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Mindful Minutes

Level 0

💡IDEA💡 - Something you like doing outside.

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  • Close sketchbooks
  • Put all sketchbooks on your cart
  • Quiet and looking at Ms. Gmitro

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5th Grade: Jen Stark Mural Project

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Art Words!

Tint: a color plus white

Tone: a color plus gray or another neutral tone

Shade: a color plus black

Value Scale: a system of organizing colors from lightest to darkest


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Color Mixing Practice

Let’s make green!

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Quick Review

Primary Colors: red, yellow, blue

Secondary colors: orange, green, purple

Red + Blue = Purple

Red + Yellow = Orange

Yellow + Blue = Green

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Color Mixing Practice

Let’s make green!

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Color Mixing Practice

Now lets try making a TINT of green using white to mix!

Challenge: try mixing this green as close as you can

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Color Mixing Practice

Now try mixing a SHADE of green using black!

Challenge: try mixing this green as close as you can

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How did this activity go? Thumbs up, down or sideways.

If you realized that your color was not look right, how did you correct yourself?

Did you use equal amounts of each color to mix your new color?

Why do you think it is important we know how to mix colors in art?

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Color Theory

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It’s not always perfect, especially when it comes to colors like yellow

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Value Scale

Adding a bit more white or a bit more black each time to make lighter and darker versions of a color

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For Today:

You will be working on filling out a color wheel and value scale sheet

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YELLOW = Level 1

  • Stay focused and be productive
  • Enjoy the soft music in the background
  • Stay seated unless you need something to continue working
  • If you need to say something ON TASK it should be in a whisper voice

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Day 2

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How does seeing art make you feel?

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Our Community

Do you recognize any of these murals?

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Public Art

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Jen Stark:

Jen Stark creates mesmerizing, intricate paper sculptures and wall pieces, as well as drawings, installations, murals, and animations, in rainbow explosions of color. Her work resembles natural phenomena such as tree rings, vortexes, and clusters of microorganisms, and the compositions call to mind psychedelic visions and op art illusions. “I love thinking about how enormous shapes out in the universe can have the same patterns as tiny microorganisms under a microscope. How geometric shapes and certain spiraling patterns apply to designs in nature big and small,” she has said. Stark is best known for her cut-paper pieces, which she crafts out of countless sheets of construction paper.

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Jen Stark Murals

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Art Words!

Mural: a painting or other image put directly on a wall

Abstract: art that does not directly represent something from reality

Pattern: a design where lines, shapes, and colors are repeated

Collaborate: to work together on a project or idea

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Step 1:

Start with your paper sideways.

Draw 5 wavy lines on your paper starting from the outer edges and moving inward and up

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Step 2:

Use a thick sharpie to outline your squiggles

Erase any unwanted pencil lines

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Step 3:

Paint the middle stripe with the color of your choice

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Step 4:

Using your value scale as a guide, paint the two top stripes with TINTS of your color

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Step 5:

Using your value scale as a guide, paint the bottom two stripes using SHADES of your color

See your gradient come to life!!

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Step 6:

Using a scissors, cut off the white space from your paper. Then take a thick sharpie and fix up any outlines that got covered up by the paint.

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Day 4

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Composing Our Mural

Work with your class to place each piece of the mural to create one large work of art