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Data Structures & Algorithms

10X Training

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Why data structures & algorithms?

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  • Array & linked list
  • Stack & queue
  • Hash table
  • Tree
  • Graph
  • Communication
  • Java Implementations
  • Performance
  • Algorithms
  • Puzzles

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Array & linked list

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What’s an array?

  • Which is better: array or linked list?
  • Definition
    • What properties?
  • Performance
    • What are the functions?
    • What are the fastest functions?
    • What are the slowest functions?
  • Ideal use case
    • Example? Example at Sentifi?
  • Draw
    • How do you explain visually?
  • Real world analogy
    • How do you explain to your grand mother?

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What’s an array?

  • Definition
    • Finite size
    • Contiguous
    • Equally spaced
  • Performance
    • add(E): Big O?
      • Amortized constant time
        • Don’t care for best/worst case
    • get(i)
    • remove(i)
  • Ideal use case
    • Finite list of items
    • All publishers to be scored �this week

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What’s a linked list?

  • Definition
    • What properties?
  • Performance
    • What are the functions?
    • What are the fastest functions?
    • What are the slowest functions?
  • Ideal use case
    • Example? Example at Sentifi?
  • Draw
    • How do you explain visually?
  • Real world analogy
    • How do you explain to your grand mother?

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What’s a linked list?

  • Definition
    • Nodes, head, tail, next pointer
    • Expandable
    • Sparse
  • Performance
    • add(E)
    • get(i)
    • remove(i)
  • Ideal use case
    • Growing list of items
    • User’s portfolios

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Reverse a linked list

Given pointer to the head node of a linked list, the task is to reverse the linked list.

Input : Head of following linked list


Output : Linked list should be changed to,


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How are arrays & lists implemented in Java?

  • Native array
  • List VS Set
    • Both Interfaces
    • Order
    • Allow duplicate
  • ArrayList VS LinkedList
    • AL = Resizable array
    • LL = Doubly linked list
  • Vector
    • V = Same as AL but synchronized

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How many data structures classes/interfaces in JDK 1.8?

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queue & stack

14 of 48

What’s a queue?

  • Definition
    • What properties?
  • Performance
    • What are the functions?
    • What are the fastest functions?
    • What are the slowest functions?
  • Ideal use case
    • Example? Example at Sentifi?
  • Draw
    • How do you explain visually?
  • Real world analogy
    • How do you explain to your grand mother?

15 of 48

What’s a queue?

  • Definition
    • Front & back
    • FIFO
  • Performance
    • enqueue()
    • dequeue()
  • Ideal use case
    • FIFO ordering
    • Raw messages waiting� to be processed

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What’s a stack?

  • Definition
    • What properties?
  • Performance
    • What are the functions?
    • What are the fastest functions?
    • What are the slowest functions?
  • Ideal use case
    • Example? Example at Sentifi?
  • Draw
    • How do you explain visually?
  • Real world analogy
    • How do you explain to your grand mother?

17 of 48

What’s a stack?

  • Definition
    • Top
    • LIFO
  • Performance
    • pop()
    • push()
  • Ideal use case
    • Navigation history
    • Browser back button

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Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.

push(x) – Push element x onto stack.

pop() – Removes the element on top of the stack.

top() – Get the top element.

getMin() – Retrieve the minimum element in the stack.

MinStack minStack = new MinStack();




minStack.getMin(); // Returns -3.


minStack.peek(); // Returns 0.

minStack.getMin(); // Returns -2.

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hashtable & tree

20 of 48

What’s a hash table?

  • Definition
    • What properties?
  • Performance
    • What are the functions?
    • What are the fastest functions?
    • What are the slowest functions?
  • Ideal use case
    • Example? Example at Sentifi?
  • Draw
    • How do you explain visually?
  • Real world analogy
    • How do you explain to your grand mother?

21 of 48

What’s a hash table?

  • Definition
    • Associative array
    • Buckets /slots
    • Hash function, collision
  • Performance
    • get()
    • put()
    • Ordering
  • Ideal use case
    • Indexing
    • Lookup Person by full name

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Fast LRU Cache

Implement an LRU cache.

LruCache cache = new LruCache();

cache.put(k, v); // O(1)

cache.get(k); // O(1)

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How are hash tables implemented in Java?

  • What’s the Java interface?
    • Map
  • HashMap VS HashSet VS HashTable
    • HashMap = Map, one null key, not synchronized
    • HashSet = Set, backed by actual hash table (HashMap)
    • Hashtable = null not allowed, synchronized - DON’T USE
  • LinkedHashSet
    • Set with order
    • Backed by DLL
  • ConcurrentHashMap
    • Thread Safe
    • Replacement for Hashtable
  • Python dict

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What’s a tree?

