1 of 89

2 of 89


  • Homework 0 is due tonight!
  • Homework 1 will come out later today

3 of 89

4 of 89

Resize 4x4 -> 7x7

  • Create our new image
  • Match up coordinates

5 of 89

Resize 4x4 -> 7x7

  • Create our new image
  • Match up coordinates
    • 4/7 X - 3/14 = Y
  • Iterate over new pts
    • Map to old coords

6 of 89

Resize 4x4 -> 7x7

  • Create our new image
  • Match up coordinates
    • 4/7 X - 3/14 = Y
  • Iterate over new pts
    • Map to old coords
    • (1, 3) -> (5/14, 7/14)
    • Interpolate old values
      • q = (166, 172.5, 100)

7 of 89

Resize 4x4 -> 7x7

  • Create our new image
  • Match up coordinates
    • 4/7 X - 3/14 = Y
  • Iterate over new pts
    • Map to old coords
    • (1, 3) -> (5/14, 7/14)
    • Interpolate old values
      • q = (166, 172.5, 100)
  • Fill in the rest

8 of 89

Different methods

9 of 89

For shrinking interpolation bad, averaging good




10 of 89

Convolution: Weighted sum over pixels

11 of 89


12 of 89

13 of 89

Cross-Correlation vs Convolution

14 of 89

Cross-Correlation vs Convolution

Do this in HW!

15 of 89

Cross-Correlation vs Convolution

These are nicer mathematically

16 of 89

So what can we do with these convolutions anyway?

Mathematically: all the nice things

  • Commutative
    • A*B = B*A
  • Associative
    • A*(B*C) = (A*B)*C
  • Distributes over addition
    • A*(B+C) = A*B + A*C
  • Plays well with scalars
    • x(A*B) = (xA)*B = A*(xB)

17 of 89

So what can we do with these convolutions anyway?

This means some convolutions decompose:

  • 2d gaussian is just composition of 1d gaussians
    • Faster to run 2 1d convolutions

18 of 89

So what can we do with these convolutions anyway?

  • Blurring
  • Sharpening
  • Edges
  • Features
  • Derivatives
  • Super-resolution
  • Classification
  • Detection
  • Image captioning
  • ...

19 of 89

So what can we do with these convolutions anyway?

  • Blurring
  • Sharpening
  • Edges
  • Features
  • Derivatives
  • Super-resolution
  • Classification
  • Detection
  • Image captioning
  • ...

All of computer vision

is convolutions


20 of 89

So what can we do with these convolutions anyway?

  • Blurring
  • Sharpening
  • Edges
  • Features
  • Derivatives
  • Super-resolution
  • Classification
  • Detection
  • Image captioning
  • ...

All of computer vision

is convolutions


21 of 89

What’s an edge?

  • Image is a function
  • Edges are rapid changes in this function

22 of 89

What’s an edge?

  • Image is a function
  • Edges are rapid changes in this function

23 of 89

Finding edges

  • Could take derivative
  • Edges = high response

24 of 89

Image derivatives

  • Recall:
  • We don’t have an “actual”�Function, must estimate
  • Possibility: set h = 1
  • What will that look like?

25 of 89

Image derivatives

  • Recall:
  • We don’t have an “actual”�Function, must estimate
  • Possibility: set h = 1
  • What will that look like?

26 of 89

Image derivatives

  • Recall:
  • We don’t have an “actual”�Function, must estimate
  • Possibility: set h = 2
  • What will that look like?

27 of 89

Image derivatives

  • Recall:
  • We don’t have an “actual”�Function, must estimate
  • Possibility: set h = 2
  • What will that look like?

28 of 89

Images are noisy!

29 of 89

But we already know how to smooth

* =

30 of 89

But we already know how to smooth

* =

31 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

32 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

33 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

34 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

35 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

36 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

37 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

38 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

39 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

40 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

41 of 89

Smooth first, then derivative

42 of 89

Sobel filter! Smooth & derivative

43 of 89

Image derivatives

  • Recall:
  • Want smoothing too!

44 of 89

Finding edges

  • Could take derivative
  • Find high responses
  • Sobel filters!
  • But…

45 of 89

Finding edges

  • Could take derivative
  • Find high responses
  • Sobel filters!
  • But…
  • Edges go both ways
  • Want to find extrema

46 of 89

2nd derivative!

