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IB Sciences at JICHS

Frequently Asked Questions and Information about the courses

Revised April 2024

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What IB Sciences are available?

IB Design Technology SL - New in 23/24!

IB Biology HL - this is a 2 year course

IB Sports Exercise and Health Science SL (24/25 school year)

IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL (25/26 school year)

AP/IB Chemistry SL

AP/IB Physics SL

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Who should take IB Sciences?

  • Anyone who plans to major in a science, medical or engineering field in college
  • Anyone who just loves science and wants to learn more about it
  • Anyone who is willing to expand their knowledge about ‘stuff’ around us

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IB Courses for Certificate Credit

Students may take individual IB courses for certificate credit. Many universities will recognize this work with college credit.


Biology HL

Chemistry SL

Design Technology SL

Environmental Systems SL

Physics SL

Sports Exercise and Health SL


Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL

Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations SL

The Arts

Music SL

Visual Arts SL

Visual Arts HL

Studies in Language and Literature

Language and Literature HL

Language Acquisition

French B HL

Spanish B HL

Individuals & Societies

Economics SL

Environmental Systems SL

Global Politics SL

US History HL 1

IB History of the Americas HL 2

Philosophy SL

Social Anthropology SL

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Why take IB Sciences?

  • Preparation for college
  • To be able to say ‘I’m an IB student’!
  • Rigorous coursework that is hands on and student centered.
  • Experiments!
  • Field Work!
  • Cookie Camaraderie!

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IB Diploma graduates have an 18% better chance of admission into an Ivy League university and a 22% greater chance of acceptance into a top public university.

Recent diploma graduates have earned acceptance and scholarships from elite universities such as McGill University, University of Michigan, American University, University of Georgia, University of North Carolina

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‘Cookie Camaraderie’?

In the spirit of fellowship and as a way to help students decompress, the science department hosts Cookie Camaraderie one day each month. Each month has a different theme that correlates with a holiday.

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  • IB sciences are hard and I won’t have a life if I take them.
    • The fact is that IB sciences are rigorous and challenging.
    • Most of our students play sports, have jobs and are involved in extracurricular activities.
    • Being an IB student is all about balance and organization.
  • Struggling in an IB science will lower my GPA
    • Check out the grade weights in the student handbook. IB classes are weighted higher than other levels.

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Internal Assessments are required in all IB courses.

The positive thing about science IAs is you get to do experiments!

You’ll come up with a research question, design an experiment, analyze the data collected and organize everything into your IA.

If IAs make you nervous don’t worry! We have procedures in place to help you navigate the process.

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IB Design Technology - new for 23/24 school year!

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You can take more than 1 IB science course in a year.

We have students who take IB Biology and IB Chemistry in the same year.

We have students who take IB Biology and IB Environmental in the same year.

We have students who take IB Biology and Sports Exercise in the same year.

We have students who take IB Biology and IB Physics in the same year.

We have students who take IB Chemistry and IB Physics in the same year.

The bottom line is… You can take 2 IB sciences in the same year!

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IB Biology HL - Year 1

*Year one is all about figuring out how to be an IB science student.

*We cover overarching themes that include unity and diversity, form and function and interaction and interdependence

*We do lots of labs, case studies and group work. We even visit DNR during our class period!

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IB Biology HL - Year 2

*Year two is all about preparing for May!

*We continue our study of overarching themes from Year 1.

*We do lots of labs, case studies and group work.

*We do our IA!

*We also do FIELD Work!!!

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A letter from a Class of 2023 Graduate:

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Spring 2024 - MARINE LAB in Key Largo!

IB Biology Years 1 and 2 and IB ESS are going to Marine Lab!

We also went to Marine Lab in Spring 2022.

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Health Science



  • Thinking about majoring in sports medicine in college? PT? Nursing?
  • Interested in learning about health and exercise …
  • Not a “science” person but need to take an IB Science
  • SEHS has a little bit of everything: Nutrition, Skill in Sport, Anatomy, Energy Systems, Health, Psychology, Designing your own Health Program … and MORE

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IB SEHS … 2022-2023

  • Discover what’s really in those chips you eat (even the “healthy” ones).
  • A visit with Greenwood Genetics
  • Other Labs: Muscle & Nerve Comparison, Urinalysis, Sheep Pluck Dissection, and more

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AP/IB Chemistry

Do your career plans include medicine?

Do you career plans include engineering?

Do you find chemical reactions fascinating?

Do you like math?

If you answered YES to any of these questions then AP/IB Chemistry is the course for you!

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This course takes Honors Chemistry to the college level.

Students Earn both AP Chemistry credit and IB SL Chemistry credit

Students get to participate in the Group 4 project. (A collaborative project that all of the IB science students work on together.)

The course is completed in one year.

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AP/IB Physics

Do you like analyzing physical phenomenon?

Do you like connecting these phenomenon with mathematical concepts?

Do you think analytically and conceptually?

Do your future plans involve a career in engineering?

If you answered YES to any of these questions then AP/IB Physics is where you need to be!

Students Earn both AP Physics credit and IB SL Physics credit

The course is completed in one year.

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Ye Ole Trebuchet

In AP/IB Physics concepts are tested.

Rube Goldberg

Testing Hypotheses

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We investigate ecosystems and the effect that humans have on the world around us.

IB ESS covers a range of topics including: pollution, climate change, and environmental systems.

We perform labs, go outside, and dive into case studies!

IB Environmental Systems and Societies

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What Students Had to Say

IB/AP Physics: “I enjoy IB physics because it challenges my mind” - Joseph

IB/AP Chemistry: “I enjoyed the smaller and tight knit class that challenged me” - Charis

IB ESS: “It’s less “nitty-gritty” and more about human connections to science and the real world today. It’s very relevant. I also really like the labs we do, and we get to go on field trips” - Hannah

IB SEHS: “I enjoyed IB SEHS because I’m an athlete and the class felt so practical. It was so interesting to learn how my body works while I play a sport. I am also not much of a science person, so it was less commitment than a 2-year class” - Ella

IB Biology: “I love IB Bio because it allows me to investigate my passion for science in hands on settings while providing me with in-depth exploration of topics” - Parker