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2023-2024 Rush City Schools Online Activity Meeting

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Please press pause if you feel the slide presentation is going to fast and you need more time to read. Press play when you are ready to move on.

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Three Year Physical Clearance

*The MSHSL Parents Permit and Health Questionnaire must be fully completed, signed and on file in the Athletics Office before being allowed to participate.

*Many clinics and minute clinics offer sports physicals. Free sports physicals are being offered on August 8th from 3:00pm-6:00pm at Welia Health in Mora. Call 320-679-1313 to make an appointment.

*Sports Physicals are required for athletes grades 7-12 and are valid for 3 years. •IMPORTANT: Bring a completed Sports Medical Eligibility Form with you to your appointment.

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Activity Parents Meeting

Each advisor or coach should set up a REMIND group or an email group as their way of communicating with parents and students. Please make sure that you are in these groups to get valuable information.

Please make every effort to attend the meeting that the advisor or coach schedules for your daughter or son’s activity.

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Participation in activities is a privilege that must be earned. There is a common misconception that as a student-athlete gets older, the amount of playing time they will experience will increase. The amount of playing time a student enjoys will reflect his/her skill level and the continual work they put in to improve those skills and abilities.

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Attitude and Effort: Bring a positive attitude and maximum effort every day in

the classroom, during practice and in competition.

Sportsmanship: Demonstrate good sportsmanship towards teammates, coaches/advisors, opponents, officials and fans. Good sportsmanship reflects positively on every participant, team/group, our school/district, families, and community.

Be a good teammate: Demonstrate care for each other by striving to build

strong relationships. Relationships are built on trust, respect and caring for

each other. All participants are important to the team/group and play a vital

role in its success.

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Be a good citizen: Citizenship standards of honesty, respect, compassion and responsibility are set high. Participants should strive to be role models for peers, younger students and our community. Behavior can and does affect a team/group’s success.

Take pride in your education: Being involved in activities means that participants need to strive to learn good time management skills to keep up in classes. Work hard to do your best in all of your classes and be a classroom leader.

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  • Junior High programs emphasis will be placed on individual fundamental skill development and not winning. Season scheduling will be done with the understanding that practice time is as important as competition. As close to equal playing time as possible for all participants will be the expectation, however, unexcused absences from practice as well as a poor attitude towards coaches and teammates will affect playing time.

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2. C Squad and Junior Varsity Teams - Playing time is not guaranteed at these levels of competition. Coaches will try to get all participants into the contest if possible. The coach will decide what position will allow a player the greatest success and which will best benefit the team. Again, absences from practices as well as a poor attitude towards coaches and teammates will affect playing time and could cause a dismissal from the team. While winning should not be considered the primary goal at this level, it is a goal!

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3. Varsity Team - A high priority is placed on winning at this level. The coaches will decide what position will allow a player the greatest success and which will best benefit the team. Playing time is not equal and is earned through demonstrations to the coaching staff that the opportunities are warranted. Practices are mandatory and unexcused absences will have consequences that are explained at the beginning of the season.

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Team Placement

Teams will be determined by the individual player’s skill level, not limited to players according to their grade level.

Attitude and work ethic do come into play as well. There are always talented kids that may not get the playing time they feel they deserve. This is most times due to attitude and/or level of effort given at practices.

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Parenting and coaching are both tough jobs! We need to communicate and work together.

-Be a good fan! Cheer for our team, not against the other team.

-There are no perfect officials. Please show them respect.

-Notify the coach of any schedule conflicts in advance. Be prepared when absences are not considered excused.

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Communication continued...

Each coach/advisor should inform parents of office hours or good ways to communicate if there is a need. Do Not………

-approach a coach before or after an event or a practice to discuss a conflict.

-approach a coach in a public setting with other parents or participants nearby to discuss a conflict.

-approach your son or daughter during an event. This includes halftime or between sets or periods, ect.

