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Jacob Hespeler Secondary School

355 Holiday Inn Dr, Cambridge, ON

Phone Number 519-658-4910

School Hours 8:05 – 2:20

Office Hours 7:30 – 3:30

Welcome future Hawks!

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Jacob Hespeler Secondary School was named in honour of a prominent businessman and the founder of the town of Hespeler, now a part of Cambridge. The school was opened in 1986.

The staff at Jacob Hespeler S.S. is committed to ensuring that the school community has opportunities for all students to learn, share, and grow together. At JHSS, students develop as active, caring, engaged, healthy members of a community in which they feel respected, responsible and safe. Staff, students and their families, and our community, truly blend to support each other.

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Our school’s motto, “Roots and Wings” is taken from the adage, “There are two things we can give our children, one is roots and the other is wings.”

JHSS is the home of the Hawks! This is our mascot, Jake.

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When you come in the front entrance of the school, the Main Office is located through the door to your right. The Guidance Office and Attendance Office are located in the hallway straight ahead.

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This is inside the main office at Jacob Hespeler.

Mrs. Cathcart


Mr. Gray

Vice Principal

(A - K)

Ms. Williams

Vice Principal


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If you need to sign out, you will go to the

Attendance Office.

You do not need to go there if you are late, just go right to class, your teacher will do web attendance.

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Here is a map of the school. Maps are posted in various places throughout the school.

PDF here

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There are many different stairways in JHSS

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This is what many of the hallways at JHSS look like.

You will get your own locker in September. It is full size. You will need to provide a lock for your locker.

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There are many different types of classrooms at JHSS.

The hallways have names.

This is the science wing at JHSS.

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The Guidance Office is a place to find out about your timetable, course selection, and seek help if you are having problems with friends or classes.

This is Mrs. Hobson. You will see her behind the desk in the guidance office.

Guidance Counsellors

(for 2021)

Support students with last initial:

Kirsten Skowron, Head of Guidance

G-I, N-S, X, Y, Z

Lisa Ruppenthal

A-F, T-W

Jill Macallum (semester 1 only)


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This is the Learning Center (room 121). The Learning Center is open every period, including lunch time.

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Supports in the LRC

The staff in the Learning Center are here to support you. Please come see us in room 121 if you need anything. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Access to a Special Education Resource Teacher who understands your learning needs
  • Help with assistive technology, Chromebooks, SEA, flexible seating and other tools
  • A quiet, alternative workspace for test writing or scribing
  • Access to digital or audio files of course materials, textbooks and novels
  • Understand, break down and get started with assignments
  • Get caught up if you are falling behind
  • Get organized and manage your time effectively
  • Study tips, work habits and help setting goals

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This is Ms. Farkas.

She is the Head of Special Education and works in the Learning Center.

Contact: wendy_farkas@wrdsb.ca

This is Mr. Hazenberg.

He is the Head of the Fast Forward program and works in the Learning Center.

Contact: darryl_hazenberg@wrdsb.ca

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Support Staff at JHSS

Support in classrooms:

Educational Assistants support students and teachers in various classrooms. Educational Assistants at JHSS support students in our ACE classrooms, Fastforward classrooms and in the Learning Center.

There are many support staff at JHSS:

Ms. Cotten, Social Worker

Ms. Pitts, Child Youth Worker (A-G)

Ms. Leblanc, Child Youth Worker (H- Z)

If you think you need support from Ms. Cotten, Ms. Pitts or Ms. Leblanc, talk to your Guidance Counselor or Special Education Resource Teacher and they will connect you.

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This is the cafeteria.

There are vending machines located outside the cafeteria in case you get hungry and the cafeteria is closed. There is also a microwave oven and a toaster for you to use at school.

Students can buy food and eat lunch in here.

During this past year, students have been eating lunch either outside or in their first period class.

This is also our stage for special events and shows.

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Nutrition for Learning

JHSS Breakfast Club

Free to anyone before school! Healthy food to help with learning! Just pick up a snack bag at school entrances.

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There are quiet work areas and tables in the library. The staff in the library will answer your questions.

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This is the Gym. �You will be able to purchase gym clothes in the fall.

This is the weight room. It is near the West gym, on an upper floor.

There are two gyms at JHSS. The West Gym and the East Gym (also known as the New Gym and Old Gym).

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Daily Schedule

JHSS is a semestered school. Students take 4 courses each semester.

Semester 1: September - January, Semester 2: February - June

Period 1

8:05 - 9:25am

Period 2

9:30 - 10:45am


10:45 - 11:45am

Period 3

11:50am - 1:00pm

Period 4

1:05 - 2:20pm

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You will get your own Chromebook in September. You will need to look after it and charge it every evening and bring it back to school each day. Many of your classes will use the chromebook regularly!

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It is important to stay organized.

Other supplies you may need:

  • 1 Zipper binder
  • Coloured Dividers (1 for each subject)
  • Notebook paper
  • Pencil case with 3-holes
  • Scientific calculator
  • Ruler/ protractor set

JHSS doesn’t use paper planner booklets any more. We encourage the use of Google Calendar on your chromebook and/or phone to keep track of your assignments, tests, appointments, and other important dates.

Many of our teachers use Virtual Learning Environments in their classrooms. Teachers at JHSS use Google Classroom and D2L.

Google Keep allows you to create notes, to do lists, set alarms and important reminders.

Google Tasks can help you break down tasks, plan projects and manage your time more efficiently.

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There are lots of caring staff at JHSS that support our students.

In high school it is also important that students begin to advocate for themselves if they need help. If a student had an IEP in elementary school, they will have one in high school also.

In grade 9, a Special Education Resource Teacher will meet with students and contact parents/guardians to review student IEPs and learning needs.

Here are some great self advocacy tools that can help with the transition to high school. Click on the links below to explore.

Click here to read about fostering advocacy in students.

Sample Advocacy Card

Sample Advocacy Pamphlet

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The school website has lots of information. �Go to:�https://jhs.wrdsb.ca/