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Functional Python for Learning Data Science

Joel Grus



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Functional Python for Learning Data Science

Joel Grus




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Functional Python for Learning Data Science

Joel Grus




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Functional Python for Learning Data Science

Joel Grus




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About Me

  • SWE at Google
  • Previously data science at VoloMetrix, Decide, Farecast
  • Wrote a book ------>
  • Functional programming zealot (ask me about Haskell!)

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Use Functions

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First-Class Functions

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Functional Programming in Python

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Functional Programming in Python


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from operator import add

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from functools import partial

partial function application ("currying")

def add1(x): return add(1, x)�

could be written as

add1 = partial(add, 1)

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from functools import reduce

So now reduce(). This is actually the one I've always hated most, because, apart from a few examples involving + or *, almost every time I see a reduce() call with a non-trivial function argument, I need to grab pen and paper to diagram what's actually being fed into that function before I understand what the reduce() is supposed to do. So in my mind, the applicability of reduce() is pretty much limited to associative operators, and in all other cases it's better to write out the accumulation loop explicitly.

Guido van Rossum, 2005

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from functools import reduce

So now reduce(). This is actually the one I've always hated most, because, apart from a few examples involving + or *, almost every time I see a reduce() call with a non-trivial function argument, I need to grab pen and paper to diagram what's actually being fed into that function before I understand what the reduce() is supposed to do. So in my mind, the applicability of reduce() is pretty much limited to associative operators, and in all other cases it's better to write out the accumulation loop explicitly.

Guido van Rossum, 2005

n.b. this criticism also applies to just about everything we'LL do today!

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In [1]: xs = [1, 2, 3]��In [2]: it = iter(xs)��In [3]: next(it)�Out[3]: 1��In [4]: next(it)�Out[4]: 2��In [5]: next(it)�Out[5]: 3��In [6]: next(it)�---------------------------------------------------------------------------StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last)�<ipython-input-121-5c05586d40e8> in <module>()�----> 1 next(iter)��StopIteration:

get an iterator

take its values with next

get a StopIteration exception when no values left

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serving up values one-at-a-time with next means you can generate them on-demand


allows us to create lazy infinite sequences

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def lazy_integers(n=0):� while True:� yield n� n += 1��xs = lazy_integers()��[next(xs) for _ in range(10)]�# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]��# maintains state�[next(xs) for _ in range(10)]�# [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

infinite sequence!

function with yield creates a generator

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generator comprehensions

# computes nothing until next or for�squares = (x**2 for x in lazy_integers())�doubles = (2*x for x in lazy_integers())��next(squares) # 0next(squares) # 1next(squares) # 4next(squares) # 9��# don't do this!!!:�bad_squares = [x**2 for x in lazy_integers()]

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generators and pipelines

$ cat euler.hs | grep -i prime | wc -l�63

with open("euler.hs", "r") as f:� lines = (line for line in f)� prime_lines = filter(lambda line: "prime" in line.lower(),� lines)

# Make sure to force evaluation before f goes out of scope!

# or else ValueError: I/O operation on closed file� line_count = len(list(prime_lines))

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from itertools import count

count([start=0], [step=1])

Gives the infinite sequence:

start, start + step, start + 2 * step, ...

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from itertools import islice

islice(seq, [start=0], stop, [step=1])

Returns a "lazy slice" out of seq

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from itertools import tee

tee(it, [n=2])

splits an iterator into two or more memoized copies

huge efficiency gains if you have to iterate through expensive computations multiple times

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from itertools import repeat

repeat(elem, [n=forever])

repeats elem n times (or forever if no n)

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from itertools import cycle


repeats the elements of p over and over and over again forever

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from itertools import chain

chain(p, q, …)

iterates first through the elements of p, then the elements of q, and so on

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from itertools import accumulate

accumulate(p, [func=add])

returns the sequence a, where

a[0] = p[0]

a[1] = func(a[0], p[1])

a[2] = func(a[1], p[2])


with default


this is "running total", however we will use it for way more than that

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Down the rabbit hole!

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We Need Some itertools of Our Own

# force the first n values of a sequencedef take(n, it):� return [x for x in islice(it, n)]�

# new sequence with all but the first n values of a sequence

def drop(n, it):� return islice(it, n, None)

# force the first value of a sequence�head = next

# new sequence with all but the first value of a sequence�tail = partial(drop, 1)

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We're also missing iterate

iterate(f, x)

should be the sequence x, f(x), f(f(x)), ...

