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NEU 314: Mathematical Tools for Neuroscience

Lecture 3: September 15, 2022

Instructor: Sam Nastase

Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Trichromatic color vision

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Maxwell’s color-matching experiment

Any “test” light can be matched by adjusting the intensities of any three other lights

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

How many numbers would you need to write down to specify the color of a light source?

Just one? The wavelength?

620 nm?

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

How many numbers would you need to write down to specify the color of a light source?

spectral properties

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

How many numbers would you need to write down to specify the color of a light source?

spectral properties

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

How many numbers would you need to write down to specify the color of a light source?

spectral properties

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

How many numbers would you need to write down to specify the color of a light source?

spectral properties

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

How many numbers would you need to write down to specify the color of a light source?

spectral properties

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Visible light

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

How many numbers would you need to write down to specify the color of a light source?

spectral properties

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Color vision

“Now, as it is almost impossible to conceive each sensitive point of the retina to contain an infinite number of particles, each capable of vibrating in perfect unison with every possible undulation, it is necessary to suppose the number limited, for instance, to the three principal colours, red, yellow, and blue, of which the undulates are related in magnitude.”

Young, 1805

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Color vision

“Now, as it almost impossible to conceive each sensitive point of the retina to contain an infinite number of particles, each capable of vibrating in perfect unison with every possible undulation, it is necessary to suppose the number limited, for instance, to the three principal colours, red, yellow, and blue, of which the undulates are related in magnitude.”

Maxwell, 1864

Young, 1802

Helmholtz, 1850

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How many measurements of this spectrum does the human eye take?

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

Color vision

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How many measurements of this spectrum does the human eye take?

Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

Only three! One for each cone (i.e. color-sensitive photoreceptor cell) class:

photoreceptor response

S cones: short wavelength (blue)

M cones: medium wavelength (green)

L cones: long wavelength (red)

Color vision

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Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

Human color vision relies entirely on the comparison of responses from three cone types!

photoreceptor response

S cones: short wavelength (blue)

M cones: medium wavelength (green)

L cones: long wavelength (red)

Color vision

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Visible light is transduced by photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) in the retina

A brief tour of early vision in humans

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Visible light is transduced by photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) in the retina

A brief tour of early vision in humans

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Visible light is transduced by photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) in the retina

A brief tour of early vision in humans

Rods are sensitive in low-light conditions, are more prevalent in the periphery, and contain only one pigment type

Cones require bright light, are more prevalent in the fovea, and contain three different pigment types

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Visible light is transduced by photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) in the retina

A brief tour of early vision in humans

Rods are sensitive in low-light conditions, are more prevalent in the periphery, and contain only one pigment type

Cones require bright light, are more prevalent in the fovea, and contain three different pigment types

Photoreceptors are tonically depolarized; when pigment proteins (opsins) absorb photons, the cell becomes hyperpolarized

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Visible light is transduced by photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) in the retina

A brief tour of early vision in humans

Photoreceptors synapse on bipolar cells, which become depolarized or hyper- polarized depending on the receptor type

Two populations of bipolar cells: ON bipolar cells are excited by light; OFF bipolar cells are inhibited by light

Other cell types in the plexiform layers (e.g. horizontal cells) provide additional preprocessing; e.g. lateral inhibition

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Visible light is transduced by photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) in the retina

A brief tour of early vision in humans

Photoreceptors synapse on bipolar cells, which become depolarized or hyper- polarized depending on the receptor type

Two populations of bipolar cells: ON bipolar cells are excited by light; OFF bipolar cells are inhibited by light

Other cell types in the plexiform layers (e.g. horizontal cells) provide additional preprocessing; e.g. lateral inhibition

This is where we start setting the stage for center-surround receptive fields and opponent processing!

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Visible light is transduced by photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) in the retina

A brief tour of early vision in humans

Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) receive input from bipolar cells and send action potentials to the brain via the optic nerve

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A brief tour of early vision in humans

Livingstone & Hubel, 1988

Signals from the RGCs are sent to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in the thalamus, then on to primary visual cortex (V1)

The parvocellular pathway is color-selective, slow, high- resolution (small receptive fields)

The magnocellular pathway is color-blind, motion-sensitive, low- resolution (large receptive fields)

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A brief tour of early vision in humans

Signals from the RGCs are sent to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in the thalamus, then on to primary visual cortex (V1)

The parvocellular pathway is color-selective, slow, high- resolution (small receptive fields)

The magnocellular pathway is color-blind, motion-sensitive, low- resolution (large receptive fields)

