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Welcome to 5th grade with Mrs. Elder!

Meet the Teacher

Fun Facts

Maternity Leave

Contact me

Google Classroom


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Meet your teacher

Hello everyone! Even though this may not be a traditional school year, I am excited to teach and love all of you.

This will be my third year teaching, but my second year teaching at Amelia County Elementary School.

I live in Amelia with my husband, brand new baby boy, and my five dogs.

I love teaching at ACES. It is truly the best place ever and it holds a special place in my heart!

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Some things I love

I play softball during the summer and volleyball during the fall.

I graduated from Longwood twice. Go Lancers!

Here are 3 of my 5 dogs!.

Here is my little family- me, my husband Jordan, and our new baby Harlow!

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Maternity Leave

Dear Parents and Families,

I am so thrilled to have your child in my class this year! I hope everyone is excited to have an awesome final year at ACES! This year is going to be planned full of opportunities and achievement, and I cannot wait to watch your child grow. I wanted to make you fully aware that I will be on maternity leave for the first 2 weeks of school. My goal is to return at the beginning of September. This will be an abnormal start, but I am confident that our long-term sub will get things rolling, and once I return, things will go smoothly. I will be available through email during maternity leave if you have any questions. Please feel free to contact me if necessary! The substitute will also be available to get in contact with by calling the school.

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Google Classroom Codes

We will be using Google Classroom throughout the year. This will help with in-person learning, as well as virtual learning. Students will be able to find helpful links, assignments, and due dates in our Google Classroom site.

Morning Section

Class Code


Afternoon Section

Class Code



Class Code


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8:15-8:50 Breakfast and Tiger Time/ ROAR

8:50- 9:15 Block 1 Math or Lang. Arts

9:15-9:35 Recess

9:35-10:25 Block 1 Math or Lang. Arts

10:25-11:00 Block 1 Science or Lang. Arts

11:00-11:30 Lunch in the classrooms

11:30-11:50 Block 1 Science or Lang. Arts

11:50-12:50 Block 2 Math or Lang. Arts

12:50-1:30 Resource in the classrooms

1:30-1:45 Block 2 Math or Lang. Arts

1:45-2:40 Block 2 Science or Lang. Arts

2:35- Pack up

2:40-3:10 Recess


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Contact Me

Email me!


PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE BLOOMZ APP!! This will be the fastest way of communication with me upon returning to school.

Class code: P2XNOT


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See you soon!

Can’t wait to see all of you and have the best last elementary school year ever!!