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Similarities of Parents and Offspring

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Similarities of Parents to Offspring's

  • You may have friends who look a lot like one of their parents. They may share the same smile, eyes, type of hair, or skin color.
  • Many characteristics of organisms are passed down from their offsprings.
  • An offspring is when all plants and animals reproduce or make more of their kind.

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  • In many humans and animals, hair color or fur color or eye color is an inherited trait.
  • Inherited Traits (traits) is a characteristic that is passed down from parents to their offspring's.
  • Organisms gets some traits from its mom and some of their traits from its dad. So each organism receives a different combination of traits from both parents.
  • That’s why brothers and sisters all look a like or similar, because they get different combinations of their parents traits and genes.

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  • Each trait is controlled by a pair of genes.
  • Genes contain the DNA codes for all the traits an organism inherits.
  • Genes are on chromosomes. The genes for a particular trait always occupy the same place on a chromosome.
  • Gene combinations determined if traits are seen (dominate traits) or hidden (recessive traits).

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Recessive and Dominant Traits

  • Sometimes an offspring has a trait that it doesn’t seem to have inherited from its parents. For example, two brown-haired parents have a baby with blonde hair. How can that be?
  • Organisms have two kinds of traits, recessive and dominant traits.
  • Recessive trait is a weak trait and the parent has to have two of these traits to show in its offspring, otherwise the trait will not show.
  • Dominant trait is a strong trait and over takes the weak trait. Your parent only needs one dominant trait for it to show in its offspring.

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Example of Dominant Traits

  • Brown eyed color in humans results from a gene that produces the brown color, it’s a dominant trait.
  • Blue eyed color results from a gene that does not produce a visible product, it’s the recessive trait.
  • If a child receives a brown-eyed gene from her mother and a blue-eyed gene from its father, the child will have brown eyes because the child the child has at least one gene that will successfully make the brown eye. The brown eyed gene is said to be dominant because it is seen in the child or offspring.

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Crazy but true

  • Rolling your tongue is an inherited trait. If your parents can’t roll their tongue, neither can you.
  • If one of your parents can roll their tongue, you have a chance!

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Behavioral Traits:

  • Behavioral traits can also be passed from parent to offspring.
  • An example is the behavior of a frog using its tongue to catch a fly for food.
  • The frog did not learn this behavior, but uses it instinctually, the frog did inherit this behavior from its parents.
  • Another example of an inherited behavior in animals, is in dogs.
  • Dogs instinctually know how to swim, this is a behavior they get from its parents.
  • However humans do not get this behavior from its parents, it must be learned or is environmental.

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Genes vs. Environment

  • Some things are a result of the environment.
  • For example, say I took a bunch of seeds from the same plant. I decided to water one plant a lot but I only water the other plant a little bit, and the last plant I don’t water at all.
  • These plants will all grow differently because of the amount of nutrients they are getting, they are affected by their environment
  • This would not be their genes influencing their size or how much the plants grow but by how much water the plants are getting.

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Genes that you inherit

  • Hair color
  • Eyes
  • Facial features
  • Height
  • Feet
  • Structure
  • weight

Things you don’t inherit or things that are Environmental

  • Hobbies
  • Talents
  • Favorite things
  • Attitude or behavior
  • weight

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Match the Parent to its Offspring

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Essential Questions to Know

  • What are traits?

  • How do organisms get their traits?

  • Which of the following is not an inherited trait in humans?

  • Two boys are twins, one has green eyes and the other one has dark brown eyes. Both parents have dark brown eyes. What caused the difference in eye color?

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More Practice Questions to Know

  • For years everyone has told you that you look and act just like your dad. Which of the following characteristics is probably a result of interaction with your environment rather than heredity?

  • The genetic traits that a parent passes to its offspring are called ____________ traits.

  • Rick’s rabbit gives birth to 5 babies. Two of the babies have a short, black fur coat like the mother. The other three babies have long, brown fur coats. Which is the most likely description of the father’s fur coat?

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  • April is a fifth grade girl. She has short brown hair and brown eyes. She also loves to read and play volleyball. Based on these characteristics, which can most likely be concluded about April’s parents?

  • John observes two frogs sitting on a log in the forest. Both frogs are green with black dots on their backs. Which most likely explains why the two frogs have similar appearances?

  • How are similarities passed from parent to offspring?