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Lecture 09

Lexical Scope and

Function Closures

Programming Languages

UW CSE 341 - Spring 2023

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Lexical Scope

  • Key concept: must “get this” for homework and competency
  • We already know function bodies can use anything in scope...
    • But now function are getting passed around / returned! “In scope” where??
  • Function bodies evaluate in the environment where they were defined!
    • NOT in the environment where the function is called!
  • Today: examples and why lexical scope is “the right thing”
    • Later in quarter: how to implement lexical scope

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Lexical Scope

  • Key concept: must “get this” for homework and competency
  • We already know function bodies can use anything in scope...
    • But now function are getting passed around / returned! “In scope” where??
  • Function bodies evaluate in the environment where they were defined!
    • NOT in the environment where the function is called!
  • Today: examples and why lexical scope is “the right thing”
    • Later in quarter: how to implement lexical scope

Lexical Scope 😇

Dynamic Scope 👿

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  • Line 2 defines function f which, when called, evaluates x + y in an environment where x 1 and y ↦ arg
  • Call on Line 5:
    • Looks up f to get definition from line 2
    • Evaluates argument expression (x + y) in current environment
    • Calls function with argument 5, result is 6

(* 1 *) let x = 1

(* 2 *) let f y = x + y

(* 3 *) let x = 2

(* 4 *) let y = 3

(* 5 *) let z = f (x + y)

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  • How can functions be evaluated in old environments?
    • OCaml stores old environments as needed!
  • Refined, “official semantics” of functions:
    • A function value has two parts:
      • The code
      • The environment from when the function was defined
    • This is a “pair”, but hidden from the programmer (no fst / snd)
    • All we can do is “call with an argument”
    • The “pair” is called a closure
    • Calls are evaluated in the closure’s environment extended by parameter ↦ argument mapping

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Example Redux

  • Line 2 creates a closure and binds f to it
    • Code: take y and have body x + y
    • Environment: x ↦ 1 (plus anything else in scope)
  • Line 5 calls the closure with argument 5:
    • So body evaluated in environment with x ↦ 1, y ↦ 5

(* 1 *) let x = 1

(* 2 *) let f y = x + y

(* 3 *) let x = 2

(* 4 *) let y = 3

(* 5 *) let z = f (x + y)

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Lexical Scope via Closures

  • We know the rule: call evaluates function body in environment where function defined
    • And the model for implementing lexical scoping via closures
  • So what’s left? We already know everything!
    • See some (silly) examples to demonstrate lexical scope with higher-order functions
    • Discuss why dynamic scope is usually a Bad Idea™
    • See many powerful idioms with higher-order functions
      • Example: passing functions to iterators like filter

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The Rule Stays the Same

  • With higher-order functions, our semantics stays the same
    • Function body evaluated in environment where it was defined, extended w/ param ↦ arg
  • Nothing changes when we take / return functions
    • But “the environment” may not be the current toplevel environment
  • May be unintuitive at first, but makes first-class functions much more powerful!

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Returning a


“Trust the rule”: Line 4 binds g to a closure:

    • Code: take q and have body x + y + q
    • Environment: y ↦ 4, x ↦ 1, ... (anything else in scope)
    • So this closure will always add 9 to its argument
    • So Line 6 binds z to 15

(* 1 *) let x = 1

(* 2 *) let f y =

(* 2 a *) let x = y + 1 in

(* 2 b *) fun q -> x + y + q

(* 3 *) let x = 3

(* 4 *) let g = f 4

(* 5 *) let y = 5

(* 6 *) let z = g 6

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Passing a


  • “Trust the rule”: Line 3 binds h to a closure:
    • Code: take y and have body x + y
    • Environment: x ↦ 4, f ↦ <closure>, ... (anything else in scope)
    • So this closure will always add 4 to its argument
  • So Line 4 binds z to 6
    • Note Line 1a can’t affect anything! Can/should safely delete it.

