1 of 42

All I want to do is Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

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Add an image for when your Camera is off

Schedule a Meeting

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Zoom Settings

Zoom Meetings

Zoom Toolbar host and Sharing

Using Participant Feedback and Setting up Polls

Breakout Rooms

Putting it All Together







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Zoom Settings


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Global Settings

Internet Browser- vccs.zoom.us

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  • Enable Waiting Room
    • Waiting room options : Everyone
  • Embed Passcode in Invite Link for one-click join
  • Chat
  • Private Chat
  • Sound notification
  • Co-host
  • Polling
  • Always show meeting control bar
  • Annotation

  • Annotation
  • Whiteboard
  • Non-verbal Feedback
  • Meeting Reactions
  • Breakout Room
  • Closed Captioning**
  • Virtual Backgrounds
  • Video Filters


  • Local Recording
  • Cloud Recording

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Zoom Meetings


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Schedule a Meeting

  • Click on Meetings (Left Menu)
  • Click on Schedule a New Meeting
  • Give the meeting a name
  • Find the Recurring Meeting box and check it
  • Locate Calendar and pick the first day
  • Choose Recurrence (Daily, Weekly, etc.)
  • How often does is repeat
  • End Date
  • Registration
  • Security: Passcode & Waiting Room
  • Make sure Mute Participants upon entry is checked

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Activity 1

  • Go to Zoom
  • Go to Settings
  • Enable Waiting Room
  • Embed Passcode in Invite Link for one-click join
  • Chat (optional)
  • Private Chat (Optional)
  • Enable Polling
  • Enable Always show meeting control bar
  • Enable Annotation
  • Enable Whiteboard
  • Enable Non-verbal Feedback
  • Enable Breakout Room


  • Click on Meetings
  • Click on Schedule a New Meeting
  • Title
  • Fix Time to match when class meets
  • Toggle Host Video to ON
  • Uncheck Passcode
  • Mute Participants Upon Entry

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Zoom Toolbar

as a host/cohost


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Zoom Host Toolbar

Here you can select a Microphone & Speaker

& Test Speaker and Microphone

Select a Camera, Video Settings, Choose Virtual Background

Allows you to view participant window, see invite link, and options for participants

Open Chat & Chat options

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To share your screen,

click on the green

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Share a SCREEN


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If you have a document camera, or need to share only sound from your computer, you will find it under advanced

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Zoom Toolbar when Sharing

When you are sharing the Zoom Toolbar changes some

Note: Pause Share/Annotate/More

When you are done:


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Full Screen Zoom & Pop-outs

When you are in Full Screen sharing, you can:

  • Move Chat window
  • Move Participant window
  • Move Video window

Toolbar options are moved when in Full Screen:

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Setting up for Others to Share

This will need to be done at each meeting

  • Click on Security
  • Click on “Share Screen”

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Polls, Reactions, and Feedback


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  • Create Polls before a meeting
  • Reuse Polls
  • Collect Results with Reports
  • Use on the fly

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To Create a Poll

  • Click on the existing meeting
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  • Click on the “ADD” button

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Reactions and Feedback

Click Zoom Toolbar and the Reactions and Feedback will be at the bottom

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Breakout Rooms


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Setting up for Breakout Rooms

  • Breakout Rooms will be done during the Zoom Meeting or PreAssigned when making the meeting


  • Countdown timer
  • Add a Room
  • Change Name or Delete Room

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Manually Assign Groups

  • Use the Manual option to assign students to breakout rooms
  • Use the arrow to get the correct number of needed rooms
  • Use the blue “Assign” to put students into Rooms who are not in rooms

NOTES: You can move students around when then are in rooms. You can “hover” next to their name to see options

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Breakout Rooms

Here you can see the rooms as the host:

  • You can click join by any room and move to that room
  • To return to the main session, just leave the breakout room
  • Broadcast message is at the bottom

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Desktop Client

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Desktop Client

Login with SSO (VCCS Domain)

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Zoom Chat

  • Chat with individuals or groups
  • Create new chats
  • Leave yourself notes
  • Share screenshots, emojis, and gifs!

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Zoom Fun

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Zoom App

Sign in with SSO

Domain: VCCS

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Virtual BackGrounds

You can add from 3 places:

  • Zoom Tile
  • While in a Zoom Meeting
  • Zoom Desktop Client

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Virtual BackGrounds

You can add from two places:

  • Zoom Tile
  • While in a Zoom Meeting

Zoom Tile

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Virtual BackGrounds

In Meeting

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Wrapping it all up


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Have a look at our Zoom Guides!


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Be like her and make your Zoom engaging


Make your Zoom Meeting Engaging:

  • Get your Settings ready
  • Make your Meeting
  • Add some polls
  • Ask for Reactions/Feedback
  • Use Breakout Rooms
  • Add Backgrounds for Themes
  • Filters for FUN!

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Does anyone have any questions?

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Thank you for having me today!

It’s time for my nap. Take a walk through the secret door and see what you can find.

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