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missing iterate

def iterate(f, x):� """will blow the stack eventually"""yield x� yield from iterate(f, f(x))

yield from is what sold me on Python 3

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missing iterate

def iterate(f, x):� """will not blow the stack eventually"""while True:� yield x� x = f(x)

but look at that awful mutation!

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missing iterate

def iterate(f, x):� """crazy functional version"""return accumulate(repeat(x), lambda fx, _: f(fx))

too clever trick, ignores all elements of the input sequence but the first, just applies f to previously "accumulated" value

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using iterate

def lazy_integers():� return iterate(add1, 0)��take(10, lazy_integers())�# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

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fibonacci numbers

def fib(n):� if n == 0: return 1if n == 1: return 1return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)��[fib(i) for i in range(10)]�# [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

super inefficient

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fibonacci numbers

def fibs():� a, b = 0, 1while True:� yield b� a, b = b, a + b��take(10, fibs())�# [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

efficient, but look at all that terrible mutation!

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fibonacci numbers

def fibs():� yield 1yield 1yield from map(add, fibs(), tail(fibs()))��take(10, fibs())�# [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]��%time take(30, fibs())

CPU times: user 7.62 s, sys: 392 ms, total: 8.01 s

Wall time: 8.02 s

"Haskellic" version

but is regenerating the sequence over and over again

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fibonacci numbers

def fibs():� yield 1yield 1� fibs1, fibs2 = tee(fibs())� yield from map(add, fibs1, tail(fibs2))�

%time take(30, fibs())

CPU times: user 186 µs, sys: 11 µs, total: 197 µs

Wall time: 200 µs

create efficient memoized version

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fibonacci numbers

def next_fib(pair):� x, y = pair� return (y, x + y)��def fibs():� return (y for x, y in iterate(next_fib, (0, 1)))

%time take(30, fibs())

CPU times: user 31 µs, sys: 4 µs, total: 35 µs

Wall time: 37.2 µs

now we're getting functional!

use a pure function

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prime numbers (just for fun)

def filter_primes(it):� """will blow the stack"""� p = next(it)� yield p� yield from filter_primes(filter(lambda x: x % p > 0, it))��def all_primes():� return filter_primes(count(2))��take(10, all_primes())�# [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]

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What does any of this have to do with data science?

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k-means clustering

  • have some points
  • want to group them into k clusters
  • want clusters to be "small"

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k-means clustering

  • have some points
  • want to group them into k clusters
  • want clusters to be "small"

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k-means clustering

  • have some points
  • want to group them into k clusters
  • want clusters to be "small"
  • iterative approach:
    • choose k means
    • assign each point to cluster of "closest" mean
    • compute new means
    • repeat
  • implementation intended to be expository not efficient

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Not-functional approach

class KMeans:� def __init__(self, k):� self.k = k� self.means = [None for _ in range(k)]

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def predict(self, point):

"""return index of closest mean"""� d_min = float('inf')� for j, m in enumerate(self.means):� d = sum((m_i - p_i)**2

for m_i, p_i in zip(m, point))� if d < d_min: � prediction = j� d_min = d� return prediction

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def fit(self, points, num_iters=10):� """find the k means"""� assignments = [None for _ in points]� self.means = random.sample(list(points), self.k) for _ in range(num_iters):

# assign each point to its closest mean for i, point in enumerate(points):

assignments[i] = self.predict(point)� # compute new means for j in range(self.k):� cluster = [p for p, c in zip(points, assignments)

if c == j]� self.means[j] = list(

map(lambda x: x / len(cluster),

reduce(partial(map, add), cluster)))

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# 100 random points in the unit square, 5 clusters

points = np.random.random((100,2))�model = KMeans(5)�model.fit(points)�assignments = [model.predict(point) for point in points]�

# now plot the means and the clustersfor x, y in model.means:� plt.plot(x, y, marker='*', markersize=10, color='black')�for j, color in zip(range(5), ['r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c']):� cluster = [p � for p, c in zip(points, assignments) � if j == c]� xs, ys = zip(*cluster)� plt.scatter(xs, ys, color=color)�plt.show()

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# 100 random points in the unit square, 5 clusters

points = np.random.random((100,2))�model = KMeans(5)�model.fit(points)�assignments = [model.predict(point) for point in points]�

# now plot the means and the clustersfor x, y in model.means:� plt.plot(x, y, marker='*', markersize=10, color='black')�for j, color in zip(range(5), ['r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c']):� cluster = [p � for p, c in zip(points, assignments) � if j == c]� xs, ys = zip(*cluster)� plt.scatter(xs, ys, color=color)�plt.show()

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Let's do it functional!

