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The Weekly Hoot

Week of September 25, 2023

English Language Arts

Week 3: Mapping My City/Town


Explain the differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types.

Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by words.

Phonological/Phonemic Awareness

Rhyming, Onset and Rime, Phoneme Manipulation

Phonics/Word Study

Read, spell, and analyze one-syllable words. (-ot, -op, -ack)


We will continue working on our books called “Mapping My World,” as we are learning what a cartographer is and does. We will be drawing maps of our city/town.


We will work on breaking apart numbers and subtraction number stories.


We will learn about how we impact our environment.


We will work on correct letter and number formation.

  • Oct. 9-13 - Spirit Week! See back.

  • Oct. 13 - Homecoming Parade (5:30) & Game!

  • Oct. 6 - Move-a-Thon Event

  • Oct. 20 & 23 - No School!

  • Oct. 25 - Picture Re-Takes

  • Please make sure your child has a jacket or sweatshirt. It is starting to get chilly!

  • Please make sure your child has a water bottle and snack daily.

  • Remove papers from Take Home Folders every night and make sure they return each day.

  • Keep raising money for the Move-A-Thon! Our event is Oct. 6.

If you are connected with Class Dojo, you will have received a digital version of this newsletter to be able to click on the links.

BRPS Website


Riverview PTO Facebook Page


First Grade is a Hoot! (Class Website)


We are in need of individually packaged snack donations for our classroom. I have listed some ideas below. We are going through snack quickly with how many do not bring snack each day. Thank you in advance!

- mini bags of chips, cheez-its, goldfish, etc.

- granola bars

- fruit & grain bars

- packs of crackers

A Peek at the Week

Upcoming Events

Helpful Links

Friendly Reminders

Classroom Needs