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Transfer Learning in NLP�NLPL Winter School

Thomas Wolf - HuggingFace Inc.


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  • Session 1: Transfer Learning - Pretraining and representations
  • Session 2: Transfer Learning - Adaptation and downstream tasks
  • Session 3: Transfer Learning - Limitations, open-questions, future directions

Many slides are adapted from a Tutorial on Transfer Learning in NLP I gave at NAACL 2019 with my amazing collaborators



Sebastian Ruder

Matthew Peters



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Transfer Learning in NLP

NLPL Winter School

Session 2


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Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing

Transfer Learning in NLP


Follow along with the tutorial:

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4. Adaptation


Image credit: Ben Didier

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4 – How to adapt the pretrained model

Several orthogonal directions we can make decisions on:

  • Architectural modifications?�How much to change the pretrained model architecture for adaptation��
  • Optimization schemes?�Which weights to train during adaptation and following what schedule ��
  • More signal: Weak supervision, Multi-tasking & Ensembling�How to get more supervision signal for the target task

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4.1 – Architecture

Two general options:

  • Keep pretrained model internals unchanged:�Add classifiers on top, embeddings at the bottom, use outputs as features
  • Modify pretrained model internal architecture: �Initialize encoder-decoders, task-specific modifications, adapters


Image credit: Darmawansyah

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4.1.A – Architecture: Keep model unchanged

General workflow:

  • Remove pretraining task head if not useful for target task
    • Example: remove softmax classifier from pretrained LM
    • Not always needed: some adaptation schemes re-use the pretraining objective/task, e.g. for multi-task learning


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4.1.A – Architecture: Keep model unchanged

General workflow:

Task-specific, randomly initialized

General, pretrained

  • Add target task-specific layers on top/bottom of pretrained model
    • Simple: adding linear layer(s) on top of the pretrained model


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4.1.A – Architecture: Keep model unchanged

General workflow:

  • Add target task-specific layers on top/bottom of pretrained model
    • Simple: adding linear layer(s) on top of the pretrained model
    • More complex: model output as input for a separate model
    • Often beneficial when target task requires interactions that are not available in pretrained embedding


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4.1.B – Architecture: Modifying model internals

Various reasons:

  • Adapting to a structurally different target task
    • Ex: Pretraining with a single input sequence (ex: language modeling) but adapting to a task with several input sequences (ex: translation, conditional generation...)
    • Use the pretrained model weights to initialize as much as possible of a structurally different target task model
    • Ex: Use monolingual LMs to initialize encoder and decoder parameters for MT (Ramachandran et al., EMNLP 2017; Lample & Conneau, 2019)


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4.1.B – Architecture: Modifying model internals

Various reasons:

  • Task-specific modifications
    • Provide pretrained model with capabilities that are useful for the target task
    • Ex: Adding skip/residual connections, attention (Ramachandran et al., EMNLP 2017)


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4.1.B – Architecture: Modifying model internals

  • Using less parameters for adaptation:
    • Less parameters to fine-tune
    • Can be very useful given the increasing size of model parameters
    • Ex: add bottleneck modules (“adapters”) between the layers of the pretrained model (Rebuffi et al., NIPS 2017; CVPR 2018)

Various reasons:


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4.1.B – Architecture: Modifying model internals


  • Commonly connected with a residual connection in parallel to an existing layer
  • Most effective when placed at every layer (smaller effect at bottom layers)
  • Different operations (convolutions, self-attention) possible
  • Particularly suitable for modular architectures like Transformers (Houlsby et al., ICML 2019; Stickland and Murray, ICML 2019)


Image credit: Caique Lima

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4.1.B – Architecture: Modifying model internals

  • Multi-head attention (MH; shared across layers) is used in parallel with self-attention (SA) layer of BERT
  • Both are added together and fed into a layer-norm (LN)


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Hands-on #2:

Adapting our pretrained model


Image credit: Chanaky

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Hands-on: Model adaptation

  • Plan
    • Start from our Transformer language model
    • Adapt the model to a target task:
      • keep the model core unchanged, load the pretrained weights
      • add a linear layer on top, newly initialized
      • use additional embeddings at the bottom, newly initialized
  • Reminder — material is here:


