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Teaching AI Literacy

IP&T 515R: AI in Education

Final Project Draft (Week 9) Steven Proctor

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5 Criteria

  • Be designed to help someone learn something
  • Be grounded in a specific pedagogical approach
  • Be highly interactive
  • Use generative AI extensively
  • Represent at least 10 hours of work on your part, but accomplish much more than would have been possible in 10 hours without using AI

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1. Help someone learn something: AI Literacy

AI Literacy Framework

  • Know and understand AI
  • Use and apply AI
  • Evaluate and create AI
  • AI Ethics

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Courtesy: Marc Watkins, T4L Conference Keynote, 29 Feb 2024 (Rexburg, ID)

Marc Watkins is an Academic Innovation Fellow, Lecturer of Writing and Rhetoric, and serves as the Director of the AI Institute for Teachers of Writing at the University of Mississippi. His work exploring generative AI’s impact on teaching and learning has been profiled in the Washington Post. He writes about AI and education at Rhetorica.

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2. Be grounded in a specific pedagogical approach

  • Integrative Learning: “an approach where the learner brings together prior knowledge and experiences to support new knowledge and experiences. By doing this, learners draw on their skills and apply them to new experiences at a more complex level.” - Edith Cowan University
  • How?
    • Make connections to prior and current experiences in relation to what is learned in/out of the classroom
    • Learning activities that allow the student to be active in the learning process: asking questions, solving problems, and looking for solutions in immediate and global contexts

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3. Be highly interactive

  • Students will be able to teach others AI Literacy through building personalized assignments for the next students to use, learn from, and reflect on
  • See IP&T 373: Creating a Choice Board Activity
  • Also, PICRAT: moving from Passive to Interactive & Creative uses of technology → to achieve more Amplified and Transformative experiences

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4. Use generative AI extensively

  • Using the AI Literacy framework mentioned previously, use an LLM and Diffusion model to:
    • Create lesson plans for each of the 4 areas
    • Create mock-final project of students’ final project: �Choice Boards (to teach each of the 4 areas)
    • Develop an EdTech Book resource that documents this process

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5. Represent at least 10 hours, but accomplish more

  • I may need to pair back already… This feels like a 20+ hour project
  • Still in the brainstorming phase about what this would actually look like…
    • I want some collaborative approaches to the assignments, but I feel like the current assignments I’m working towards are mostly self-driven and not others-driven… thoughts?

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End of Project Draft

This draft will self destruct in 3, 2, 1…