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Trust, Accountability and DX: cracking AI challenges with White-box Machine Learning

Paris API Days - 14/12/16

Clodéric Mars - CTO @ craft ai

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9 experts in Artificial Intelligence

Spin-off from MASA Group & initial funding from Talis in June 2015

Beta released in April 2016

Public release & first projects in production S1 2017

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The Promise

More data, more APIs should make our life easier

make us more productive

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The Reality

More data / APIs means more complexity

needs programming / curation

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at craft ai we

learn how a system is used, continuously,

to automate it

to make recommendation

to detect anomalies

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craft ai is a hosted machine learning API that delivers actionable decision models from each user activity and context history, in real-time.

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White-box �Machine Learning


We’re gonna talk about that in more details

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Adaptable UX

Health & Wellness

Personalized Coach

Connected Things

Smart Automation

Utilities & Industry 4.0

Business Assistant

Conversational UI

Proactive Bot

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White-box �Machine Learning

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What is White-box ML?

Decisions are explainableSee also Explainable AI by Darpahttp://www.darpa.mil/program/explainable-artificial-intelligence

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White-box ML

  • Who? What for?
    • Developers, to build and debug
    • Regulators, to audit
    • End users, to understand and trust
  • Which kind of AI is concerned?
  • How can we maintain a high level of accuracy?

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How we do it at craft ai

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Why us?

  • Background
    • Games & Simulation
    • VFX & Animation
    • Robotics
  • Where AI needs to be “directed”
    • by business experts
    • by artists

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At craft ai, we use Decision Trees!

they are debuggable

they give a reason for each decisions

they can easily trace decisions back to original data

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Wait, don’t decision trees sucks?

they overfit

they produce low quality results

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Well it’s not just about decisions trees

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Thanks to our design

Feedback loop

  • The “usual” process is
    • Send actions & context change as they occur
    • Compute decision tree
    • Use decision tree to automate actions
  • Users continuously provide feedback
    • Reinforcement
    • Contradiction

➡ Reduce unwanted overfitting

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Thanks to our verticalization

Data types specialization

  • Specialized split strategies
    • Time data
    • Geographical data
    • ...

➡ Prediction improvement

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Thanks to our R&D


  • Over time, non-meaningful data are removed
    • Users can change habits
    • Enable incremental build

➡ Less overfitting�

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Takeaways on White-box ML

  • Challenges
    • Not a lot of research
    • “Fancy” methods are not applicable
    • Manage expectation
  • Opportunities
    • Automate knowledge work
    • Increase trust of assistants
    • Enforce regulations?

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Artificial Intelligence in �Creative Industries

Past speakers: Watson, Pixar, Ubisoft, Google, MPC, INRIA, DeepMind, Blizzard, …

3rd edition - July 2017

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