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Lesson 2.4: Conducting Sim Tests

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10 MIN

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Activity 1

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Activity 1

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Investigation Notebook pg 37

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Activity 2 - Screen 1

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Today, we will investigate this question.

Investigation Question:�How can having a medical condition affect the delivery of molecules to cells in the body?

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Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Activity 2 - Screen 1

In the Sim, you’ll observe both a healthy body and a body with the condition you’ve been learning about.

You will gather data about the molecules delivered to the cells in a healthy body and compare that to what happens in a body with a medical condition.

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Activity 2 - Screen 1

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Investigation Notebook pg 38

Anemia, asthma, diabetes, pancreas injury

Oxygen, glucose, glucose and amino acids

Fewer, more



glucose and amino acids

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Open the Metabolism sim

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Anemia, asthma, diabetes, pancreas injury

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What differences did you notice between a healthy body and a body with the condition you studied?

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Key Concept

Activity 2 - Screen 4

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

  • A problem with a body system can result in fewer oxygen, glucose, and/or amino acid molecules getting to the body’s cells.

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Activity 3

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4


respiratory system

circulatory system



digestive system

You’ll use the Word Relationships routine to create sentences that use these words and answer questions about the conditions you’ve learned about.

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Word Relationships Routine

Activity 3

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Create Sentences�Use one or more of the words provided on the board to create a sentence that answers each question.

Discuss Ideas�Talk about different ideas for sentences. Do not write anything down until both students agree.

Answer the Questions�Once you agree on the sentences, record your answers to the questions for your conditions.

Use All the Words�Every word must be used at least once.


respiratory system

circulatory system



digestive system

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Asthma and Anemia Pairs

Diabetes and Pancreas Injury Pairs

  • What happens to oxygen in the body of a healthy person?
  • What happens to oxygen in the body of a person with anemia?
  • What happens to oxygen in the body of a person with asthma?
  • What happens to glucose in the body of a healthy person?
  • What happens to glucose in the body of a healthy person?
  • What happens to glucose in the body of a person with diabetes?
  • What happens to glucose in the body of a person with a pancreas injury?
  • What happens to oxygen in the body of a healthy person?

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Activity 4

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

For this activity, you will revise a model in the Modeling Tool so it correctly shows what happens after a healthy person eats and breathes.

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2.4 homework Modeling tool

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4


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Activity 4

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Investigation Notebook pg 43

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Family Homework Experience (EXTRA CREDIT)

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Activity 5

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Activity 5

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

For this activity, you will record what one of your family members ate today.

Then, you will explain how the different body systems use the food.

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Activity 5

Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

Explaining How Body Systems Use Food copymaster

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Metabolism: Lesson 2.4

End of Lesson

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