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Presentation of SIP Progress Reports

CISL - May 2, 2018

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BHS - Summary of Accomplishments

Goal #1:

To maintain the CPI scores for ELA and Math with a goal of remaining at 95 or above for ELA and at 90 or above for Math. A specific focus will be to increase by 15 % the percentage of students in the Free and Reduced Lunch and Special Education subgroups who score Proficient to decrease by 15% the percentage of students who score Failing in both ELA and Math.

  • Achieved the CPI goals for ELA and math for the 2017-2018 school year.
  • Percentage goals for economically disadvantaged and special education in proficient and failing scores were exceeded in ELA and math
  • Review of new state standards for math.
  • Review of curriculum maps and program for math department.
  • Creation of interdisciplinary strategy to improve student responses for math open response questions.
  • Review and revision of school wide rubrics

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BHS - Summary of Accomplishments

Goal #2

To build and enhance programs that support successful student transitions into the academic and social life of the school.

  • Developed and implemented 10th grade program for students at risk for academic failure and or truancy.
  • Revised STAY program.
  • Created a Panther After School (PASS) program.
  • Created a College Application writing and interview workshop
  • Created school wide professional learning community opportunities

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Adjustments to Goals

  • Need for training time for Summit platform.
  • Need to develop community connections for work opportunities
  • Need to seek funding for PASS and College workshop program
  • Need to align Aspen use with grading policy and attendance reporting.

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Next Steps

  • Review of protocols and curriculum delivery for Sail.
  • Seek funding to sustain PASS and College Application workshop.
  • Departmental reviews of curriculum.
  • Goal #1- End for this year.
  • Goal #2- Determine other transition needs

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Briscoe - Summary of Accomplishments

School Improvement Goal # 1: By September 2019, students in Grades 6-8 will score above the state average on the Math constructed response questions and ELA Writing Anchor Standards.

  • All ELA teachers incorporate Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning strategy in their writing instruction
  • Approximately 55% of Math teachers are utilizing the same writing strategy in math constructed response instruction
  • In ELA and Math, rubrics have been created and implemented, and Staff continue to work on calibrating rubrics using student work protocols
  • Creation and implementation of common summative assessments in ELA directly connected to this goal
  • In Math, implemented constructed responses in every unit assessment at all grade levels
  • Through walkthroughs, content area meetings, and our pineapple calendar, staff have increased collaboration and reflection on teaching more consistent writing pedagogy

School Improvement Goal #2: During the the 2017-2018 school year the Briscoe Leadership Team will form committees to review the current language in the student handbook and update the following areas; attendance, discipline, and cell phone/electronic devices.

  • Committee has been formed and has reviewed current elementary and middle school handbooks
  • Currently merging two handbooks into one
  • Process on-going - project deadline May 31, 2018

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Briscoe - Adjustments to Goals

SIP #1 Amended 11/17

  • DESE recommend not to focus on SGP as a measurement tool
  • Based upon 2017 MCAS data, Briscoe transitioned to the amended goal in writing in Math and ELA as previously discussed

Support/Areas of Growth with Goal

  • Increase participation for history and science content to further promote consistency for Claim, Evidence, & Reasoning writing instruction
  • Increase participation utilizing the same strategy in math constructed response instruction
  • More consistency in implementation and calibration of common rubrics in ELA & Math

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Briscoe - Next Steps

Update School Improvement Goal #2

  • Current goal will be completed at conclusion of 2017-2018 school year

Proposed Goal : During the 2018-2019 school year a committee will be formed to review and to assess the impact of the implementation of the new schedule for Beverly Middle School.

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North Beverly - Summary of Accomplishments

  • Literacy Focus
    • Identified essential elements of Empowering Writers curriculum
    • Trained staff on narrative writing (specifically point of view/extend the ending).
    • Provided explicit instruction on narrative writing (POV/extend ending)/constructed responses.
    • Provided collaborative scoring of narrative and constructed response essays opportunities.
    • identified/utilized additional resources for inferencing/citing evidence at each grade level.
  • Math Focus
    • Trained staff on solving multi-step problems without words, math talks, use of manipulatives.
    • Teachers have reflected on various math units their practice and student results.
    • Coach has observed and offered feedback and resources to teachers.
  • Authentic task development in math and literacy
    • Developed authentic learning tasks,
    • Reflected upon results and created ways to improve the units in the future.
    • Learning Walks and group reflections to observe and analyze various tasks.
  • Preliminary Results:
    • Writing: Increase in number of students performing at a proficient level on grade level and benchmark tasks. (75%).
    • Reading Comprehension: Increase in student performance on inference questions as measured by grade level formative assessments.
    • Math: Increase in student performance on the mid-year math benchmark assessment on standards taught (approx. 70% grades 3,4,5)

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Adjustments to Goals

  • Add science goal to the overall achievement goal to be addressed through the instructional change strategy ---authentic/project based learning.

