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Contextualizing Social Norms

Nicabec Casido and Sierra Gonzales

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Summer Projects:

Social Norms Meta-Analysis

Led by Gregg Sparkman & Elke Weber

DOSPERT Systematic Review

Led by Johanna M. Matt-Navarro & Elke U. Weber

Environmental Behaviors Meta-Analysis & Systematic Review

Led by Sara Constantino, Johanna M. Matt-Navarro & Elke U. Weber

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What kind of outcome measures does the DoSpeRT (Domain-Specific Risk-Taking) scale predict?

  • What is DOSPERT?�(Blais & Weber) Quantifies risk-taking and risk-perception

How do choices in economic lab games (Prisoner’s Dilemma, Public Goods Games) correlate with real-world environmental behaviors?

  • Public Goods Game: Used to measure real-life willingness to contribute to public goods.
  • Environmental Behaviors: Donating money to an environmental organization, conserving energy at home, etc.

DOSPERT Systematic Review

Environmental Behavior MA

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Social Norms Meta-Analysis


Norms research has shown that people conform to norms, but these findings aren't uniform and it's unclear what leads to conformity.

Social Norm:

Perceptions of what others commonly do or believe in a given context

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Main research question of the Social Norms MA:

What kind and under what circumstances do social norm manipulations lead people to conform? How can we use this to improve social norm interventions?

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Round 1: Title + abstracts

Round 2: Confirm norm experiment with conformity DV

Round 3 & 4 Prep -

Our Work

Round 3 & 4:




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"[Actor] + [doing action/holding belief] + [a context].”

“[Hotel guests] + [reusing towels] + [in their room.]”

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Type of Medium Distribution

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Outcome Measure

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After creating a word cloud of the most common words used in the context descriptions, we were able to create 6 content domains to sort the studies into.

We found that, out of 935 studies, there were:

  • 117 studies in General Health
  • 125 were in Substance Use
  • 84 were in Environment
  • 31 were in Politics
  • 103 in Finance
  • 38 in Donation

Context Description Analysis

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  • 257 studies on “people” or unspecified adults
  • 384 studies on college students
  • 46 studies on individuals under 18

Context Description Analysis

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Conclusion + Next Steps

Using our analysis, we hope that more can be learned about what characteristics are most commonly used for norm manipulations, which ones seem most effective, and if there less-used manipulations which hold the potential of being more effective than previously realized.


Thank you to our mentors from all 3 projects we worked on and the BSPL in providing us with this educational opportunity!