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Goals of this Exercise

Optimization of the (H2O)2 molecule using PM7 method (you can also use other method and other computational chemistry software)

Computing of the electronic density.

Doing a 2D NCI analysis

Computing and showing the NCI iso-surface.

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Detailed Instructions

Building of the Molecule

Click on Draw/Display Geometry icon

On Drawing Area click with right button

of the mouse and select Add/Fragment.

Select Water molecule,

Click on the H atom (right window)

Click to Drawing Area.

Click a second time to Drawing Area click

Click to the « measure » icon.

Select the to Oxygen atoms.

Set the distance to 2.5

You have successfully built the

desired structure.

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Optimizing the Molecule using PM7 method

1) Close Geometry Windows.

2) Choose File/New Mopac input (or Mopac icon) from the principal Menu.

3) Select Equilibrium structure search.

4) Click OK button.

5) Click to Run icon (toolbar, top of window).

6) Select your folder

7) At save data file in text zone , �type testNCI

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When the job completes : click to “Display icon” button

On Drawing Area of Geometry/Display window click with right button of mouse and select Orbitals/Read geometry & orbitals from Moapc aux file and select testNCI.aux file.

Click to O button (toolbar at the left of the Drawing window)

Click to close button of the right window.

Click on Geometry/Display window using the right button of mouse and select Density/Electronic

Set the Minimu value to -6 and the number of points to 200.

Click to Ok button

Click to cancel button of the

Isovalue window

2D analysis

Save the electronic density : Click on Geometry/Display window using

Cube&Grid/save. Set the name of file to testNCI.gcube

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2D analysis

Click on Geometry/Display window using the right button of mouse and select

NCI/2D analysis

Click to OK button of the new window

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NCI isosurface

Click on Geometry/Display window using the right button of mouse and select

NCI/Compute NCI surface

Click to OK button of the new window

Set the min value in -0.05 and the max to 0.05

Click to the Ok button

Set the isovalue to 0.6 and click to OK

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NCI isosurface colorcoded

Right button + Cube&grid/load gabedit cube file

And select testNCI.gcube

Right button + Cube&grid/multiply by the sign of ….

Right button + Cube&grid/save in sign.gcube

Right button + Cube&grid/load gabedit cube file and select testNCI.gcube

Right button + Cube&grid/color mapping and select sign.gcube

Set the min value in -0.03

(type on Enter key of your keybord)

and the max in 0.03

Right button + reset isovlue to 0.8