Goal: To increase the number of students in the aggregate who score at a proficient level on the ELA, Math and Science MCAS assessment to meet the North Beverly improvement targets

Change Strategy: The use of authentic and problem-based learning tasks during literacy, math and science instruction to further the students’ application of learned skills.·

  • Add a proactive goal to address the achievement gap through the use of inclusive practices.

Goal: To increase the number of students in each sub group who score at a proficient level on all areas of the MCAS assessment to meet the North Beverly improvement targets.

Change Strategy: The use of research based inclusive practices to address student need within the general education classroom.

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Next Steps

  • Authentic Tasks/Project Based Learning
    • Faculty will continue to read, research best practices involving authentic tasks/project based learning.
    • Staff will create, implement, analyze and reflect on the authentic tasks/projects in relation to student achievement and engagement.

  • Inclusive Practices
    • Faculty will read, research and implement inclusive practices within their classrooms.
    • Faculty will observe and learn from one another various ways to implement inclusive practices through multiple Learning Walks each year.

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Cove - Summary of Accomplishments

  • English Language Arts and Math
    • Continued focus on student and teacher collaboration and academic discourse
    • Instruction delivered in a blended learning environment
    • Completion of project based learning opportunities/authentic tasks
    • On-going Learning Walks to support capacity building
    • Reflection protocol implemented with school leadership team for feedback/changes
  • Science
    • Collaboration with Salem Sound, Kestrel, CIS, etc. to support PBL and Outdoor Learning
    • Partial implementation of New Generation Science Standards
    • Books Studies and research on Inquiry based instruction
  • Preliminary Results
    • Based on formative assessments scores remain steady ???

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Adjustments to Goals

Add specific goal to ensure Inclusive Practices are a staple of the Cove Culture

Goal: To increase the number of students in all subgroups who score at the proficient level in ELA, Math and Science MCAS

Change Strategy: Refined use/continued research of best practice regarding problem based learning and authentic tasks across the curriculum.

Add specific to goal to target writing across the curriculum K-4

Goal: Assist students in effectively communicating their thinking in written form.

Change Strategy: Review curriculum alignment to improve written communication skills in a project based learning environment

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Next Steps

  • Inclusive Practices
    • Faculty will research and implement best practices to support an inclusive environment
    • Instructional Coaches will continue to research and implement co-teaching strategies
    • Ongoing Learning Walks to observe inclusive practices and support faculty knowledge
  • Writing
    • Review curriculum alignment K-4
    • Utilize and/or adjust grade level rubrics for writing
    • Maximize GLM time in order to collaboratively score student writing
    • Create a student reflection protocol for writing
    • Maintain student work in digital portfolios K-4

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Ayers - Summary of Accomplishments

  • Mathematics: Number Talks in each classroom increase student mathematical thinking along with a growing number of ST Math 100’s Club participants
  • Nearly all educators at Ayers have taken part in the course; The Writing Practices, PBL and in turn, all students are engaged in Writing Workshop
  • Science/Project Based Learning: The use of Mystery Science to encourage Project Based Learning-like tasks has equated to a high degree of interest on behalf of educators in delivering PBL units of instruction
  • Kaleidoscope; a Responsive Classroom assessment tool has shown evidence of stability of implementation of Responsive Classroom practices at Ayers

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Adjustments to Goals

Goal Area Prior to July 1, 2017

English Language Arts and Math with a focus on Problem Based Learning

Objective #1 – Students will improve their ability to respond in a variety of methods to real world problems using critical thinking skills.

Objective # 2 - Students will improve their mathematically problem solving through an increased of strategies of mathematical thinking.


Objective # 1 – Students will learn about through various integrated units, which will increase their awareness of, and access to, scientific careers.

Objective # 2 – Students will engage community related science initiatives.