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Let's do it functional!

def k_means(points, k, num_iters=10):� means = random.sample(points, k)� for _ in range(num_iters):� means = new_means(points, means)� return means

better, but look at all that terrible mutation!

pull work into new_means function

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Let's do it crazy functional!

def k_meanses(points, k):� """returns the infinite sequence of meanses"""� initial_means = random.sample(points, k)� return iterate(partial(new_means, points),� initial_means)

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Let's do it crazy functional!

def k_meanses(points, k):� """returns the infinite sequence of meanses"""� initial_means = random.sample(points, k)� return iterate(partial(new_means, points),� initial_means)


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Let's do it crazy functional!

def k_meanses(points, k):� """returns the infinite sequence of meanses"""� initial_means = random.sample(points, k)� return iterate(partial(new_means, points),� initial_means)

partial(new_means, points) is the (curried) function that maps

prev_means -> next_means

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Let's do it crazy functional!

def k_meanses(points, k):� """returns the infinite sequence of meanses"""� initial_means = random.sample(points, k)� return iterate(partial(new_means, points),� initial_means)

iterate produces the series x, f(x), f(f(x)), ....

so this results in the (lazy, infinite) sequence:

  • initial_means
  • new_means(points, initial_means)
  • new_means(points, new_means(points, initial_means))
  • ...

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Let's do it crazy functional!

def k_meanses(points, k):� """returns the infinite sequence of meanses"""� initial_means = random.sample(points, k)� return iterate(partial(new_means, points),� initial_means)��# 10 iterations�meanses = take(10, k_meanses(points, 5))��# until convergence�meanses = until_convergence(k_meanses(points, 5))

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Let's do it crazy functional!

# until convergence�meanses = until_convergence(k_meanses(points, 5))

Why is this interesting? By generating a series of "meanses", we can observe how they converge.

Previously we just saw the end result

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Let's do it functional!

def until_convergence(it):� prev = Nonewhile True:� value = next(it)� if value == prev: raise StopIterationyield value� prev = value

but look at all that terrible mutation!

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Let's do it crazy functional!

def until_convergence(it):� return accumulate(it, no_repeat)

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Let's do it crazy functional!

def until_convergence(it):� return accumulate(it, no_repeat)

def no_repeat(prev, curr):� if prev == curr:

raise StopIterationelse:

return curr

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Let's do it crazy functional!

def until_nearly_convergence(it, tolerance=0.001):� return accumulate(it, partial(within_tolerance, tolerance))

def within_tolerance(tol, prev, curr):� if abs(prev - curr) < tol: � raise StopIterationelse: � return curr

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Meanwhile, we still need new_means

def new_means(points, old_means):� k = len(old_means)� assignments = [closest_index(point, old_means)� for point in points]� clusters = [[point � for point, c in zip(points, assignments)� if c == j] for j in range(k)]� return [cluster_mean(cluster) for cluster in clusters]

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Which means we need closest_index

def closest_index(point, means):� min_dist = float('inf')� for j, mean in enumerate(means):� dist = squared_distance(point, mean)� if dist < min_dist:� min_dist = dist� closest = j� return closest

but look at all that terrible mutation!

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Let's be really functional

def closest_index(point, means):� distances = [squared_distance(point, mean) � for mean in means]� return min(enumerate(distances),� key=lambda pair: pair[1])[0]

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We still need squared_distance

def squared_distance(p, q):� return sum((p_i - q_i)**2for p_i, q_i in zip(p, q))

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And finally cluster_mean

def cluster_mean(points):� num_points = len(points)� dim = len(points[0]) if points else 0

� sum_points = [sum(point[j] for point in points) � for j in range(dim)]

return [s / num_points for s in sum_points]

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Aside: matplotlib animation

from matplotlib import animation��def animation_frame(nframe):� plt.cla()� x, y = get_data_for(nframe)� plt.plot(x, y)��fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,4))�anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animation_frame,� frames=num_frames)�anim.save('animation.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=4)

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data = [(random.random(), random.random()) for _ in range(500)]�meanses = [means for means in until_convergence(k_meanses(data, k))]�colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm']�

def animation_frame(nframe):� means = meanses[nframe]� plt.cla()� assignments = [closest_index(point, means)� for point in data]� clusters = [[point� for point, c in zip(data, assignments)� if c == j] for j in range(k)]�� for cluster, color, mean in zip(clusters, colors, means):� x, y = zip(*cluster)� plt.scatter(x, y, color=color)� plt.plot(*mean, color=color, marker='*', markersize=20)

