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S2 Remedial Classes

Exam review - Question tags

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Question Tags

Question tags are short questions used to ask for agreement, similar to rhetorical questions.

For example:

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Question Tags

If the sentence in front is positive, the question tag should be negative.

Example: You are listening carefully, aren’t you?

However, if the sentence in front is negative, the question tag should be positive

Example: You aren’t listening carefully, are you?

There is a difference between the two sentences, the former means that ‘You’ are listening carefully while the latter means that ‘You’ are not listening carefully.

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Verbs to use question tags

Common auxiliary verbs for question tags:

- Have

- Do

- Be

- Modal verbs

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Reminder: If ‘have’ is used as an auxiliary verb, it is in the perfect tenses.


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If ‘have’ is not the auxiliary verb, ‘do’ should be used in the question tag


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2 types of question tag that uses ‘Do’

1) The word ‘do’ is actually

included in the main


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2) Other verbs are used but none of the above 4 mentioned auxiliary verbs.

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Reminder: Be can be is, am,

are, was, were

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If ‘am’ is used, the question tag used should be ‘aren’t I?’

Example: I am the greatest, aren’t I?

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Modal verbs (can, will, may)

Modal verbs can also be used as the verb in question tags.

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Special question tags

Making a request/order, we use the modal verb ‘will’ and its different forms

For example,

‘Calm down, would you?’ -> actually asking a question

‘Calm down, will you?’ -> making a request

‘Calm down, won’t you?” -> demand

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Special question tags

When we make suggestions using the word ‘let’s’, we use ‘shall we?’ for the question tag.

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Special question tags

If the main sentence expresses a negative idea, the tag should be positive.


(except for

a few, a little)

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Notes for pronouns used

They -> anyone, anybody, everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, nobody, no one

-> These words can infer that there are multiple people involved, so they is used.

It -> Anything, everything, nothing, something

-> These words indicate that the things mentioned are not people, but items, so it should be used.

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Do the given exercise to you and answer through the form.