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#NYCSchoolsDigIn Summit

Wix Education

NOV 2019

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#NYCSchoolsDigIn Summit

The Freedom to Create the Websites You Want

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#NYCSchoolsDigIn Summit

Trusted by Over150M Users Worldwide

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#NYCSchoolsDigIn Summit

Some of Them are Schools From NYC

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“The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.”

-Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web

#NYCSchoolsDigIn Summit

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NYC Accessible Template

#NYCSchoolsDigIn Summit

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#NYCSchoolsDigIn Summit

Join Our Workshop!

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#NYCSchoolsDigIn Summit

Thank You!

Yossi Hayut yossih@wix.com

Moran Tsur morants@wix.com

NOV 2019