Let’s see how a simple fine-tuning scheme can be implemented with our pretrained model:

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Adaptation task

  • We select a text classification task as the downstream task

  • TREC-6: The Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) Question Classification (Li et al., COLING 2002)�
  • TREC consists of open-domain, fact-based questions divided into broad semantic categories contains 5500 labeled training questions & 500 testing questions with 6 labels:� NUM, LOC, HUM, DESC, ENTY, ABBR

Hands-on: Model adaptation



  • How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ? —> DESC
  • What films featured the character Popeye Doyle ? —> ENTY

Transfer learning models shine on this type of low-resource task

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  • Modifications:
    • Keep model internals unchanged
    • Add a linear layer on top
    • Add an additional embedding (classification token) at the bottom�
  • Computation flow:
    • Model input: the tokenized question with a classification token at the end
    • Extract the last hidden-state associated to the classification token
    • Pass the hidden-state in a linear layer and softmax to obtain class probabilities

Hands-on: Model adaptation


First adaptation scheme

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Let’s load and prepare our dataset:

Fine-tuning hyper-parameters:

– 6 classes in TREC-6

– Use fine tuning hyper parameters from Radford et al., 2018:

  • learning rate from 6.5e-5 to 0.0
  • fine-tune for 3 epochs

Hands-on: Model adaptation


- trim to the transformer input size & add a classification token at the end of each sample,

- pad to the left,

- convert to tensors,

- extract a validation set.

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Adapt our model architecture

Replace the pre-training head (language modeling) with the classification head:

A linear layer, which takes as input the hidden-state of the [CLF] token (using a mask)

Keep our pretrained model unchanged as the backbone.

* Initialize all the weights of the model.

Hands-on: Model adaptation


* Reload common weights from the pretrained model.

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Our fine-tuning code:

We will evaluate on our validation and test sets:

* validation: after each epoch

* test: at the end

A simple training update function:

* prepare inputs: transpose and build padding & classification token masks

* we have options to clip and accumulate gradients


* linearly increasing to lr

* linearly decreasing to 0.0

Hands-on: Model adaptation


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We can now fine-tune our model on TREC:

We are at the state-of-the-art



  • The error rate goes down quickly! After one epoch we already have >90% accuracy.�⇨ Fine-tuning is highly data efficient in Transfer Learning
  • We took our pre-training & fine-tuning hyper-parameters straight from the literature on related models.�⇨ Fine-tuning is often robust to the exact choice of hyper-parameters

Hands-on: Model adaptation – Results


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Let’s conclude this hands-on with a few additional words on robustness & variance.

  • Large pretrained models (e.g. BERT large) are prone to degenerate performance when fine-tuned on tasks with small training sets.
  • Observed behavior is often “on-off”: it either works very well or doesn’t work at all.
  • Understanding the conditions and causes of this behavior (models, adaptation schemes) is an open research question.

Hands-on: Model adaptation – Results


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4.2 – Optimization

Several directions when it comes to the optimization itself:

  • Choose which weights we should update�Feature extraction, fine-tuning, adapters�
  • Choose how and when to update the weights�From top to bottom, gradual unfreezing, discriminative fine-tuning�
  • Consider practical trade-offsSpace and time complexity, performance


Image credit: ProSymbols, purplestudio, Markus, Alfredo

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4.2.A – Optimization: Which weights?

The main question: To tune or not to tune (the pretrained weights)?

  • Do not change pretrained weights�Feature extraction, adapters�
  • Change pretrained weights�Fine-tuning


Image credit: purplestudio

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4.2.A – Optimization: Which weights?

Don’t touch the pretrained weights!��Feature extraction:

  • Weights are frozen



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4.2.A – Optimization: Which weights?

Don’t touch the pretrained weights!��Feature extraction:

  • Weights are frozen
  • A linear classifier is trained on top of the pretrained representations



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4.2.A – Optimization: Which weights?

Don’t touch the pretrained weights!��Feature extraction:

  • Weights are frozen
  • A linear classifier is trained on top of the pretrained representations
  • Don’t just use features of the top layer!
  • Learn a linear combination of layers (Peters et al., NAACL 2018, Ruder et al., AAAI 2019)



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4.2.A – Optimization: Which weights?

Don’t touch the pretrained weights!