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data = [(random.random(), random.random()) for _ in range(500)]�meanses = [means for means in until_convergence(k_meanses(data, k))]�colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm']�

def animation_frame(nframe):� means = meanses[nframe]� plt.cla()� assignments = [closest_index(point, means)� for point in data]� clusters = [[point� for point, c in zip(data, assignments)� if c == j] for j in range(k)]�� for cluster, color, mean in zip(clusters, colors, means):� x, y = zip(*cluster)� plt.scatter(x, y, color=color)� plt.plot(*mean, color=color, marker='*', markersize=20)

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data = [(random.choice([0,1,2,4,5]) + random.random(), � random.normalvariate(0, 1)) for _ in range(500)]�

meanses = [mean for mean in until_convergence(k_meanses(data, 5))]

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data = [(random.choice([0,1,2,4,5]) + random.random(), � random.normalvariate(0, 1)) for _ in range(500)]�

meanses = [mean for mean in until_convergence(k_meanses(data, 5))]

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Gradient Descent

Minimize a function by computing the gradient and taking small steps in the opposite direction

For example, say we want to find a minimum of

def f(x_i):

return sum(x_ij**2 for x_ij in x_i)

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Gradient Descent

def f(x_i):

return sum(x_ij**2 for x_ij in x_i)

gradient is

def df(x_i):� return [2 * x_ij for x_ij in x_i]

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def gradient_step(df, alpha, x_i):� return [x_ij + alpha * df_j � for x_ij, df_j in zip(x_i, df(x_i))]��gradient step is a pure function

if we curry df and alpha then it maps

point -> next_point

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def gradient_step(df, alpha, x_i):� return [x_ij + alpha * df_j � for x_ij, df_j in zip(x_i, df(x_i))]�

which means we can just use iterate

def gradient_descent(df, x_0, alpha=0.1):� return iterate(partial(gradient_step, df, -alpha),


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def gradient_step(df, alpha, x_i):� return [x_ij + alpha * df_j � for x_ij, df_j in zip(x_i, df(x_i))]�

which means we can just use iterate

def gradient_descent(df, x_0, alpha=0.1):� return iterate(partial(gradient_step, df, -alpha),



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def gradient_step(df, alpha, x_i):� return [x_ij + alpha * df_j � for x_ij, df_j in zip(x_i, df(x_i))]��def gradient_descent(df, x_0, alpha=0.1):� return iterate(partial(gradient_step, df, -alpha), x_0)��take(100, gradient_descent(df, [random.random(),

random.random()]))[::20]�# [[0.3580493746949883, 0.8916606598206824],# [0.004128028237968867, 0.010280147495191952],# [4.7592925271786166e-05, 0.00011852203117737018],# [5.487090701298894e-07, 1.3664659851407321e-06],# [6.326184867255761e-09, 1.57542801958253e-08]]

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# run gradient descent on x^2 + y^2 from 50 random points

def random_point():� return (2 * random.random() - 1, 2 * random.random() - 1)

colors = [color for color in matplotlib.colors.cnames]�

# get a length 25 "path" for each of 50 points�paths = [take(25, gradient_descent(df, random_point()))� for _ in range(50)]�

# the nth frame draws the nth point in every pathdef animation_frame(nframe):� points = [path[nframe] for path in paths]� for color, point in zip(colors, points):� markersize = 10 - 10 * nframe / 25� plt.plot(*point, color=color, marker='*', markersize=markersize)

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# run gradient descent on x^2 + y^2 from 50 random points

def random_point():� return (2 * random.random() - 1, 2 * random.random() - 1)

colors = [color for color in matplotlib.colors.cnames]�

# get a "path" for each point�paths = [take(25, gradient_descent(df, random_point()))� for _ in range(50)]�

# the nth frame draws the nth point in every pathdef animation_frame(nframe):� points = [path[nframe] for path in paths]� for color, point in zip(colors, points):� markersize = 10 - 10 * nframe / 25� plt.plot(*point, color=color, marker='*', markersize=markersize)

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# let's try a more complex function

def random_point(): � return (3 * random.random() - 1, 3 * random.random() - 1)��def f(x):� """f(x, y) = -exp(-x^3 / 3 + x - y^2) has min at (1,0), saddle point at (-1,0)"""return -math.exp(x[0]**3/-3 + x[0] - x[1]**2)��def df(x):� """just the gradient"""return ((1 - x[0]**2) * f(x), -2 * x[1] * f(x))

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# let's try a more complex function

def random_point(): � return (3 * random.random() - 1, 3 * random.random() - 1)��def f(x):� """f(x, y) = -exp(-x^3 / 3 + x - y^2) has min at (1,0), saddle point at (-1,0)"""return -math.exp(x[0]**3/-3 + x[0] - x[1]**2)��def df(x):� """just the gradient"""return ((1 - x[0]**2) * f(x), -2 * x[1] * f(x))

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Stochastic Gradient Descent

In previous example, just minimized a function of a single point.

