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Verifiable Delay Functions

Dmitry Khovratovich

Ethereum Foundation

Cryptographic Frontier 2021

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Distributed Reward Problem

  • Parties play a game and don’t trust each other.
  • Winner should be selected uniformly at random.
  • Winner gets a reward.
  • Should be no way to bias the selection.

Example: Ethereum 2.0 validators decide who adds blocks in the next epoch.

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Solution at Ethereum 2.0: RanDAO

RanDAO solution:

  • Each validator commits a secret string: H(s)
  • Everyone reveals its input.
  • Hash of the result indicates a winner. H(s1,s2,...,sk)


  • Withholding a reveal affects the result.
  • X malicious players have 2X options.

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Perspective VDF in Ethereum

  • Validators submit entropy x1,x2,...xn
  • Evaluator E computes a VDF (Proof P, value V= H(x1,x2,...,xn)) for 3 days.
  • Everyone can check P and select validator X based on V.
  • Blocks for the next epoch (a few hours) are selected by X.


  • Tight latency -- no shortcuts
  • Minimum hardware for E
  • Succinct proofs
  • Quantum upgrade
  • Delay granularity
  • Non-malleability

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Existing VDF constructions: RSA

RSA VDF Setup: generate module N=pq so that no one knows p or q.

RSA VDF Run: select input I, make T squarings mod N, output O

RSA VDF Proof: certain intermediate values. Concretely,

  • L is random, given to Prover
  • Prover provides Z=g(2^T)div L
  • Verifier checks if O=ZLg(2^T)%L

Needs trusted setup!

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Existing VDF construction: Isogenies

  • Generate elliptic curve E and select point P.
  • Make T transformations of E to another curve, finally E’. Point P becomes P’.
  • Prover selects Q’ on E’ and has to revert the same transform (V) to get Q.
  • It must hold that e(P’,Q’) = e(P,Q)


  • The path V requires a lot of storage (GiB/seconds)
  • Can be alleviated if V is pseudo-random but only for one run.

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IVC-based VDF: Sloth, MinRoot, VeeDo

  • Select some iterative transformation F.
  • Apply F to input I 2T times and produce O.
  • Prove that I->O.

F is chosen to be SNARK-friendly and hardware-minimal.

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IVC-based VDF: Sloth, MinRoot, VeeDo


  • Split VDF in X parts
  • Prove each part when it is ready.
  • Aggregate when done.
  • Only 1% overhead.

Fastest provers are not post-quantum but can be upgraded

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VDF and Delay Encryption

Delay Encryption works as follows:

  • Protector calls VDF F to derive secret key K=F(x).
  • Protector encrypts data D on K: C= E_K(D) along with proof of correctness.
  • Protector sends D and x to contract S.
  • Someone recomputes K and everyone can decrypt D.

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Open Problems

  • Post-quantum VDF without trusted setup and low overhead
  • Isogeny-based VDF with constant storage
  • Simple and secure trusted setup for RSA-based VDF.
  • Latency upper and lower bounds for modular multiplications and exponentiations.
  • Quantum precomputation attacks on VDF