Feature extraction:

  • Alternatively, pretrained representations are used as features in downstream model


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4.2.A – Optimization: Which weights?

Don’t touch the pretrained weights!��Adapters

  • Task-specific modules that are added in between existing layers


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4.2.A – Optimization: Which weights?

Don’t touch the pretrained weights!��Adapters

  • Task-specific modules that are added in between existing layers
  • Only adapters are trained


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4.2.A – Optimization: Which weights?

Yes, change the pretrained weights!


  • Pretrained weights are used as initialization for parameters of the downstream model
  • The whole pretrained architecture is trained during the adaptation phase


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Hands-on #3:

Using Adapters and freezing


Image credit: Chanaky

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  • Modifications:
    • add Adapters inside the backbone model: Linear ⇨ ReLU ⇨ Linear� with a skip-connection
  • As previously:
    • add a linear layer on top
    • use an additional embedding (classification token) at the bottom

Hands-on: Model adaptation


Second adaptation scheme: Using Adapters

  • Houlsby et al., ICML 2019

We will only train the adapters, the added linear layer and the embeddings. The other parameters of the model will be frozen.

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Let’s adapt our model architecture

Add the adapter modules:

Bottleneck layers with 2 linear layers and a non-linear activation function (ReLU)

Hidden dimension is small: e.g. 32, 64, 256

Inherit from our pretrained model to have all the modules.

The Adapters are inserted inside skip-connections after:

  • the attention module
  • the feed-forward module

Hands-on: Model adaptation


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Now we need to freeze the portions of our model we don’t want to train.

We just indicate that no gradient is needed for the frozen parameters by setting param.requires_grad to False for the frozen parameters:

In our case we will train 25% of the parameters. The model is small & deep (many adapters) and we need to train the embeddings so the ratio stay quite high. For a larger model this ratio would be a lot lower.

Hands-on: Model adaptation


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Results similar to full-fine-tuning case with advantage of training only 25% of the full model parameters.

For a small 50M parameters model this method is overkill ⇨ for 300M–1.5B parameters models.

We use a hidden dimension of 32 for the adapters and a learning rate ten times higher for the fine-tuning (we have added quite a lot of newly initialized parameters to train from scratch).

Hands-on: Model adaptation


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4.2.B – Optimization: What schedule?

We have decided which weights to update, but in which order and how should be update them?

Motivation: We want to avoid overwriting useful pretrained information and maximize positive transfer.

Related concept: Catastrophic forgetting (McCloskey & Cohen, 1989; French, 1999)When a model forgets the task it was originally trained on.


Image credit: Markus

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4.2.B – Optimization: What schedule?

A guiding principle:�Update from top-to-bottom

  • Progressively in time: freezing
  • Progressively in intensity: Varying the learning rates
  • Progressively vs. the pretrained model: Regularization


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

Main intuition: Training all layers at the same time on data of a different distribution and task may lead to instability and poor solutions.

Solution: Train layers individually to give them time to adapt to new task and data.

Goes back to layer-wise training of early deep neural networks (Hinton et al., 2006; Bengio et al., 2007).


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

  • Freezing all but the top layer (Long et al., ICML 2015)


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

  • Freezing all but the top layer (Long et al., ICML 2015)
  • Chain-thaw (Felbo et al., EMNLP 2017): training one layer at a time
    • Train new layer


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

  • Freezing all but the top layer (Long et al., ICML 2015)
  • Chain-thaw (Felbo et al., EMNLP 2017): training one layer at a time
    • Train new layer
    • Train one layer at a time


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

  • Freezing all but the top layer (Long et al., ICML 2015)
  • Chain-thaw (Felbo et al., EMNLP 2017): training one layer at a time
    • Train new layer
    • Train one layer at a time


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

  • Freezing all but the top layer (Long et al., ICML 2015)
  • Chain-thaw (Felbo et al., EMNLP 2017): training one layer at a time
    • Train new layer
    • Train one layer at a time


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

  • Freezing all but the top layer (Long et al., ICML 2015)
  • Chain-thaw (Felbo et al., EMNLP 2017): training one layer at a time
    • Train new layer
    • Train one layer at a time
    • Train all layers