Present Goals

Goal Area: Mathematics with a focus on real-world problems

Objective: Students in grades K-5 will improve their ability to respond to real world problems in the area of mathematics using a variety of critical thinking skills

Goal Area: Science with a focus on project-based learning

Objective: Students in grades K-5 will improve their ability to apply the Next Generation Science Practices by engaging in project-based science units.

Goal Area: English Language Arts with a focus on instructional practices associated with writing

Objective: Students in grades K-5 will improve their ability to compose across content areas and genres, and will begin to frame their writing with audience, purpose and task in mind.

Goal Area: School Culture with a focus on Social Emotional Learning

Objective: Students in grades K-5 will engage in pro-social behaviors as modeled through the Responsive Classroom approach and that compliments the school’s philosophy of being present and kind; by implementing the skills learned through Second Step and Olweus lessons.

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Next Steps

  • Use GLTs and using a “looking at student work protocol” to determine next steps for students in the areas of real-world problem solving (Mathematics)
  • Create a school-wide schedule that promotes and supports the implementation of Project Based Learning K-4 (PBL)
  • Continued implementation of Writer’s Workshop at all grade levels (English Language Arts-Writing)
  • Develop a resource library for students that is age-appropriate and will support Responsive Classroom, Second Step and Olweus curricula (Pro-social behaviors)

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Hannah - Summary of Accomplishments

  • Continued focus in ongoing building based professional development on the practice of making thinking visible and student conferring in both writing and math.
  • Expansion of the use of ST Math (JiJi) to all grades.
  • Monthly Grade Level Team Time has been extended to 90 minutes in order to conduct learning walks focused on peer observation.
  • Ongoing professional development on Novel Engineering, monthly whole school STEAM challenges and development of classroom makerspaces
  • Continued partnership with Science from Scientists for our grade 4 and grade 5 students.

RAPID Results January 2018 Math Benchmark Data January 2018

Grade 2 (51 students) 95% At or above proficiency Grade 1 27% growth

Grade 3 (63 students) 80% At or above proficiency Grade 2 32% growth

Grade 4 (40 students) 67% At or above proficiency Grade 3 18% growth

Grade 5 (70 students) 85% At or above proficiency Grade 4 19% growth

Grade 5 17% growth

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Adjustments to Goals

Goal 1. By June of 2019, the number of students in grades 3-5 scoring at grade level proficiency on the RAPID assessment will increase by at least 20% at each grade level.

Goal 2. By June 2019, we will increase the number of students at all grade levels scoring at 80% or above on the math benchmark assessment.

Goal 3. The number of students in the at risk category meeting proficiency or above on the spring grade 5 MCAS STE data will increase by 25%.

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Next Steps

  • Instructional Leadership Team to develop an action plan for expanding problem based/project based learning such as Novel Engineering (K-4).
  • Instructional coaches continue to work with all teaching teams in order to develop enrichment opportunities, as well as tiered instructional support to meet the needs of all learners.
  • Ongoing, embedded professional development to expand the use of personalized learning platforms such as See Saw.
  • Continuing focus on writing across all content areas as well as providing students venues to shares their writing with a broader audience such as the Hannah Herald, written and edited by our grade 5 students.

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Centerville - Summary of Accomplishments

  • ELA and Math
    • Increased frequency of data meetings to monitor growth and build culture of collaboration
    • Creating units of study in writing along with a deeper understanding of grade level standards is fostering strong writing skills in students
    • Examined instructional delivery models and instituted a greater variety of scaffolds to create more inclusive practices responsive to student need
    • Effectively and efficiently implemented ST Math and Lexia platforms schoolwide to personalize learning for students
  • Science
    • Continued increase of classroom science instruction and further development of placed-based science experiences
  • Preliminary Results
    • Based on formative assessments scores are trending in a positive direction

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Adjustments to Goals

  • Goal: To increase the number of students in all subgroups who score at the proficient level in ELA, Math and Science MCAS
    • Change Strategy: Add additional grade level support meetings to monitor data and plan instruction that adjusts to student needs
  • Goal: Increase the social-emotional support for all students and develop students’ self-awareness, empathy and understanding of difference
    • Change Strategy: Include an advisory block throughout the year to teach lessons on emotional regulation, wellness and cultural competency

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Next Steps

  • Continue to seek opportunities to make instructional blocks more inclusive and personalized
  • Develop an advisory model to support the social emotional growth of students and develop their student awareness and cultural competence
  • Incorporate more authentic learning experiences into our literacy unit plans

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District Improvement Plan Overview

CISL - May 2, 2018