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Google Docs

Lesson for Students

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Creating a Google Doc: 4 Different Ways

  • From Google Drive, click + New then Google Docs
  • Click the “waffle” (9 dots) and click Docs
  • Go to docs.google.com
  • Type docs.new in the omnibox (address bar)

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Naming Your Doc

  • Click where it says “Untitled document” in the top left corner.
  • Give your document a name.

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Fonts & Colors

  • Styles: Make a title or heading
  • Font: Change how your text looks
  • Font Size: Make text larger or smaller
  • Bold / Italic / Underline
  • Color: Change the color of your text
  • Highlighter: Highlight your text

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Alignment, Spacing, Numbers & Bullets

  • Alignment: Change your text to be centered or left-aligned.
  • Spacing: Change how far apart the lines of text are.
  • Numbering: 1, 2, 3…
  • Bullet Points

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Links & Images

  • To add a link, highlight the words you want. Click “Insert link” then paste the link.
  • To add an image, click the arrow by the “Insert image” button and choose an option.

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Copy & Paste

  • To copy something, highlight it. Then right click and choose “copy” or press Ctrl + C on the keyboard
  • To paste, right click and choose “paste” or press Ctrl + V on the keyboard
  • You can also get to copy & paste in the Edit menu

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  • Google Docs save automatically.
  • You can make sure your Doc is saved by looking for the Saved to Drive icon in the top left.

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Version History

  • You can see the last time the Doc was edited in the top middle.
  • You can also click on this to see the Version History (all edits that have been made).

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Other Helpful Hints

  • Undo (Ctrl + Z) & Redo
  • Hold cursor over tool to see name
  • Zoom in & out

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  • Click the blue “Share” button
  • Type in someone’s name or email address to share it with them

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Using Templates

  • Use the “waffle” (9 dots) to get to Google Docs, or go to docs.google.com
  • Click Template Gallery to see all templates

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Moving Docs

  • Click the Move icon next to the star icon, then choose where to move the Doc
  • Or, click File then Move
  • *Be sure to organize your Google Drive into folders, then put your files in the correct folder.

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  • Multiple people can work on the same Google Doc at the same time.
  • You can see who else is on the Doc at the top.
  • Be careful when collaborating - it works best to work on different sections so you don’t change/remove someone else’s work.

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  • Highlight the text or item you want to comment on, then click the Comment button.
  • Use @ and someone’s name/email to “tag” someone in the comment
  • Use the Comment History button to view the comment history

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  • Suggesting is great for peer editing or group work.
  • Switch to Suggesting mode using the dropdown menu to the right side of the toolbar.

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Explore Tool

  • Use the Explore tool (bottom right or Tools > Explore) to search online
  • This is great for research

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Voice Typing

  • Use the Voice Typing tool to talk and have the Doc type for you.
  • Go to Tools > Voice Typing.
  • You have to speak clearly and say the punctuation (the dog ran period).

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Right Click Menu

Explore (search) or define the highlighted text

Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, etc.

Insert comment or suggest edits

Save to Google Keep

Insert a link

*Select some text then right click to get this menu.

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The File Menu

Share your Doc

Create a new Doc

Open an existing Doc

Make a copy of your Doc

Email your Doc

Download you Doc (as a Word file, PDF, etc.)

Make it so you can work on your file when you’re not online

See the past versions of your Doc (edits you’ve made, etc.)

Rename your Doc

Move your Doc within Google Drive

Add a shortcut to this Doc to your Drive

Delete your Doc

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See document details

Change the language of your Doc

Change page orientation, margins, etc.

Print your Doc

Notice that the keyboard shortcut, if any, will be listed. For example, Ctrl + P is the shortcut for Print.

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The Edit Menu

*Again, notice the shortcuts are listed.


Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y

Select All

Ctrl + A

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The View Menu

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The Insert Menu

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The Format Menu

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The Tools Menu

Check spelling & grammar

Check the number of words

Review suggested edits that have been made

Create & edit citations

Search online about your topic

Look up definitions

Speech to text

Translate to another language

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The Help Menu

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App Version

  • There is an app version of Google Docs for phones and tablets.
  • It does not work as well or have all the features of the web version.