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

  • Freezing all but the top layer (Long et al., ICML 2015)
  • Chain-thaw (Felbo et al., EMNLP 2017): training one layer at a time
  • Gradually unfreezing (Howard & Ruder, ACL 2018): unfreeze one layer after another
  • Sequential unfreezing (Chronopoulou et al., NAACL 2019): hyper-parameters that determine length of fine-tuning
    • Fine-tune additional parameters for epochs
    • Fine-tune pretrained parameters without embedding layer for epochs


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

  • Freezing all but the top layer (Long et al., ICML 2015)
  • Chain-thaw (Felbo et al., EMNLP 2017): training one layer at a time
  • Gradually unfreezing (Howard & Ruder, ACL 2018): unfreeze one layer after another
  • Sequential unfreezing (Chronopoulou et al., NAACL 2019): hyper-parameters that determine length of fine-tuning
    • Fine-tune additional parameters for epochs
    • Fine-tune pretrained parameters without embedding layer for epochs
    • Train all layers until convergence


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4.2.B – Optimization: Freezing

Commonality: Train all parameters jointly in the end


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Hands-on #4:

Using gradual unfreezing


Image credit: Chanaky

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Gradual unfreezing is similar to our previous freezing process.�We start by freezing all the model except the newly added parameters:

We then gradually unfreeze an additional block along the training so that we train the full model at the end:

Find index of layer to unfreeze

Name pattern matching

Unfreezing interval

Hands-on: Adaptation


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Gradual unfreezing has not been investigated in details for Transformer models� ⇨ no specific hyper-parameters advocated in the literature

Residual connections may have an impact on the method

⇨ should probably adapt LSTM hyper-parameters

Hands-on: Adaptation


We show simple experiments in the Colab. Better hyper-parameters settings can probably be found.

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4.2.B – Optimization: Learning rates

Main idea: Use lower learning rates to avoid overwriting useful information.

Where and when?

  • Lower layers (capture general information)
  • Early in training (model still needs to adapt to target distribution)
  • Late in training (model is close to convergence)


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4.2.B – Optimization: Learning rates

  • Discriminative fine-tuning (Howard & Ruder, ACL 2018)
    • Lower layers capture general information�→ Use lower learning rates for lower layers


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4.2.B – Optimization: Learning rates

  • Discriminative fine-tuning
  • Triangular learning rates (Howard & Ruder, ACL 2018)
    • Quickly move to a suitable region, then slowly converge over time


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4.2.B – Optimization: Learning rates

  • Discriminative fine-tuning
  • Triangular learning rates (Howard & Ruder, ACL 2018)
    • Quickly move to a suitable region, then slowly converge over time
    • Also known as “learning rate warm-up”
    • Used e.g. in Transformer (Vaswani et al., NIPS 2017) and Transformer-based methods (BERT, GPT)
    • Facilitates optimization; easier to escape suboptimal local minima


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4.2.B – Optimization: Regularization

Main idea: minimize catastrophic forgetting by encouraging target model parameters to stay close to pretrained model parameters�using a regularization term .


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4.2.B – Optimization: Regularization

  • Simple method:�Regularize new parameters not to deviate too much from pretrained ones (Wiese et al., CoNLL 2017):�


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4.2.B – Optimization: Regularization

  • More advanced (elastic weight consolidation; EWC): Focus on parameters that are important for the pretrained task based on the Fisher information matrix�(Kirkpatrick et al., PNAS 2017):�


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4.2.B – Optimization: Regularization

EWC has downsides in continual learning:

  • May over-constrain parameters
  • Computational cost is linear in the number of tasks (Schwarz et al., ICML 2018)


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4.2.B – Optimization: Regularization

  • If tasks are similar, we may also encourage source and target predictions to be close based on cross-entropy, similar to distillation:�


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Hands-on #5:

Using discriminative learning


Image credit: Chanaky

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Discriminative learning rate can be implemented using two steps in our example:

We can then compute the learning rate of each group depending on its label (at each training iteration):

First we organize the parameters of the various layers in labelled parameters groups in the optimizer:


Hands-on: Model adaptation


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4.2.C – Optimization: Trade-offs

Several trade-offs when choosing which weights to update:

  • Space complexity�Task-specific modifications, additional parameters, parameter reuse�
  • Time complexity�Training time�
  • Performance


