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XTDir Pages for JomSocial

Adding Pages to JomSocial Community Network

Presentation based on Joomla 3, JomSocial 3, SobiPro 1.2 and XTDir 6.3�


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XTDir Pages for JomSocial

In this presentation, we are going to show how you can add Pages, based on SobiPro, to your Joomla! / JomSocial community network.�

About JomSocial, It's the No. 1 community software for Joomla! Turn Joomla CMS into a full-fledged, Social-Networking site.

About SobiPro, SobiPro is a powerful directory component for Joomla!

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About Pages

In a social network, Pages build a closer relationship between the users and their audience and customers.�

Pages provide tools for business, brands or organizations.

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  • XTDir for JomSocial 6.3, or superior
  • JomSocial 4, or superior
  • SobiPro 1.2, or superior (recommended)
  • Joomla 3, or superior
  • MySQL 5.5, or superior (recommended)
  • PHP 5.5, or superior

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XTDir Pages for JomSocial

XTDir is a single component, with a set of modules and plugins, to add the most frequently requested JomSocial and SobiPro features. All configuration and management tasks are performed in a single administrative center.

  • My SobiPro Entries, a JomSocial app and a Joomla! module, to show SobiPro entries associated with a JomSocial user profile.
  • User Profile for SobiPro, a SobiPro read-only field to show JomSocial user profile in associated SobiPro entries.
  • SobiPro Activity Stream for JomSocial, a SobiPro App to push activities to the community wall stream (including reviews).
  • Extended Search Modules, modules to master the art of catalog search. Support for cookie form saving.
  • Categories of SobiPro Module, a module with 6-Layouts to navigate your catalog categories
  • Search in Categories, Search in Selected Section Modules, and Search Plugin(+) Plus, to fill all search possibilities.
  • CategoriesFilterApp, a SobiPro App to show a chained categories control and support empty keyword search in SobiPro.

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XTDir Pages for JomSocial

This presentation is focused in the social network and directory customization:

  • My SobiPro Entries, a JomSocial app and a Joomla! module, to show SobiPro entries associated with a JomSocial user profile.
  • User Profile for SobiPro, a SobiPro read-only field to show JomSocial user profile in associated SobiPro entries.
  • SobiPro Activity Stream for JomSocial, a SobiPro App to push activities to the community wall stream (including reviews).

The objective is to implement:

  • Community notifications of directory activity,
  • Pages access from User Profiles, and
  • User Profile access from directory Pages

To configure the rest of XTDir’s apps, modules, and plugins:http://www.extly.com/guides-faq/75-extensions-for-sobipro-documentation/xtdir-for-sobipro.htmlhttp://www.extly.com/xtdir-building-an-advertising-catalog-for-joomla.html

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Download and install XTDir for JomSocial

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1. XTDir updates are installed in the same way

2. Remember to also update SobiPro Apps with the Update button.

  • "Update" buttons in �XTDir / Business Pages

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My SobiPro Entries

My SobiPro Entries module, it’s installed in the list of modules.

It can be configured in the Module Manager to a position with several control parameters.

vcard layout

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My SobiPro Entries

default layout

My SobiPro Entries app, it’s installed in the list of community plugins.

  • It can be enabled in the Plugin Manager with several control parameters.
  • Control parameters are available in Components/XTDir/Business Pages.

TIP: To change the title, you must change the language label PLG_XTDSOBIPROMYENTRIES_TITLE="XTDir My SobiPro Entries". You can change it in the language translation file, or add an override in the Language Manager.

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My SobiPro Entries

My SobiPro Entries app, TIP: To change the title, you must change the language label PLG_XTDSOBIPROMYENTRIES_TITLE="XTDir My SobiPro Entries".

You can change it:

  • In the language translation file, or
  • Adding an override in the Language Manager. (recommended)

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User Profile for SobiPro

XTDir Apps for SobiPro can be installed/ updated/ downloaded right from the configuration area.

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User Profile for SobiPro

User Profile for SobiPro is a SobiPro read-only field to show JomSocial user profile in associated SobiPro entries.

  • It can be visually customized according your template.

  • It’s managed as a SobiPro field.

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User Profile for SobiPro

To configure the User Profile for SobiPro, the field must be added to the entry structure.

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User Profile for SobiPro

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User Profile for SobiPro

User Profile for SobiPro is shown by default with a simple style.

Sample CSS styling template customization:

.spExtlyCommunity {

float: right;

width: 300px; background-color: #DFF0D8;

border-color: #D6E9C6;

color: #468847; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;

padding: 8px 35px 8px 14px;

text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);


.spExtlyCommunity .groups, .spExtlyCommunity .photos, .spExtlyCommunity .videos, .spExtlyCommunity .events, .field_business_days li {

display: inline-block;

margin-right: 8px;


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User Profile for SobiPro

To show User Profile for SobiPro on the right side, in views.xsl, in a similar way than in our demo site:

... <xsl:for-each select="entry/fields/*">�� <xsl:if test="( name() != 'field_community_profile' )">� <div>� ....� </div>� </xsl:if>� </xsl:for-each>� </div>� <div class="span4">� <xsl:copy-of select="entry/fields/field_community_profile/data/*" />� </div>


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User Profile for SobiPro

  • XTDir Apps for SobiPro implement Layout Overrides. This feature integrates Joomla Override System with SobiPro. In this way, you can create a new view for your App at template level.

User Profile for SobiPro installs the original layout in this directory of your site:





In this directory, you can find layouts of other XTDir Apps.

To create a new Layout, you can copy the layout file to this directory of your template:


Where, YOUR_TEMPLATE is the directory name of your current active directory.

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SP Activity Stream for JomSocial

SobiPro Activity Stream for JomSocial is a native SobiPro App to publish directory activities to the community wall stream (including reviews).

In this way, all community members can check what’s going on in Pages.

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SP Activity Stream for JomSocial

SobiPro Activity Stream for JomSocial can be installed/downloaded right from the configuration area.

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SP Activity Stream for JomSocial

SobiPro Activity Stream for JomSocial enable and configure the App at section level.

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SP Activity Stream for JomSocial

User Activity is valued in JomSocial with the User Points System, and XTDir is integrated and raising specific events.

More info: http://documentation.jomsocial.com/wiki/User_Points_System

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SP Activity Stream for JomSocial

To configure the User Points System, you must copy the rules file into SobiPro directory, and re-scan for new rules in JomSocial:

  • Copy from jomsocial_rule.xml from media/com_xtdir/rules to components/com_sobipro.
  • Re-scan in JomSocial / User Points
  • At any time, you can edit the file or change the assigned points.

More info: http://documentation.jomsocial.com/wiki/User_Points_System

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In this presentation we have shown how to install and configure:

  • My SobiPro Entries, a JomSocial app and a Joomla! module, to show SobiPro entries associated with a JomSocial user profile.
  • User Profile for SobiPro, a SobiPro read-only field to show JomSocial user profile in associated SobiPro entries.
  • SobiPro Activity Stream for JomSocial, a SobiPro App to push activities to the community wall stream (including reviews).

In this way, navigational aids to provide Pages for JomSocial has been implemented. Users can be notified of directory activity, Pages can be accessed from a User Profile, and User Profiles can be accessed from directory Pages.

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One last word

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