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Students accept and demonstrate personal responsibility for their education and are fully engaged in all aspects of the learning process

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Get the most out of your opportunities.


Attend class • Pay attention • Contribute to discussions • Complete assignments • Get involved

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Don’t miss the adventure of reading.

Books can take you anywhere.

Read whenever you can, whatever you can.

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Read whenever you can,

whatever you can.

It’s fun and it makes you smarter.

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A3.1. Participation.

Students demonstrate engagement by attending classes regularly, being focused and attentive in class, contributing to class discussions, completing homework and other assignments and establishing connectedness to their school and teachers by involvement in school clubs and activities.

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Get the most out of your opportunities.


Attend class • Pay attention • Contribute to discussions • Complete assignments • Get involved

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Go to Class.

Be on Time.

Pay Attention. Participate.

The more you put into your education,

the more you’ll get out of it.

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A3.2 Punctuality

Students demonstrate punctuality by meeting deadlines and arriving to class and appointments on time.

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Show respect!


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Being on time is important. Take responsibility.

Why didn’t you wake me up!

I was supposed to

be there at 9 !

Now, everyone will

Have to wait for me.

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Take time seriously – it’s what the rest of your life is made of.

Punctuality – a fancy word for be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be

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Being late is annoying, irresponsible,

inconsiderate and disrespectful.

A person of character is punctual.

We’re going to be late!

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Being late is disrespectful and irresponsible.

Be where you are supposed to be

when you are supposed to be.

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on time.


Come to class on time – Turn your work in on time

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A3.3. Proactive

A3.3. Proactive. Students demonstrate initiative by starting and completing school work without direct supervision or external pressure and by proactively learning what they need to know to succeed in class and graduate, including asking for help when they need it and seeking additional resources to overcome deficiencies in the learning environment (e.g., overcrowded classes, disruptive students, boring teacher and inadequate resources).

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If you want something better


Be proactive – decide what you want and take action to make it happen.

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But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.

-John F. Kennedy

There are risks

and costs to action…

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School isn’t always fun,

but neither is life

If you want to have fun in life.



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Don’t be shy about asking for help when you need it.

You are responsible for your own learning.

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Learning is your responsibility.

Don’t be shy about asking for help when you need it.

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You are not limited by

your abilities.

You are limited

by your fears.

If you apply yourself,

you can do what you need to do

to have what

you want to have.

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School isn’t always fun, but getting a good education will really help you later.

Stick with it. Do your best. It’s worth it.

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Nothing worth gaining

was ever gained without effort.

-Theodore Roosevelt

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Learning is not a

spectator sport.

Get in



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Never hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

Never hesitate to give help when you can give it.

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You can’t win a race

you don’t start.

What are you waiting for?

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Successful people don’t wait

to be told what to do, how to do it

or when to start, they just start.

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Don’t ask if it is going to be easy.

Ask if it’s going to be worth it.

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