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Find the Largest Product

Grade 5: Unit 8: Lesson 1

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Let’s look for patterns when we multiply multi-digit numbers.

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Notice and Wonder: Digits


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What do you notice? What do you wonder?

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Talk About It

Activity 1

  • MLR8: Discussion Supports

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  • Consider the statement below. Decide whether you agree, disagree, or are unsure. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

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Write about something new that you learned from your group or something you still wonder about.

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  • Use the digits 6, 3, and 1 to make the largest possible product. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.

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More Digits

Activity 2

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  • Use the digits 7, 3, 2, and 5 to make the greatest product.

  • Explain or show how you know you have made the greatest product.

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Lesson Synthesis

Here are the problems from the warm-up. Does anyone want to revise their thinking about which

one is the greater product?

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Lesson Synthesis

Today we explored ways to arrange digits to make the greatest product. We had to solve a lot of

multiplication problems. What is something new that you learned about multiplication today?

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Multiply 2 Digits by 2 Digits


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Cool-Down: Multiply 2 Digits by 2 Digits

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Image Citations

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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