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April 16-19

Grade 3-5 Intro to Jazz

Grade K-2 African Instrument Safari

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MU:Pr4.2. 2a, 3a, 4a Demonstrate knowledge of music concepts (such as beat and melodic contour) in music from a variety of cultures selected for performance.

National Standards 3, 4, 5

3 of 12

Learning Target

I I can describe how Jazz music got started in America.

4 of 12


  • Introduce Jazz
  • Where did Jazz start?
  • How is Jazz music connected to African music?
  • What instruments are used in Jazz?
  • What are the styles of Jazz?

5 of 12


  • Students read slides and listen to the Jazz examples (41 min of examples)
  • Complete the Exit Slip on the last slide

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  • Observation
  • Questioning
  • Small group work
  • Exit Slip

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April 16-19

African Instrument Safari

Grades K-2

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MU:Cn10.0.2a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.

National Standards K-2

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Learning Target

I can identify African music instruments and how to play them.

10 of 12


  • Review 3 main types of African Instruments.
    • Drums, Bells, Rattles

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  • Using chromebooks, students will find each hidden African Instrument
  • Interactive Safari hunting music instruments
  • Anansi

12 of 12


  • Observation
  • Questioning
  • Small group work