment located very close by

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Smart Growth Solutions

  • New designs for urban planning is called Smart Growth

    • Remember Penalosa and his proposed idea for future cities with every second road being designed for bikes, pedestrians and green space

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7 Smart Growth Principles

  • Develop in existing communities, making them more compact and dense, rather than suburbs that spread into rural areas
  • Mix land uses: put homes, offices, stores and services in the same neighborhoods within walking distance
  • Create a range of housing opportunities that will bring together people of different ages, household types, incomes, ethnicities

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7 Smart Growth Principles

  • Provide a variety of transportation choices, including public transit
  • Create places and routes for safe walking and biking
  • Protect green space, farmland, and ecologically sensitive land, such as wetlands
  • Protect wildlife habitat by creating natural corridors through urban areas, so wildlife can roam freely

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Rural Renewal

  • Town of Fogo Island

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Rural Renewal

  • Town of Fogo Island
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e99fdDBX39M
      • Fogo Architecture part 1
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcVwuyMlU7Y
      • Fogo Architecture part

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Green Technologies

  • Environmentally friendly ways of constructing buildings ia becoming very popular
    • Can you think of examples from videos
  • Alternate forms of energy are being looked at for widespread urban use
    • Examples?...think about Fogo Art Studieos off grid

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Green Technologies

  • Sustainability also exists in building homes
    • Old tires to create rubber roofing tiles
    • Green roofs (Gardens on rooftops) are becoming more popular (Schools)
      • Help soak up runoff that would carry pollutants to water supply

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  • The process of commuting electronically to work
  • Many people now use technology to connect with the workplace from home or on the road
    • Avoids traffic
  • “1 million telecommuters working from home for one day a week saves
    • 250 million kg of Carbon Dioxide
    • $40 million in fuel
    • Over 800 fewer km of mileage

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  • Many environmental benefits
  • Most important…
    • Commuting is eliminated
      • Congestion and pollution levels drop
  • Smart phones, tablets and laptops make it much easier to connect with others
  • Online conferences can replace face to face meetings

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How Big Is Your Ecological Footprint?

  • Ecological footprint – the amount of Earth’s resources it takes to support your lifestyle
    • Measured in hectares
  • World average footprint – 2.2 hectares
    • Canadian average – 7.0 hectares

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Ecological Footprint

  • Your footprint is made up of many factors
    • Water use
    • Transportation use
    • Space used for work or play
    • How much money you spend
    • How far food you eat is shipped
    • How much living space you have
    • How much garbage you create

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Ecological Footprint

  • http://www.earthday.org/take-action/footprint-calculator/
    • Calculate your Ecological footprint from earth day . org
  • http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/
    • Calculate your ecological footprint World Wifelife Fund
  • http://www.footprintnetwork.org/resources/footprint-calculator/
    • Calculate your ecological footoprint World Ecological footprint Network

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  • Explain how new suburbs are trying to be designed to be more like a village? Why?
  • Define what you think Former Bogota Mayor Penalosa meant when he was talking about democracy and equality for city residents and commuters?
  • Explain how the former mayor of Bogota, Penalosa, has tried to make his city more pedestrian friendly? Identify the benefits of this.

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  • Define “smart growth” as it relates to urban development in the future?
  • Describe or give an example of what smart growth would look like in a new city? Be creative here if you like and describe how you would design a new city.
  • In your own words identify the seven principles of smart growth. Which principle do you think is most important and why?

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  • Describe or explain how Fogo Island has attempted to rurally revive based on the concept of place and social capital.
  • Explain how green technology has influenced the construction of buildings, suburbs, and future cities? Describe an example from the videos if you can.
  • Define Ecological foot print and explain how telemarketing can enable peopel to reduce their ecological footprint?

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  • Define Ecological Foot Print and attempt to highlight your day to day or week to week activities and use of resources to get an understanding if you are leaving a large or samll ecological footprint?