When working with data, often want to choose parameter (beta) to minimize an (additive) error function across all the points

Could use gradient descent on "sum of errors" but can be very slow if lots of points

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Stochastic Gradient Descent

Instead, compute the error (and error gradient) for one point at a time.

Take "single-point-gradient" steps.

Treat x and y as fixed (i.e. curry!), look for optimal value of beta.

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def sgd_step(df, alpha, prev_beta, xy_i):� """df is a function of x_i, y_i, beta"""� x_i, y_i = xy_i� return [beta_j + alpha * df_j� for beta_j, df_j in zip(prev_beta, df(x_i, y_i, prev_beta))]

start with prev_beta

compute the gradient (for the given xi, yi)

take a small step in that direction

deal with one point at a time by zip-ing x and y together

90 of 98

def sgd_step(df, alpha, prev_beta, xy_i):� """df is a function of x_i, y_i, beta"""� x_i, y_i = xy_i� return [beta_j + alpha * df_j� for beta_j, df_j in zip(prev_beta, df(x_i, y_i, prev_beta))]��def sgd(df, x, y, beta_0, alpha=0.1):� xys = chain([beta_0], cycle(zip(x, y)))� return accumulate(xys, partial(sgd_step, df, -alpha))

91 of 98

what in the name of all that is holy

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def sgd_step(df, alpha, prev_beta, xy_i):� """df is a function of x_i, y_i, beta"""� x_i, y_i = xy_i� return [beta_j + alpha * df_j� for beta_j, df_j in zip(prev_beta, df(x_i, y_i, prev_beta))]��def sgd(df, x, y, beta_0, alpha=0.1):� xys = chain([beta_0], cycle(zip(x, y)))� return accumulate(xys, partial(sgd_step, df, -alpha))

xys is the sequence: beta_0, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ….

after currying, accumulate gets the function:

(beta, (x_i, y_i)) -> next_beta

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Linear Regression: y = x β + ε

x = [(1, random.randrange(100)) for _ in range(100)]�y = [-5 * x_i[0] + 10 * x_i[1] + random.random() for x_i in x]��def predict(x_i, beta): return x_i[0] * beta[0] + x_i[1] * beta[1]�

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Linear Regression: y = x β + ε

x = [(1, random.randrange(100)) for _ in range(100)]�y = [-5 * x_i[0] + 10 * x_i[1] + random.random() for x_i in x]��def predict(x_i, beta): return x_i[0] * beta[0] + x_i[1] * beta[1]�

least squares estimate for betadef error(x_i, y_i, beta): return predict(x_i, beta) - y_i��def sqerror(x_i, y_i, beta): return error(x_i, y_i, beta) ** 2��def sqerror_gradient(x_i, y_i, beta):� return (2 * x_i[0] * error(x_i, y_i, beta), � 2 * x_i[1] * error(x_i, y_i, beta))

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SGD for Linear Regression

x = [(1, random.random()) for _ in range(100)]�y = [-5 * x_i[0] + 10 * x_i[1] + random.random() for x_i in x]�

# start with random beta_0

beta_0 = (random.random(), random.random())�# run the process for a fixed number of steps

results = [x for x in take(steps, sgd(sqerror_gradient, x, y, beta_0, 0.01))]��# take every show_every-th results and animate them

subresults = results[::show_every]�nframes = len(subresults)��def animation_frame(nframe):� a, b = subresults[nframe]

# regression line goes through (0, a) and (1, a + b)� plt.plot([0, 1], [a, a+b])

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SGD for linear regression

x = [(1, random.random()) for _ in range(100)]�y = [-5 * x_i[0] + 10 * x_i[1] + random.random() for x_i in x]�

# start with random beta_0

beta_0 = (random.random(), random.random())�# run the process for a fixed number of steps

results = [x for x in take(steps, sgd(sqerror_gradient, x, y, beta_0, 0.01))]��# take every show_every-th results and animate them

subresults = results[::show_every]�nframes = len(subresults)��def animation_frame(nframe):� a, b = subresults[nframe]

# regression line goes through (0, a) and (1, a + b)� plt.plot([0, 1], [a, a+b])

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Moral of the story

  • itertools is awesome
  • laziness is awesome
  • infinite sequences are awesome
  • matplotlib animation is awesome

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