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Introduction to Linear Systems

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Learning Goals

By the end of the lesson I will be able to:

  • Identify a system of linear equations
  • Understand what a solution to a linear system is
  • Understand how many solutions there are to a linear system

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Graphing a line in y = mx + b mode:

b → represents a point: (0, b), the y-intercept

y = 2x - 2

m → represents the slope: This allows us to find other points

rise → The vertical difference

run → The horizontal difference

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Graphing a line in standard form:

Use substitution to find points!

3x - 2y + 6 = 0

Pick any value: x = ______

Now replace every x with ______

Solve for y

This gives us a point: ( , )

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We need to do this twice! Two points are necessary!

3x - 2y + 6 = 0

Another value for x = ______

Replace every x with ______

Solve for y

Now we have our second point: ( , )

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Plot the 2 points:

( , ) and

( , )

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Linear Systems

What happens when we have two lines on the same graph?

This is called a system of linear equations.

These two lines meet at one point, called the point of intersection.

This point is the solution to the system.

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Linear Systems

What else can we see:

Identify the slopes of the two lines?

A: B:

Different slopes mean we have ONE point of intersection.



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Linear Systems

What are the slopes of these two lines:

A: B:

How many points of intersection are there? _____

If the lines have the same slope, they are parallel and have 0 points of intersection.



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State whether each line is parallel or intersecting to the line y = 4x + 1

a) y = -4x + 1 d) y = x + 1

b) y = 4x + 7

c) y = 2x + 1 e) y = - x





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Bring it all together

A Systems of Linear Equations:

  • has two or more linear equations
  • can be graphed on the same cartesian plane (grid)

A Point of Intersection:

  • is the solution to a system of linear equations
  • if we substitute the x value into each equation, we should get the same y value

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Graph the following systems of linear equations on the same graph. Identify:

  • State whether each system is parallel or intersecting
  • Identify the point of intersection, if it exists

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-3x + 4 y = 3x - 5 y = 2x + 2

2x - 1 y = -x - 1 y = x - 1

x - y = -1 x - 2y = -1 Make one of

3x + y = 9 3x + 5y = 8 your own