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Nous aimons - we like

Nous aimons retrouver nos amis en ville.

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regarder la télé.

Nous aimons

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Nous aimons

téléphoner avec nos copains.

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Nous aimons

faire du shopping

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Nous aimons

faire du sport.

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Vous aimez XXX?

Nous l’aimons.

Nous ne l’aimons pas.


Parce que c’est XXX.

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Qu’est-ce qu’ils/elles/on aiment?

Ils/elles/on aiment XXX


Parce que c’est XXX.

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Aujourd’hui est __________

C’est le ______ octobre 2016

Quel temps fait-il?

Il fait chaud

Il fait frais

Il fait beau

Il pleut

Il fait du soleil

Il neige

C’est l’automne!

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Le bonjour!

Hello, Hi

How are you?

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What are you like?

What’s your xxx’s name?

What’s he/she/one like?

How old is he/she/one?

Why do you like him/her/one?

Thanks, You’re welcome

Good-bye, Bye

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LEARNING INTENTION:We will learn to describe specific people orally and in writing in French.


We will describe people by their personalities as well as physical characteristics in French.

Key concept

Related Concepts

Global Context




Identities and relationships


Working and playing together

ATL: Communication: skill indicators:

- respond appropriately to simple short phrases

- take effective notes in class

SOI:Connections may be made by cooperating, and sharing a common purpose with an audience

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La prononciation

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Tutors are available!

Eliza B - Contact: s8608486

Tuesdays and Thursdays and Freshman ACP, weekends

Shiny Rose - Contact: shinyrose8284@gmail.com

Tuesdays and Thursdays and Freshman ACP, after school, no weekends

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Les devoirs -

Create at least 10 flashcards with French on one side and an image on the back of things that you like to do with your friends.

Nous aimons jouer au basket.