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Animation is the process of creating the illusion of movement with still images.

You need several things to do this:

  • Drawings, pictures, 3D models & objects - anything can be used!
  • Something that will take pictures (or a device such as a Praxinoscope or Zoetrope).
  • A technology of some kind that will connect the images together.
    • Analog - this would be what’s called a film splicer.
    • Digital - This would be some kind of editing software.
  • A technology that will “play” or “move” the images through a viewer of some kind.
    • Analog - This would be a film projector.
    • Digital - Usually the same editing software as above.

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The foundation of the illusion of movement in animations, films and video.

Persistence of vision is when images of objects stay in the brain for a short period of time after the object is removed from our view.



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Animations can be simple or super complex. They can use sound, effects, complicated shots or simple drawings. Animations can be done by anyone at all, regardless of your drawing skills.

For us right now, we are going to work right from the start and begin with flipbooks!

Flipbooks are a great thing to do:

#1 - They are fun and easy!

#2 - They explain & illustrate the concept of frame by frame animation.

#3 - You don’t need any crazy equiptment!

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Frame by Frame animation - Flipbooks!

Check out these videos:

  • A great Youtube page all around flipbooks & animation.

  • Flipbook intro & basics

  • Examples of different flipbooks

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OK folks!

Now it’s time for you to get started on creating your own, whether it’s in class or at home!

Have fun!

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