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Eligibility requirements shall be those set forth by the MSHSL as well as the following:

Players must attend a minimum of practices before becoming eligible for games (this will vary from sport to sport) and must have complied with ALL minimum requirements as set forth by the MSHSL.

If a participant is absent from school or leaves school early, they will not be allowed to participate in either practices or events on that day or night. A student must be in attendance by 11:00am to practice or compete.

However, if the absence is excused (i.e. funeral, field trip) and approval is given by the parent/guardian, the coach/advisor, and the activities director, the student may participate.

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Academic Eligibility

Academic Eligibility refers to academic standards that students must uphold to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. On a weekly basis student grades will be reviewed by school personnel. If a student has a failing grade in the same course over two consecutive grade checks or their final course grade is an incomplete or an F, they become ineligible. Students may remain eligible by attending at least one Directed Study session every school day until they are passing or by attending at least one Directed Study session every school day for one week if they are failing at the end of a course. If a student misses a day of Directed Study, they will become ineligible.

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Academic Eligibility continued

Students who are ineligible will remain ineligible until they satisfy one of the following conditions: A weekly grade check indicates a passing grade for the course. (or) The student provides the principal’s administrative assistant with a School View grade report indicating they are passing/passed. (or) The student completes five consecutive days of directed study upon receiving an incomplete or failing end of term grade.

The expectation for teachers is that grades are updated online weekly. Students are to be patient with teachers regarding grading of assignments. It is acceptable for the grading and online reporting of a grade to take up to five school days.

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Academic Eligibility continued

Directed study sessions will be from 7:15 AM to 8:05 AM and from 3:10 PM to 4:00 PM. Students must be on time, well behaved, and on task the entire period for the session to be considered completed.

Weekly grade reports will be run on Wednesday mornings, Students with failing grades and their coaches/advisors will be notified throughout the day. Directed study will be required beginning the following day (Thursday) in order for a student to remain eligible. Failure to complete at least one directed study session every school day will result in the student being ineligible until they are passing the class or they complete five consecutive days of directed study; after which they are eligible to participate as long as they complete at least one directed study session per day.

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Academic Eligibility continued

Additionally, students who are eligible because they are attending directed study on a daily basis, must make progress towards passing at each weekly grade check or they become ineligible until progress is made.

ITV, Infinity, and PSEO courses are subject to this procedure. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the guidance office with weekly grade reports.

For the purpose of this procedure extra-curricular activities include: all athletic teams, jazz band, large group and solo ensemble,speech, drama, show choir, and knowledge bowl. This procedure does not include vocal and instrumental music performances that are a graded portion of a RCHS course.

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MSHSL Guidelines Regarding Eligibility

Rush City High School and the Minnesota State High School League Rules state that during the entire year (including summers) a student shall not consume, use, have in possession, buy, sell or give away the following:

1. a beverage containing alcohol

2. any substance defined by law as a drug, or controlled substance,

unless specifically prescribed by his/her doctor for the student’s own


3. tobacco; including e-cigarettes and vaping

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MSHSL Penalties

1st Offense: 2 weeks or 2 contests, whichever is longer

2nd Offense: 3 weeks or 6 contests, whichever is longer

3rd Offense: 4 weeks or 12 contests, whichever is longer

A student must start an activity on the first day of the season and finish the season to the end in order for the violation or penalty to be served.

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School District #139, Rush City Public Schools, has no provision for medical insurance coverage for participants and it is the responsibility of each participant to provide his/her own coverage. The District does provide the option for the participant to purchase their own coverage through “Student Assurances Service Incorporated”.


English: Click here

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Why We Play

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Online Registration

All registration continues to be online this year(instructions are below). If you do not remember your login information, please contact Lee Rood for assistance.

To register online: Click Here

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Are You Ready?

Let’s review eligibility requirements………

  • The Link to register and pay the activity fee: Online Registration
  • Sports physical on file in the activities office
  • Online presentation
  • Google form with electronic signature