Image credit: Alfredo

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4.2.C – Optimization trade-offs: Space

Task-specific modifications

Additional parameters

Parameter reuse




Feature extraction





Feature extraction





Feature extraction



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4.2.C – Optimization trade-offs: Time

Training time


Feature extraction





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4.2.C – Optimization trade-offs: Performance

  • Rule of thumb: If task source and target tasks are dissimilar*, use feature extraction (Peters et al., 2019)
  • Otherwise, feature extraction and fine-tuning often perform similar
  • Fine-tuning BERT on textual similarity tasks works significantly better
  • Adapters achieve performance competitive with fine-tuning
  • Anecdotally, Transformers are easier to fine-tune (less sensitive to hyper-parameters) than LSTMs

*dissimilar: certain capabilities (e.g. modelling inter-sentence relations) are beneficial for target task, but pretrained model lacks them (see more later)


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4.3 – Getting more signal

The target task is often a low-resource task. We can often�improve the performance of transfer learning by �combining a diverse set of signals:

  • From fine-tuning a single model on a single adaptation task….�The Basic: fine-tuning the model with a simple classification objective�
  • … to gathering signal from other datasets and related tasks … �Fine-tuning with Weak Supervision, Multi-tasking and Sequential Adaptation�
  • … to ensembling models�Combining the predictions of several fine-tuned models


Image credit: Naveen

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4.3.A – Getting more signal: Basic fine-tuning

Simple example of fine-tuning on a text classification task:

  • Extract a single fixed-length vector from the model:�hidden state of first/last token or mean/max of hidden-states�
  • Project to the classification space with an additional classifier�
  • Train with a classification objective


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Related datasets/tasks

  • Sequential adaptation�Intermediate fine-tuning on related datasets and tasks
  • Multi-task fine-tuning with related tasks�Such as NLI tasks in GLUE�
  • Dataset Slicing�When the model consistently underperforms on particular slices of the data
  • Semi-supervised learning�Use unlabelled data to improve model consistency


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Sequential adaptation

Fine-tuning on related high-resource dataset

  • Fine-tune model on related task with more data


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Sequential adaptation

Fine-tuning on related high-resource dataset

  • Fine-tune model on related task with more data
  • Fine-tune model on target task
  • Helps particularly for tasks with limited data and similar tasks (Phang et al., 2018)
  • Improves sample complexity on target task (Yogatama et al., 2019)


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Multi-task fine-tuning

Fine-tune the model jointly on related tasks

  • For each optimization step, sample a task and a batch for training.
  • Train via multi-task learning for a couple of epochs.


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Multi-task fine-tuning

Fine-tune the model jointly on related tasks

  • For each optimization step, sample a task and a batch for training.
  • Train via multi-task learning for a couple of epochs.
  • Fine-tune on the target task only for a few epochs at the end.


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Multi-task fine-tuning

Fine-tune the model with an unsupervised auxiliary task

  • Language modelling is a related task!
  • Fine-tuning the LM helps adapting the pretrained parameters to the target dataset.
  • Helps even without pretraining (Rei et al., ACL 2017)
  • Can optionally anneal ratio (Chronopoulou et al., NAACL 2019)
  • Used as a separate step in ULMFiT


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Dataset slicing

Use auxiliary heads that are trained only on particular subsets of the data

  • Analyze errors of the model
  • Use heuristics to automatically identify challenging subsets of the training data
  • Train auxiliary heads jointly with main head

See also Massive Multi-task Learning with Snorkel MeTaL


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Semi-supervised learning

Can be used to make model predictions more consistent using unlabelled data

  • Main idea: Minimize distance between predictions on original input and perturbed input


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4.3.B – Getting more signal: Semi-supervised learning

Can be used to make model predictions more consistent using unlabelled data

  • Perturbation can be noise, masking (Clark et al., EMNLP 2018), data augmentation, e.g. back-translation (Xie et al., 2019)


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4.3.C – Getting more signal: Ensembling

Reaching the state-of-the-art by ensembling independently fine-tuned models

  • Ensembling models�Combining the predictions of models fine-tuned with various hyper-parameters
  • Knowledge distillationDistill an ensemble of fine-tuned models in a single smaller model


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4.3.C – Getting more signal: Ensembling

Model fine-tuned...

