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Plumberow Post


Plumberow Values

Be unusually brave.

Discover what’s possible.

Push the limits.

Be big hearted.

Well done to the following children who have earned a sticker for showing one of our school values:

Foundation - Alice S, Elliot C, Vaughan S, Sadie-Rae, Alexander D & Ethan P

Year 1 - Alfie M, Annabelle R, Edward W, Gracie J, Henry B, Sophia C,

Year 2 - Zach W, Isla W, Ollie B, Amelia K, Lexi L, Jack J, Katie S & Grace D

Year 3 - Harry W, Ollie M, Ellie C, Jake H, Alex C & Lucas G

Year 4 - Freddie P, Harvey A, Chloe C, Evie L, Nathan P & Aidan C

Year 5 - Ivy B, Rosie J, Addison S, Harry A, Poppy F & Poppy S

Ofsted Report

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Upcoming Dates

The year’s diary dates can be found on our website.

Maths Focus

Jelly Beans Update

This week at Jelly Beans, we have been enjoying the nice weather and getting active outside. The children have been making mud cake, muddy slime and loads of fun things in the mud kitchen. Some of the children have explored the pink tower and broad stair Montessori resources to create a magic wall whilst others have enjoyed our new magnetic numbers and counters board, and others have been developing their skills with practical life activities.

Next week, we are looking forward to welcoming in our families for family week; an opportunity for families to explore Jelly Beans with their children. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.




Year 6 trip to Isle of Wight


Music Festival Rehearsal (yr5)


Year 6 Return

Year Group



Division, sharing groups of objects


Shape & Time


Digital Time




Line Graphs



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Important Messages

School Dinner Menu

Week 1 next week

Year 6, please remember to keep your phones in your bags on the playground in the morning, thank you.

If you would like to join the Forest School sessions at Hockley Primary, on 3rd to 7th June, please return the form to the office next week.

Morning mile

Great support this week-

63 plus a cat!

Well done to Willow for always finishing with a huge smile.

Next week’s special guest on Thursday will be Mrs Myall. Please join her and her two ‘Mini-Myalls’.

Thank you to all who make an early start and join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8.15. Let’s see if we can make 100!

A Message from Mr Barton and Mrs Turner

A huge well done to all of our children in Year 6. We are so proud of the effort and attitude they have shown during their SATs week. They have all tried their very best and have celebrated this afternoon with a film, popcorn and milkshake. Next week, they will undoubtedly have a fantastic time in the Isle of Wight - fingers crossed for the sunshine. Keep up to date with their adventures on Twitter.

Thank you for your support during the period of roadworks along Hamilton Gardens.

Have a great weekend!

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