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Documenting Invariants

TC39, July 2020

Yulia Startsev

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Current Status

  • Some Invariants are documented directly in the specification.
  • Undocumented Invariants are sometimes overlooked
  • Some invariants have been proposed and contested
  • So far, an Invariant has not required consensus in order to be adopted by the committee, they are informally applied.
  • Invariants can and should change. The requirements for change should be written down.

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Idea: Collect and write down Invariants

  • Will allow for knowledge sharing and the understanding of concerns
  • Will ensure that cases where invariants are broken are clear and recognized
  • Will ensure that even if a specific committee member is not present -- that the invariant is acknowledged.
  • Invariants, if they are broken, should put the specification into a buggy state. Invariants should be Normative.

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Definitions are loose right now

  • Invariant can mean “a property of the specification that has been true up to the present”
  • Invariant does not cover all guidelines
    • What about things we want to avoid?
    • What about properties of the spec which cannot be written down?
    • What about design concerns?

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For now...

  • Let us consider “Invariant” to be any protected property of the specification

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Current Invariants

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Alternative expression of an invariant

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Structural overview

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Structuring Invariants

Every invariant (section) should have:

  • A description
    • Clear explanation of what the invariant is
  • A set of definitions
    • Any key words that may be ambiguous must be defined
  • A list of associated features of the invariant

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Structuring Invariants

Every invariant (section) should have:

  • A description
    • Clear explanation of what the invariant is
  • A set of definitions
    • Any key words that may be ambiguous must be defined
  • A list of associated features of the invariant
  • A rationale
    • Referenced when the validity of the invariant is questioned

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Invariant “Types”

Invariants should be normative. So far we have grouped them in these three categories.

  • “Must/Must Not” invariants
    • Invariants that, if violated, put the specification into a buggy state
  • “Should/Should Not” invariants
    • Invariants that have an “allow list” of cases where they can be broken
    • Otherwise, if these invariants are violated the specification is in a buggy state
  • “Precedents”
    • Invariants that cannot be captured by specification text alone. A precedent references a decision made by the committee. (Example: Module resolution graph order and why it cannot be changed)

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Process for Proposing an Invariant

A few potential ways to handle this:

  • Follow the same process as Normative Changes / Needs Consensus PRs
    • An invariant can be introduced more quickly.
    • This will make it easier to document existing ones that we have acted on
  • Follow something closer to the Proposal Process
    • Will require multiple meetings to be adopted
    • More discussion time
  • Other ideas welcome.

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Some Open Questions:

  • Do these categories cover the types of meta-information used by the committee to make decisions?
  • Are there any clear dangers here?
  • How should this proposal be iterated upon?

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Ongoing work

  • See documenting invariants
  • Discussions have been taking place in SES

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Addendum: Clarifying the process