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What do you think these seeds need to grow?

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Preparing our Cups

Partner with someone at your table.

Put your name on one of the labels.

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  • Place the peet disk in the bottom of the cup.
  • Add 25-30ml of water th the cup.
  • Return cup carefully to tray.
  • Wait about 20-30 minutes for your soil to be “ready”
  • We will learn from Mystery Doug while we wait

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Could a plant grow without sunlight?

Adapted from Mystery Science

Spring 2020

Plant Experiment

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What do you think? Can a plant grow without the sun?

Watch this video if you would like!

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In this seesaw video I will show you how to set up your experiment!

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Water both plants every day for 4 days.

On the 4th day, observe both plants.

Draw what you see.

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Watch this video when your experiment is done.

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For next week…...

Go outside and observe some bees!

What are the bees doing?

Why do you think they are doing this?

What interesting things did you notice about the bees? Be prepared to share next Thursday!

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Share your learning in your STEM class in Seesaw!

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