  • on different tasks
  • on different dataset-splits
  • with different parameters (dropout, initializations…)
  • from variant of pre-trained models (e.g. cased/uncased)


Combining the predictions of models fine-tuned with various hyper-parameters.

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4.3.C – Getting more signal: Distilling

  • knowledge distillation: train a student model on soft targets produced by the teacher (the ensemble) ��
  • Relative probabilities of the teacher labels contain information about how the teacher generalizes


Distilling ensembles of large models back in a single model

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Hands-on #6:

Using multi-task learning


Image credit: Chanaky

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Multitasking with a classification loss + language modeling loss.

Create two heads:

– language modeling head

– classification head

Total loss is a weighted sum of

– language modeling loss and

– classification loss

Hands-on: Multi-task learning


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Multi-tasking helped us improve over single-task full-model fine-tuning!

We use a coefficient of 1.0 for the classification loss and 0.5 for the language modeling loss and fine-tune a little longer (6 epochs instead of 3 epochs, the validation loss was still decreasing).

Hands-on: Multi-task learning


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5. Downstream applications�Hands-on examples


Image credit: Fahmi

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5. Downstream applications - Hands-on examples

In this section we will explore downstream applications and practical considerations along two orthogonal directions:

  • What are the various applications of transfer learning in NLP�Document/sequence classification, Token-level classification, Structured prediction and Language generation
  • How to leverage several frameworks & libraries for practical applications�Tensorflow, PyTorch, Keras and third-party libraries like fast.ai, HuggingFace...


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Practical considerations

Frameworks & libraries: practical considerations


  • Pretraining large-scale models is costly�Use open-source models�Share your pretrained models

“Energy and Policy Considerations for Deep Learning in NLP” - Strubell, Ganesh, McCallum - ACL 2019

  • Sharing/accessing pretrained models
    • Hubs: Tensorflow Hub, PyTorch Hub
    • Author released checkpoints: ex BERT, GPT...
    • Third-party libraries: AllenNLP, fast.ai, HuggingFace
  • Design considerations
    • Hubs/libraries:
      • Simple to use but can be difficult to modify model internal architecture
    • Author released checkpoints:
      • More difficult to use but you have full control over the model internals

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5. Downstream applications - Hands-on examples

  • Sequence and document level classification�Hands-on: Document level classification (fast.ai)�
  • Token level classification�Hands-on: Question answering (Google BERT & Tensorflow/TF Hub)
  • Language generation�Hands-on: Dialog Generation (OpenAI GPT & HuggingFace/PyTorch Hub)�


Icons credits: David, Susannanova, Flatart, ProSymbols

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5.A – Sequence & document level classification

Transfer learning for document classification using the fast.ai library.

  • Target task:�IMDB: a binary sentiment classification dataset containing 25k highly polar movie reviews for training, 25k for testing and additional unlabeled data.�http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/
  • Fast.ai has in particular:
    • a pre-trained English model available for download
    • a standardized data block API
    • easy access to standard datasets like IMDB
  • Fast.ai is based on PyTorch


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fast.ai gives access to many high-level API out-of-the-box for vision, text, tabular data and collaborative filtering.

DataBunch for the language model and the classifier

Load IMDB dataset & inspect it.

Load an AWD-LSTM (Merity et al., 2017) pretrained on WikiText-103 & fine-tune it on IMDB using the language modeling loss.

Fast.ai then comprises all the high level modules needed to quickly setup a transfer learning experiment.

5.A – Document level classification using fast.ai


The library is designed for speed of experimentation, e.g. by importing all necessary modules at once in interactive computing environments, like:

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Now we fine-tune in two steps:�

Once we have a fine-tune language model (AWD-LSTM), we can create a text classifier by adding a classification head with:

– A layer to concatenate the final outputs of the RNN with the maximum and average of all the intermediate outputs (along the sequence length)

– Two blocks of nn.BatchNorm1d nn.Dropout nn.Linear nn.ReLU with a hidden dimension of 50.

5.A – Document level classification using fast.ai


1. train the classification head only while keeping the language model frozen, and

2. fine-tune the whole architecture.

