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My Healthy



7th Grade Health


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Journal Entry 1:



Directions: Take time to read and answer the questions below. Feel free to talk with your family about the questions to get more ideas and feedback. Answer the four questions using complete sentences. Write using at least 7 good sentences.

Part of being proactive means anticipating challenges and preparing for them. In anticipation of quarantines, many people began proactively preparing by stocking up on “essential” items they would need.

  • What items have been in high demand?
  • How have stores responded to these demands?
  • What items do you think are most important to have on hand during a multi week quarantine?
  • Did you or your family do anything to prepare for potential closures?

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Journal Entry 2:

Begin With the

End in Mind

Begin with the end in mind. With fewer commitments to attend in the next few weeks, what can you accomplish?

  • What are 3 personal goals you can accomplish in the next few weeks? Write them in SMART goal format. (Perhaps this extra time away from school could allow you to finally focus on getting your split, organize your closet, finish a book, or learn to make something from scratch!)
  • Use bullets to describe the steps you will need to take to accomplish your goal.

Goal #1: _______________________________________________________




Goal #2: ______________________________________________________




Goal #3: ______________________________________________________



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Journal Entry 3:


First Things First

Habit 3 reminds us about priorities. Sometimes, our priorities get a little out of whack in the hustle and bustle of daily life. A larger event like this can sometimes remind us what is most important in life. With more time at home, your priorities may have changed recently.

  • How is your daily routine different than normal?
  • How have the routines of your family members changed?
  • What have you had more time to do that you really enjoy?
  • What is something you really miss and you look forward to returning to?


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Journal Entry 4:

Think Win-Win

This unique situation may provide opportunities to work together or help others in ways you never thought of. Mr. Rogers once said, “When I was a boy and would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. There are always people who are helping.” Please choose one of the options below...

  • Option 1: Share your personal story of how you have experienced people working together, sharing, and supporting one another in recent days.
  • Option 2: Find social media stories in which other people have shared how they are caring for and supporting one another. Retell what you read/heard in your own words. Be sure to tell us the source of your story.


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Journal Entry 5:

Seek First to Understand,

Then to be Understood

News outlets and social media are flooding us with information about Coronavirus, much of which is not factual. Seek first to understand 3 claims that have been reported and determine if you think each is reliable. Then, seek to be understood and explain why you think this claim should or shouldn’t be trusted.



Is it reliable?

Why or why not?

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Journal Entry 6:


Synergize means to work together to accomplish a task. Our common goal is to slow the spread of Coronavirus so that the healthcare system can keep up with caring for those in need. Individuals have had to make sacrifices and many have been inconvenienced for the greater good. Explain some of the steps our society/government/schools have taken so that we can synergize to slow the spread of this virus.

  • What “protective measures” have recently been put into place? Create a timeline below of 5 events by writing the date, and the new rule/restriction that was put into place. You may use a variety of sources to help in your search.



Taken from the New York Times, March 11, 2020. Adapted from the CDC.

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Journal Entry 7:

Sharpen the Saw

Sharpen the Saw is about giving yourself a chance to rest, relax, and recharge your batteries, so that you may efficiently prepare for upcoming challenges without getting burned out. How can you use this time to practice better self care so that your immune system is in tip-top shape?

  • How have you been caring for your body while adapting to a new routine? (Hygiene, exercise, nutrition, cleaning, etc.)
  • How are you caring for your mental/emotional health? (Hobbies you have been enjoying more, talking about concerns/worries)
  • How have you been maintaining social connections? Did any of your plans change?
