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Are chemicals healthier

For plants than water?


5th grade

Nativity Catholic School

2024 San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair

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This makes sense because plants original health comes from so it can grow. Plants cannot get the energy they need from chemicals, for example a plant cannot get enough energy from chemicals to make its own food. A plant will need something with enough energy like the sun it has vitamin D so a plant can use vitamin D to make enough food for itself.

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Purpose Statement

The purpose of my project is to prove that water is healthier than chemicals because chemicals are naturally hurting plants because chemicals can cause spots, blotches, speckling, browning, yellowing, tip burn, leaf cupping and twisting, stunting or even plant death. If you wonder why my opinion is because plants are not naturally used to chemicals because their natural choice is water ( preferably rainwater. )

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My Hypothesis is that water is healthier than chemicals because water has been the only thing keeping plants alive since they were created and because water helps plants grow and make photosynthesis, which is how plants make their own food. How do plants make their own food? Plants absorb the light that provides the energy to create a chemical reaction within specialized cells called chloroplasts in the leaves. Chlorophyll present in the chloroplasts captures light energy and uses it to provide simple sugars from carbon dioxide and water.

My plant after a week of water:

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Experimental Procedures and


The materials i used to do this experiment is a PLANT, WATER( tap water if it doesn't rain) and water the plant with TAP WATER or RAIN WATER( preferably but if it doesn’t rain use tap water. ) Also use a spray bottle to water the plant or succulent. In a week you should see a shining green plant or succulent that will look better than before! (DO NOT FORGET TO PUT PLANT IN SUN!)


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Experimental Results

My experimental results are very healthy so this proves water (especially rainwater but also tap water) is healthier than chemicals.

Here is a picture of proof that water is healthier(this is my own plant.)

You can see the bright green in the center

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Analysis of Experimental


I learned that Normal water, spring water, and bottled water are healthy for plants. Unlike chemicals, Plans cannot get their total protein to make their food and to grow. Water is better, chemicals are not. Plants also need water to make photosynthesis.

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My conclusion is that my hypothesis proves that water is healthier than chemicals because water helps plants make photosynthesis and that’s how plants make their own food. Water gives plants more nutrients and abilities to do what makes them survive and thrive.

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I want to thank my older sister Veronica for buying me the supplies and the cutest plant i have ever seen and thank you for helping me think of this question because i really couldn't have done it without her.

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Bibliography and


John muir was an environmentalist, naturalist, and conservationist and he was born in Dunbar, united kingdom on April 21 , 1838 and died December 24, 1914.