(* 1 *) let f g =

(* 1 a *) let x = 3 in

(* 1 b *) g 2

(* 2 *) let x = 4

(* 3 *) let h y = x + y

(* 4 *) let z = f h

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Why Lexical Scope?

  • Lexical scope : use environment where function was defined
  • Dynamic scope : use environment where function is called
  • In the early days of PL, folks pondered: Which rule is better?
    • Experience has shown that lexical scope is almost always the right default
  • Let’s consider 3 precise, technical reasons why
    • Not a matter of opinion!

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Why Lexical Scope?

1. Functions meaning does not depend on variable names, only “shape”

Example: can remove unused variables

  • Lexical scope : variable unused, cannot change behavior
  • Dynamic scope : some g may use x and depend on it being 3
    • WEIRD 👿

Example: can change f to use w instead of x

  • Lexical scope : cannot change behavior of function
  • Dynamic scope : depends on the environment of the caller

let f y =

let x = y + 1 in

fun q -> x + y + q

let f g =

let x = 3 in

g 2

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Why Lexical Scope?

2. Functions can be type checked and reasoned about where they are defined

  • Example: dynamic scope tries to add string and has unbound variable y

let x = 1

let f y = (* f : int -> (int -> int) *)

let x = y + 1 in

fun q -> x + y + q

let x = "hi"

let g = f 4

let z = g 6

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Why Lexical Scope?

3. Closures can easily store the data they need

let rec filter f =

fun xs ->

match xs with

| [] -> []

| x :: xs' ->

if f x then

x :: filter f xs'


filter f xs'

let greater_than x =

fun y -> x < y

let is_positive =

greater_than 0

let only_positives =

filter is_positive

let all_greater (xs, n) =

filter (greater_than n) xs

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Does Dynamic Scope Even Exist?

  • Lexical scope is definitely the right default, seen in most languages
  • Dynamic scope is occasionally convenient in some situations
    • Allows code to “just bind variables used in another function” to change behavior without passing parameters
      • Can be convenient, but also a nightmare 😱
    • Some languages (including Racket!) have special “opt-in support”, but most do not
  • If you squint, exception handling is similar to dynamic scope
    • raise e jumps to “most recent” (dynamically registered) handler
    • Does not need to be syntactically inside the handler!

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When Things Evaluate

  • We know:
    • Function body not evaluated until call
    • Function body evaluated every time function is called
      • In environment from when function was defined
    • Variable bindings evaluate right-hand-side once at binding time
      • NOT every time variable is used
  • With closures, can avoid repeating computations that don’t depend on args
    • Can make code run faster, but also interesting semantics

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These both work and are equivalent

First version computes String.length s repeatedly (once per x in xs)

Second version computes String.length s once before filtering

  • No new features! Just new use of closures :)

let all_shorter (xs,s) =

filter (fun x -> String.length x < String.length s) xs

let all_shorter' xs s =

let n = String.length s in

filter (fun x -> String.length x < n) xs

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  • Another “hall-of-fame higher-order function” aka fold aka reduce
    • Accumulate answer by repeatedly applying f :
      • fold_left (f, acc, [v1; v2; v3]) → f (f (f (acc, v1), v2), v3)
    • fold_left : ('a * 'b -> 'a) * 'a * 'b list -> 'a
    • Contrast with fold_right (goes through list “the other way”)

let rec fold_left (f, acc, xs) =

match xs with

| [] -> acc

| x :: xs' -> fold_left (f, f (acc, x), xs')

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  • map, filter, fold are similar to iteration patterns we see in imperative PLs
    • But not “built into” OCaml -- we can just define them ourselves!
    • “Just an idiom”! Power from combining elegant features.
  • Separate “traversal” from “computation”
    • Allows reusing traversal code
    • Allows reusing computation code
    • Allows common way to talk about traversing data structures
      • Most collections provide map, filter, fold functions that “work the same way”