  • Crosses zero at extrema

47 of 89

Laplacian (2nd derivative)!

  • Crosses zero at extrema
  • Recall:
  • Laplacian:
  • Again, have to�estimate f’’(x):

48 of 89


  • Laplacian:

49 of 89


  • Laplacian:

  • Measures the divergence of the gradient
    • Flux of gradient vector field through small area

50 of 89

51 of 89

52 of 89

53 of 89

54 of 89

55 of 89

56 of 89


  • Laplacian:

57 of 89


  • Laplacian:

58 of 89


  • Laplacian:

59 of 89


  • Laplacian:

60 of 89


  • Laplacian:
  • Negative Laplacian, -4 in middle
  • Positive Laplacian --->

61 of 89

Laplacians also sensitive to noise

  • Again, use gaussian smoothing
  • Can just use one kernel since convs commute
  • Laplacian of Gaussian, LoG
  • Can get good approx. with�5x5 - 9x9 kernels

62 of 89

Another edge detector:

  • Image is a function:
    • Has high frequency and low frequency components
    • Think in terms of fourier transform
  • Edges are high frequency changes
  • Maybe we want to find edges of a specific size (i.e. specific frequency)

63 of 89

Difference of Gaussian (DoG)

  • Gaussian is a low pass filter
  • Strongly reduce components with frequency f < σ
  • (g*I) low frequency components
  • I - (g*I) high frequency components
  • g(σ1)*I - g(σ2)*I
    • Components in between these frequencies
  • g(σ1)*I - g(σ2)*I = [g(σ1) - g(σ2)]*I

64 of 89

Difference of Gaussian (DoG)

  • g(σ1)*I - g(σ2)*I = [g(σ1) - g(σ2)]*I
  • =

σ = 2

σ = 1

65 of 89

Difference of Gaussian (DoG)

  • g(σ1)*I - g(σ2)*I = [g(σ1) - g(σ2)]*I
  • This looks a lot like our LoG!
  • (not actually the same but similar)

66 of 89

DoG (1 - 0)

67 of 89

DoG (2 - 1)

68 of 89

DoG (3 - 2)

69 of 89

DoG (4 - 3)

70 of 89

Another approach: gradient magnitude

  • Don’t need 2nd derivatives
  • Just use magnitude of gradient

71 of 89

Another approach: gradient magnitude

  • Don’t need 2nd derivatives
  • Just use magnitude of gradient
  • Are we done? No!

72 of 89

Another approach: gradient magnitude

  • Don’t need 2nd derivatives
  • Just use magnitude of gradient
  • Are we done? No!

73 of 89

What we really want: line drawing

74 of 89

Canny Edge Detection


  • Your first image processing pipeline!
    • Old-school CV is all about pipelines


  • Smooth image (only want “real” edges, not noise)
  • Calculate gradient direction and magnitude
  • Non-maximum suppression perpendicular to edge
  • Threshold into strong, weak, no edge
  • Connect together components

75 of 89

Smooth image


  • You know how to do this, gaussians!

76 of 89

Gradient magnitude and direction


  • Sobel filter

77 of 89

Non-maximum suppression


  • Want single pixel edges, not thick blurry lines
  • Need to check nearby pixels
  • See if response is highest

78 of 89

Non-maximum suppression

79 of 89

Non-maximum suppression

80 of 89

Non-maximum suppression

81 of 89

Non-maximum suppression

82 of 89

Non-maximum suppression

83 of 89

Non-maximum suppression

84 of 89

Non-maximum suppression

85 of 89

Non-maximum suppression


86 of 89

Threshold edges


  • Still some noise
  • Only want strong edges
  • 2 thresholds, 3 cases
    • R > T: strong edge
    • R < T but R > t: weak edge
    • R < t: no edge
  • Why two thresholds?

87 of 89

Connect ‘em up!


  • Strong edges are edges!
  • Weak edges are edges �iff they connect to strong
  • Look in some neighborhood�(usually 8 closest)

88 of 89

Canny Edge Detection


  • Your first image processing pipeline!
    • Old-school CV is all about pipelines


  • Smooth image (only want “real” edges, not noise)
  • Calculate gradient direction and magnitude
  • Non-maximum suppression perpendicular to edge
  • Threshold into strong, weak, no edge
  • Connect together components
  • Tunable: Sigma, thresholds

89 of 89

Canny Edge Detection
