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Liz Owens Boltz @LizOwensBoltz

Candace Robertson @candacerobertsn

Brittany Dillman @BPNDillman


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Community Engagement Framework

    • Move up, move back
    • We are all co-learners
    • Experience this as part of a larger journey
    • Intent vs impact
    • Embrace both/and thinking (vs. either/or). Sometimes different, seemingly contradictory things can both be true
    • Strive to look at broader, group level patterns (think about your positionality and how it informs your journey)
    • Don’t freeze people in time; allow for growth
    • Be present here and now

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  • Issues of equity and privacy are critical
  • Digital breadcrumbs impact the profile companies build of our learners
  • The digital narrative that's formed over time can be especially detrimental to learners who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and learners who have been historically marginalized and oppressed.

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  • Issues of equity and privacy are critical
  • Digital breadcrumbs impact the profile companies build of our learners
  • The digital narrative that's formed over time can be especially detrimental to learners who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and learners who have been historically marginalized and oppressed.

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  • Issues of equity and privacy are critical
  • Digital breadcrumbs impact the profile companies build of our learners
  • The digital narrative that's formed over time can be especially detrimental to learners who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and learners who have been historically marginalized and oppressed.

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  • Issues of equity and privacy are critical
  • Digital breadcrumbs impact the profile companies build of our learners
  • The digital narrative that's formed over time can be especially detrimental to learners who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and learners who have been historically marginalized and oppressed.

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  • Be informed (laws, policies, etc.)
  • Read (or scan) terms of service and privacy policies
  • Model (choice of tech, questioning, etc.)
  • Push back where it’s needed
  • ABC - Always Be Critical


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  • Hacking is creative problem solving. (It does not have to involve technology.)
  • A hackathon is any event of any duration where people come together to solve problems.

Real-life problems are hard. Think of the hackathon as a pit-stop on a long journey to solve problems.


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  • Be respectful
  • Be thoughtful
  • Be open
  • Be awesome
  • Enact Community Engagement Framework


Role of all Team Members

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Additional Roles of the Team Leader

  • Maintain a dynamic that welcomes ideas and ensures that all voices are heard
  • Empower, encourage, and find ways for everyone to contribute
  • Maintain forward momentum toward solution

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Additional Role of the Team Recorder

  • Document thinking
  • Ask clarification questions to ensure accurate documentation

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Defining the Problem

  • Make a list of social-justice and ethical issues you have with ed tech in your learning context



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Defining the Problem

  • Select the most compelling problem from your list.
  • Write a one-sentence problem statement. (___ need ___ because...)


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Pitching the Problem

  • You have 1 minute to pitch your problem to the group.



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Selecting a Problem

  • You have 2 minutes to decide on the problem that you’d like to tackle today.



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Understanding the Problem

  • As a group, list all of the elements of the problem that need to be considered



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  • Start your list here

Group 1: List of elements to consider

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  • Start your list here

Group 2: List of elements to consider

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  • Start your list here

Group 3: List of elements to consider

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  • Start your list here

Group 4: List of elements to consider

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  • Start your list here

Group 5: List of elements to consider

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Generate Solutions. Prototype. Build.

  • What are possible real-life solutions that you could tackle today?
  • Once you decide on the path towards a solution, go!
  • Goal: Be ready to share your solution at 11:00am (3 min/team)



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Add a link, video, or image of your creation

Group 1: Share your creation

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Add a link, video, or image of your creation

Group 2: Share your creation

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Add a link, video, or image of your creation

Group 3: Share your creation

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Add a link, video, or image of your creation

Group 4: Share your creation

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Add a link, video, or image of your creation

Group 5: Share your creation

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Reflecting on the experience

  • How did you feel when sharing your issues and challenges?
  • How did you feel working toward a solution w/the group?
  • How might this be an inclusive practice that you can utilize in your learning community?

Voice. Perspective. Inclusive.

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How did you feel when sharing your issues and challenges?

How did you feel working towards a solution w/a group?

How might this be an inclusive practice that you can utilize in your learning community?

Group 1: Reflecting on the experience

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How did you feel when sharing your issues and challenges?

How did you feel working towards a solution w/a group?

How might this be an inclusive practice that you can utilize in your learning community?

Group 2: Reflecting on the experience

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How did you feel when sharing your issues and challenges?

How did you feel working towards a solution w/a group?

How might this be an inclusive practice that you can utilize in your learning community?

Group 3: Reflecting on the experience

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How did you feel when sharing your issues and challenges?

How did you feel working towards a solution w/a group?

How might this be an inclusive practice that you can utilize in your learning community?

Group 4: Reflecting on the experience

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How did you feel when sharing your issues and challenges?

How did you feel working towards a solution w/a group?

How might this be an inclusive practice that you can utilize in your learning community?

Group 5: Reflecting on the experience

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5 fast takeaways?

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McCann!!, L. (2014, Jun. 24) So you think you want to run a hackathon? Think again. (2014). Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@elle_mccann/so-you-think-you-want-to-run-a-hackathon-think-again-f96cd7df246a




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Tauberer, J. (2020). Hackathon.guide. Retrieved from https://hackathon.guide/

McCann!!, L. (2014, Jun. 24) So you think you want to run a hackathon? Think again. (2014). Medium. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/38Aj4Mq

Design Thinking for Educators. (2020). Ideo.com. Retrieved 8 March 2020, from http://bit.ly/38xsRmw

An Educator’s Guide to Design Thinking. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://stanford.io/3319p0h

Little, L. (2019, 04). Design thinking for a better world: Designing positive school communities; designing green communities; designing healthy communities; designing inclusive communities. Resource Links, 24, 31-32. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/2wA17jX

Panke, S. & Harth, T. (2018). Design thinking for inclusive community design: (How) does it work? Retrieved from http://bit.ly/2IveDZ2

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