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Visible light is just a thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum: ~380 to ~750 nm

Human color vision relies entirely on the comparison of responses from three cone types!

photoreceptor response

S cones: short wavelength (blue)

M cones: medium wavelength (green)

L cones: long wavelength (red)

Color vision

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Responses from a single cone type are ambiguous! (⊙_◎)

photoreceptor response

The problem of univariance

Absorption spectrum describes the response of a photoreceptor as a function of wavelength

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Responses from a single cone type are ambiguous! (⊙_◎)

photoreceptor response

The problem of univariance

response ≈ .5

Absorption spectrum describes the response of a photoreceptor as a function of wavelength

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Responses from a single cone type are ambiguous! (⊙_◎)

photoreceptor response

The problem of univariance

response ≈ .5

Absorption spectrum describes the response of a photoreceptor as a function of wavelength

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Responses from a single cone type are ambiguous! (⊙_◎)

photoreceptor response

The problem of univariance

response ≈ .5

Photoreceptor has the same response to both of these wavelengths!

But the problem gets even worse…

Absorption spectrum describes the response of a photoreceptor as a function of wavelength

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Responses from a single cone type are ambiguous! (⊙_◎)

photoreceptor response

The problem of univariance

response ≈ .5

The photoreceptor response scales with light intensity! Can’t differentiate weak intensity at peak absorption and high intensity at off-peak absorption

Absorption spectrum describes the response of a photoreceptor as a function of wavelength



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An infinite set of wavelength–intensity combinations can elicit the same response!

photoreceptor response

The problem of univariance

response ≈ .5



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Three-dimensional color space

We can compute 3D cone response vectors using matrix-vector multiplication

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Three-dimensional color space

We can compute 3D cone response vectors using matrix-vector multiplication

illuminant spectrum

cone absorption spectra

cone responses

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Maxwell’s color-matching experiment

Any “test” light (vector) can be matched by adjusting the intensities of any three other lights (basis vectors)

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Metamers are illuminants that are physically distinct but are perceptually indistinguishable

Metamers are a subspace of illuminants that have the same linear projection onto the three cone absorption spectra basis vectors!

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Metamers are illuminants that are physically distinct but are perceptually indistinguishable

illuminant spectrum

cone absorption spectrum

cone responses

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Three-dimensional color space

Maxwell created the first color photograph using a composite of photographs with red, green, and blue filters

Maxwell, 1861

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Three-dimensional color space

Monitors and digital images rely on only three illuminants to approximate any color

CRT monitor with three

(red, green, blue) phosphors

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Color blindness

Dichromats typically only have two functional cone types

Protanopia: absence of L cones

Deuteranopia: absence of M cones

Tritanopia: absence of S cones

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Color blindness

Dichromats typically only have two functional cone types

Protanopia: absence of L cones

Deuteranopia: absence of M cones

Tritanopia: absence of S cones

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Color blindness

Dichromats typically only have two functional cone types

Protanopia: absence of L cones

Deuteranopia: absence of M cones

Tritanopia: absence of S cones

Color-blind folks are living in a two-dimensional subspace! (⌐▨_▨)

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Color vision in other animals

There’s an incredible variety of color vision in the animal kingdom

—most mammals (dogs, cats, horses): dichromats

—old-world primates (including us): trichromats

—marine mammals: monochromats

—bees: trichromats (lack red “L” cone; ultraviolet instead)

—some birds, reptiles & amphibians: tetrachromats!

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Color vision in other animals

There’s an incredible variety of color vision in the animal kingdom

Some tetrachromatic birds (e.g. zebra finches) use ultraviolet vision in foraging and display ultraviolet plumage during mate selection

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Center-surround receptive fields

The receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells (and LGN cells) exhibit center-surround antagonism

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Center-surround receptive fields

The receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells (and LGN cells) exhibit center-surround antagonism

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Center-surround receptive fields

The receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells (and LGN cells) exhibit center-surround antagonism

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Center-surround receptive fields

We can model this phenomenon using the dot product!



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Center-surround receptive fields

We can model this phenomenon using the dot product!



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Center-surround receptive fields

We can model this phenomenon using the dot product!



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Center-surround receptive fields

We can model this phenomenon using the dot product!



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Color constancy

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The visual system discounts the illuminant; it cares more about the surface than the illuminant

Color constancy

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The visual system discounts the illuminant; it cares more about the surface than the illuminant

Color constancy

But color constancy isn’t perfect! 「(゚ペ)

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dodecachromatic color vision?