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Machine Learning HW2

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  • Task introduction and Dataset
  • Feature Format and Submission Format
  • Requirements

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Task Introduction and Dataset

  • Task: Binary Classification�whether the income of an individual exceeds $50000 or not?

  • Dataset: Census-Income (KDD) Dataset
    • remove unnecessary attributes and,
    • balance the ratio between positively and negatively labeled data.

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Feature Format

  • train.csv, test_no_label.csv
    • text-based raw data
    • unnecessary attributes removed, positive/negative ratio balanced.
  • X_train, Y_train, X_test
    • discrete features in train.csv => one-hot encoding in X_train (education, martial state...)
    • continuous features in train.csv => remain the same in X_train (age, capital losses...).
    • X_train, X_test : each row contains one 510-dim feature represents a sample.
    • Y_train: label = 0 means “<= 50K” 、 label = 1 means “ >50K ”

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Submission Format

  • 27622 instances of testing data
  • First line: “id, label”
  • Second line and thereafter: one “id, prediction”�per line
  • CSV(comma seperated values) format
  • Evaluation metric: accuracy

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  • hw2_logistic.sh: 請手刻 gradient descent 實作 logistic regression
  • hw2_generative.sh: 請手刻實作 probabilistic generative model
  • hw2_best.sh: 不限作法
  • hw2_logistic.sh, hw2_generative.sh, hw2_best.sh 皆須在 5 分鐘內跑完
  • Please refer to link for allowed toolkits.
  • Any open-sourced code is forbidden (e.g. Implementation of decision tree you find on GitHub).
  • Ask if you want to use other toolkits before using them!!!

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  • Kaggle competition: https://www.kaggle.com/c/ml2020spring-hw2
  • Public simple baseline(1%): 0.88617
  • Public strong baseline(1%): 0.89052
  • Private baselines(2%): will be announced after Kaggle deadline.
  • Kaggle scores will be counted if and only if the results can be reproduced by your GitHub code.

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GitHub Submissions

  • The “hw2-<account>” directory on GitHub should contain at least (but not limited to) the following files:
    • report.pdf
    • hw2_logistic.sh
    • hw2_generative.sh
    • hw2_best.sh
  • Please DO NOT upload the dataset!!!

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Script Usage

  • bash ./hw2_logistic.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 output: your prediction
  • bash ./hw2_generative.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 output: your prediction
  • bash ./hw2_best.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 output: your prediction
  • $1: raw training data (train.csv) $2: raw testing data (test_no_label.csv)
  • $3: preprocessed training feature (X_train) $4: training label (Y_train)
  • $5: preprocessed testing feature (X_test) $6: output path (prediction.csv)
  • You do not need to use all of the arguments in your bash scripts.
  • The TA will cd into the directory of your scripts before executing them.

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Script Usage

  • Example:
    • TA@TA's Computer: ~/....../b08940587$ bash ./hw2_logistic.sh /path/to/train.csv /path/to/test.csv /path/to/X_train /path/to/Y_train /path/to/X_test /path/to/prediction.csv
  • 不要寫死路徑 不要寫死路徑 不要寫死路徑
  • 助教會把相對路徑帶入 $N 所以:

不要寫死路徑 不要寫死路徑 不要寫死路徑

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Reproducing Results

  • Kaggle score will be counted if and only if the results can be reproduced by your GitHub code!!!
  • Simple baselines: must be reproduced with hw2_logistic.sh or hw2_generative.sh
  • Strong baselines: must be reproduced with hw2_logistic.sh, hw2_generative.sh, or hw2_best.sh
  • Only error less than 1% can be accepted
    • For example, if your Kaggle score is 0.87, the accuracy of the result of your GitHub code should be at least 0.87*0.99=0.8613.
  • Please always fix the random seeds in your code.

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  • 請比較實作的 generative model 及 logistic regression 的準確率,何者較佳? 請解釋為何有這種情況?

  • 請實作 logistic regression 的正規化 (regularization),並討論其對於你的模型準確率的影響。接著嘗試對正規項使用不同的權重 (lambda),並討論其影響。(有關 regularization 請參考 https://goo.gl/SSWGhf p.35)

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  • 請說明你實作的 best model,其訓練方式和準確率為何?

  • 請實作輸入特徵標準化 (feature normalization),並比較是否應用此技巧,會對於你的模型有何影響。

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