  • Definition
    • What properties?
  • Performance
    • What are the functions?
    • What are the fastest functions?
    • What are the slowest functions?
  • Ideal use case
    • Example? Example at Sentifi?
  • Draw
    • How do you explain visually?
  • Real world analogy
    • How do you explain to your grand mother?

26 of 48

What’s a tree?

  • Definition
    • Root, leaf
    • Parent/children/sibling
    • Depth, path
  • Performance
    • insert()
    • search()
    • remove()
  • Ideal use case
    • Hierarchical data
    • Sentifi categories, world locations
    • Use in database
      • Indexing for range search
      • Find all users created in the past 30 days

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What type of trees do you know?�How Pages in category "Trees (data structures)" on Wikipedia?

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What’s a BST?

  • Binary Search Tree
  • Properties
    • Only 2 children
    • Left subtree < right subtree
    • Ordered
      • In-order traversal is very efficient
      • Algorithm
        • Depth first search

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What’s a red-black tree?

  • Binary Search Tree
  • What’s wrong with the blue tree? ---------->
    • Degenerate tree
  • Self balancing
    • Why
      • Search performance

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Breadth first search

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What’s a trie?

  • Tries - YouTube
  • Usage at Sentifi?
    • Keyword matching for Ads
  • Benefit over HT for lookups?
    • Space
  • Ideal use case over HT?
    • Prefix-related queries
    • Autocomplete

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What’s a heap?

  • Properties
    • Parent > Children (max heap)
    • Parent < Children (min heap)
    • Balanced
  • Priority queue
    • Backed by Heap
    • Why?
      • insert()
      • findMax()
    • Ideal use case
      • Stream out of order events
      • Task/job queue with priorities

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How are trees implemented in Java?

  • new java.util.BinaryTree()?
    • None
    • Why not?
      • Scope? Easy to implement?
  • SortedSet, SortedMap
    • Order is maintained (backed by tree)
    • No DS tree in java...
    • ...but some Collections are backed by trees
  • TreeSet, TreeMap
    • Not trees but Set/Map interfaces!
    • Backed by Red-Black tree

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What’s a graph?

  • Properties?
    • Tree with a cycle
    • Directed VS Undirected
    • Edge, vertices
  • Ideal use case
    • Social network
  • How to store graph state in memory?
    • Adjacency list, adjacency matrix

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NY Metro

Given a square matrix representing the intersections of streets in a BIG city (like New York City) where each element of the matrix contains either 1 or 0 (meaning that there is or is not a stairwell to a subway at that location respectively)

Produce a new matrix of the same size where each element is the distance to the nearest subway stair well from that street intersection.


0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

2 1 0 1

1 2 1 2

0 1 2 3

1 2 3 4

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Is there a graph data structure in JDK 1.9?

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How does concurrency affect DS?

  • Name some thread safe collections
    • BlockingXXX: BlockingQueue
    • ConcurrentXXX: ConcurrentHashMap
  • How to achieve thread safety?
    • Mutex. In Java?
      • synchronized
    • Immutability. In Java?
      • final
    • Copy the data. In Java?
      • ...

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What are iterators?

  • Have you ever used one?
    • Yes. Enhanced for loop = syntactic shortcut
  • Use cases for iterators?�while (iterator.hasNext()) {� iterator.remove(); �}
  • Types of iterators?
    • Fail fast = ConcurrentModificationException
      • Collection is modified structurally �while one thread is iterating over it
    • Weakly consistent = �Copy (with some synchronization)
    • Snapshot = Copy (one time)

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What’s CopyOnWriteArrayList?

  • Snapshot iterator
    • Snapshot when iterator is created
  • Performance impact?
    • Slowwwwww
    • Use case?
      • # traversal >>>>>> # mutations
      • Lots of reads, few writes

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Any other Java Data Structures?

  • Guava
    • ImmutableCollections: 100% thread-safe collections
    • MultiSet, SortedMultiSet: Easily count number of occurrences of a specific element in a set
    • Multimap: unlabeled directed graph
    • bidirectional map: map in which both keys and values are unique and both should be usable as keys to search values
    • CollectionUtilities: like java.util.Collections
  • Apache Commons Collections
    • MapIterator
    • Bags
    • Nobody really use it anymore

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What have we learned?

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What have we learned?

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What have we learned?

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What have we learned?

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What have we learned?

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What have we learned?

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Thank you

HomeworkImplement NY Metro�Homework2.nearestStairwell([][])�B+tree VS B-tree

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