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5.B – Token level classification: BERT & Tensorflow

Transfer learning for token level classification: Google’s BERT in TensorFlow.

  • Target task:�SQuAD: a question answering dataset.�https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/
  • In this example we will directly use a Tensorflow checkpoint
    • Example: https://github.com/google-research/bert
    • We use the usual Tensorflow workflow: create model graph comprising the core model and the added/modified elements
    • Take care of variable assignments when loading the checkpoint


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Let’s adapt BERT to the target task.

Replace the pre-training head (language modeling) with a classification head:

a linear projection layer to estimate 2 probabilities for each token:

– being the start of an answer

– being the end of an answer.

Keep our core model unchanged.

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Load our pretrained checkpoint

To load our checkpoint, we just need to setup an assignement_map from the variables of the checkpoint to the model variable, keeping only the variables in the model.

And we can use


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TensorFlow Hub is a library for sharing machine learning models as self-contained pieces of TensorFlow graph with their weights and assets.

Working directly with TensorFlow requires to have access to–and include in your code– the full code of the pretrained model.

Modules are automatically downloaded and cached when instantiated.

Each time a module m is called e.g. y = m(x), it adds operations to the current TensorFlow graph to compute y from x.

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Tensorflow Hub host a nice selection of pretrained models for NLP

Tensorflow Hub can also used with Keras exactly how we saw in the BERT example

The main limitations of Hubs are:

  • No access to the source code of the model (black-box)
  • Not possible to modify the internals of the model (e.g. to add Adapters)

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5.C – Language Generation: OpenAI GPT & PyTorch

Transfer learning for language generation: OpenAI GPT and HuggingFace library.

  • Target task:�ConvAI2 – The 2nd Conversational Intelligence Challenge for training and evaluating models for non-goal-oriented dialogue systems, i.e. chit-chathttp://convai.io
  • HuggingFace library of pretrained models
    • a repository of large scale pre-trained models with BERT, GPT, GPT-2, Transformer-XL
    • provide an easy way to download, instantiate and train pre-trained models in PyTorch
  • HuggingFace’s models are now also accessible using PyTorch Hub


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A dialog generation task:

5.C – Chit-chat with OpenAI GPT & PyTorch


Language generation tasks are close to the language modeling pre-training objective, but:

  • Language modeling pre-training involves a single input: a sequence of words.
  • In a dialog setting: several type of contexts are provided to generate an output sequence:
    • knowledge base: persona sentences,
    • history of the dialog: at least the last utterance from the user,
    • tokens of the output sequence that have already been generated.

How should we adapt the model?

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Golovanov, Kurbanov, Nikolenko, Truskovskyi, Tselousov and Wolf, ACL 2019

5.C – Chit-chat with OpenAI GPT & PyTorch


Several options:

  • Duplicate the model to initialize an encoder-decoder structure�e.g. Lample & Conneau, 2019
  • Use a single model with concatenated inputs�see e.g. Wolf et al., 2019, Khandelwal et al. 2019

Concatenate the various context separated by delimiters and add position and segment embeddings

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5.C – Chit-chat with OpenAI GPT & PyTorch


Let’s import pretrained versions of OpenAI GPT tokenizer and model.

Now most of the work is about preparing the inputs for the model.

Then train our model using the pretraining language modeling objective.

And add a few new tokens to the vocabulary

We organize the contexts in segments

Add delimiter at the extremities of the segments

And build our word, position and segment inputs for the model.

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5.C – Chit-chat with OpenAI GPT & PyTorch


PyTorch Hub

Last Friday, the PyTorch team soft-launched a beta version of PyTorch Hub. Let’s have a quick look.

  • PyTorch Hub is based on GitHub repositories
  • A model is shared by adding a hubconf.py script to the root of a GitHub repository
  • Both model definitions and pre-trained weights can be shared
  • More details: https://pytorch.org/hub and https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/hub.html

In our case, to use torch.hub instead of pytorch-pretrained-bert, we can simply call torch.hub.load with the path to pytorch-pretrained-bert GitHub repository:

PyTorch Hub will fetch the model from the master branch on GitHub. This means that you don’t need to package your model (pip) & users will always access the most recent version (master).

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That’s all for this time


Image credit: Andrejs Kirma