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Español Tres

Señora Beam or Heaton


Room A5

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% Value

Worksheets and Class Activities


Listening & Reading


Projects & Large Scale assignments






Sequence of Curriculum

  • Review of Spanish 1 and 2 skills.
  • Animals and the Environment
  • Opinion
  • The future
  • The City & Directions
  • The past

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Assignment Make-up Policy

Students absent will have the opportunity to turn in makeup or late work. Sometimes they will do the normal assignment but often times it will be an alternate. The assignment will be marked as missing until turned in. These assignments will be turned into the make up work bin or emailed to me.

Most all work can be redone or made up for a better grade with the exception of bell work (para empezar) and finals. Work must be made up during the quarter the class completed it in. Please make me aware ASAP if you would like to redo any assignment.

Communicating Grades

Grades will be posted on Infinite Campus under the student & parent portal. A link to IC on the school's website. If you have questions concerning your grades please email me at emily.heaton@bardstown.kyschools.us

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Course Policies

  • Refer to the school handbook, these school wide policies are expected to be upheld. Be familiar with disciplinary refractions and dress code. Instructions provided by the teacher are expected to be followed.

  • Technology: There will be many opportunities during my class to use electronic devices. Instructions will be provided on how I want these devices to be used. If these devices are used for purposes, during times, or in manners not instructed the device will be taken by the teacher until the end of the class or sent to the office.
    • Students will be expected to put their phones in a cubby within the first 3 minutes of class where they will remain until instructed to collect them. If a student does not have a cellphone an email from a guardian must be sent to emily.heaton@bardstown.kyschools.us ; the same will be required if the student must keep their phone on them in case of emergency.

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Course Procedures

Entering Class:

  • Before sitting down and beginning the “para empezar” check to be sure you are in dress code and ready for class with necessary items.
  • Work on your “para empezar” until I begin the class, only questions regarding the “para empezar” should be asked at this time with a hand raised or emergencies.
  • You will be tardy if you are not in the classroom and quiet when the bell rings.
  • Unless otherwise indicated you will remain quiet during the “para empezar” time.

During Class:

  • If you have a question or feel the instructions are unclear, please raise your hand and I will answer or clarify your question; any other behavior will result in a Detention. You must ask to leave the room and get my permission.
  • Gum, food, & beverages are permitted but you MUST be responsible for their clean up & disruptiveness.

Leaving Class:

  • The bell is to help me, remain seated with your things OUT until I dismiss you.

At All Times:

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Necessary Items

Pen or pencil everyday

Small binder with paper and pockets OR folder

and notebook with perforated edges


Show love inward and outward.

Specifically to yourself, your classmates, your teacher, your classroom, and your school.

It is your decision to be in the class, not a requirement. Which means, your signature above indicates that you are happy to follow the procedures listed and are prepared for the consequences should you prove unable to perform them.