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Overview diagram

Reviews - dashboard - overview

Oct 27, 2023

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  • Package.json with haibun libs, run scripts
  • Haibun feature tests & backgrounds
  • Azure-pipelines file
  • Include it with versioned code

Feature: Login and upload avatar

Go to the main page

Click the link login

Input {username} for username input

Input {password} for password input

Click the login button

Should be on the account page

Go to the profile page

Upload file “files/avatar.jpg” using upload chooser

Click the button upload

Should see “uploaded file”

Creating an e2e test suite

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Review artifacts

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Review artifacts

.oO( How do we store schemas? )

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Results of latest reviews in dashboard widget, test results

The dashboard

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Review reports

Successful test

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Review reports

Failing test, displaying report

Auto screen capture on failure

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Review reports

Show all messages, traces

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Using tests & reviews

During local development

With different deployments - local, staging, production, etc

In pipelines

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More next steps

Gccollab legacy tests

Next gccollab tests

Load tests

GCExchange tests

Auto issues

- repo version + test name + step

Reusable bundled flows

Auto map

Compare reviews, references

Up to date documentation mapped to actual specification

Adapt to other clouds

Sustainability audit

Other audits

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Example: Up to date documentation mapped to actual specification

With some formatting, use Haibun to generate documentation, always with the most up to date results based on specification