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LHC Overview

  • The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the leading accelerator in the world
  • Capable of accelerating protons and heavy ions
    • Proton beams at 6.8 TeV
    • Lead ion beams at 522 TeV (2.3 TeV per nucleon)
  • 17 mile (27 km) long synchrotron
    • Up to 574 ft (170 m) underground
    • Tilted at a 14 mrad angle due to geological conditions
    • Built in pre-existing LEP tunnel
  • Located underneath Switzerland and France
  • Hadron beams circulate in opposite directions
  • Collisions occur at 4 interaction points

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LHC magnets

  • Complex system of magnets used to steer and control beams
  • 1232 main dipoles keep beam along ring
    • Superconducting magnets generate a field strength of 8.3 T
    • 15 m long and weighs 15 tons
  • Sextupole, octupole and decapole magnets help to maintain beam integrity
  • Sets of quadrupole magnets guide beams to collision points
    • Compress beams to increase proton density (0.2 mm diameter to 20 μm)
    • Precisely steer beams into interaction point volume (20 μm x 20 μm x 8 cm)

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Accelerating protons

  • Protons are sourced from Hydrogen gas
    • Electrons are stripped, leaving protons
  • Initially accelerated using a linac
  • Passed through a series of synchrotrons
    • Increasing energy at each stage
    • Previous colliders make up acceleration chain
  • Heavy ion acceleration is similar

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LHC proton beams

  • LHC collisions occur in “fills”
    • Number of protons decreases throughout a fill
    • A fill lasts several hours until the beam is dumped and a new fill is started
  • Each beam consists of 2835 “bunches” of protons
    • Each bunch begins with ~1011 protons
    • Each interaction point has one bunch crossing every 25 ns
    • Most protons in a bunch pass without interacting, but a few interact at each crossing
  • 600 million collisions per second
  • Protons lost continually lost during run

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Best laid plans

  • Originally planned to start running at 14 TeV in 2005
  • Budgetary constraints and technical delays pushed start date to 2008
  • Initial testing led to quenching and severe damage
  • Operations began in 2009 at 2.36 TeV
  • Data collected in 2010-211 at 7 TeV
  • Currently producing collisions at 13.6 TeV

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LHC Run Schedule

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Run 1

Run 2

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Closer look at hadron collisions

  • Hadron collisions are much more complex than lepton collisions
  • Two partons can interact in a “hard scatter” event
    • Occurs at a primary vertex (PV)
  • Initial state radiation and final state radiation
    • Typically gluon radiation but can also be photons
  • Multiple parton interaction (MPI) hard scatter event can happen
  • Remaining partons can scatter elastically into detector

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  • Proton bunch crossings have multiple collisions
    • Referred to as in-time pileup
  • Quantified using number of primary interaction vertices (NPV) and average number of interaction per bunch crossing (<μ>)
  • Out-of-time pileup also occurs
    • Primarily due to collisions in preceding or subsequent bunch crossings
    • Additional effects from collisions with beam collimators and stray gas molecules
    • Detector latency (read-out time) is generally longer than 25 ns, so additional interactions in that time can result in overlapping detector signals
  • Many techniques used to mitigate effects of pileup
    • Precise tracking to associate reconstructed particles to interaction vertices
    • Other techniques to disentangle pileup calorimeter energy deposits

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ATLAS event displays

  • Collisions (events) are highly complex
  • Can be fully described only as non-human-readable data
  • Event displays visually depict reconstructed particles in a collision
  • Perspective and transparency optimized for each event

End view

Side view

“Unrolled” view

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Pileup - 2 vertices

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Pileup - 25 vertices

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Pileup - 2, 50, 140 vertices

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Pileup profiles

Run 1

Run 2

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Main LHC Experiments





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  • A Large Ion Collider Experiment
  • Specialized for Pb-Pb collisions
    • Also uses p-Pb collisions
  • Goals are to improve understanding of QCD
    • Quark-gluon plasma
      • State of matter in which free color charges exist
    • Quark deconfinement
      • Existence of quarks outside of bound states
  • Many discoveries including new tetraquarks and pentaquarks

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  • Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment
  • Focused on studying properties of B-hadrons
    • Hadrons containing a b quark
  • Numerous measurement goals
    • B-hadron branching ratios
    • Asymmetries in flavor-changing neutral currents
    • CP violation in B-hadron decays
      • Could explain matter/anti-matter asymmetry
    • Other B-hadron decays

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  • A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS and Compact Muon Solenoid
  • General purpose experiments
  • Designed to search for generic particle discovery and measurements
  • Similar designs and physics goals
  • Primarily focused on pp collisions, but also make use of heavy ion collisions
  • Friendly competition for discoveries
    • Simultaneous observation of the Higgs boson
    • Agreement to inform each other of major discoveries in advance of public announcement
    • Harmonization of some techniques to enable comparisons and combinations
  • More details next week

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Other LHC experiments

  • LHCf
    • Measurement of particles traveling close to beamline
    • Search for long-lived particles and neutrinos
    • Recent detection of neutrinos
  • MilliQan
    • Search for milli-charged particles
    • Search for magnetic monopoles and other exotic particles
    • Total cross-section measurements

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Future Circular Collider

  • Ongoing work towards the Future Circular Collider (FCC) at CERN
  • 90-100 km long
    • Limited by geography
  • ~100 TeV collision energy
  • LHC will be in acceleration chain
  • At least 30 years expected for design and construction