1 מתוך 15

Hello, Fifth Graders!

Welcome to Online Art Class. :)

2 מתוך 15

Dear Parents,

Thank you for encouraging your students to keep working on school-related activities at home during this time. On this PowerPoint, you will find art activities that can be done at home, art related YouTube videos, and extra activities for students to use their creativity!

If you have any questions about the activities or our online art class, please feel free to email me. I will be checking my email frequently to ensure all students’ needs are met.

Thanks again! I look forward to seeing your students again soon. :)

Ms. Neiderer


Puedo hablar espanol! Digame todas las preguntas que su tiene.

3 מתוך 15

Art Project #1

Step 1: Draw the outline of your tree.

Step 2: Color the spaces in between the branches with bright colors and/or patterns. (The background)

Step 3: Color your tree and the branches black.

4 מתוך 15

Art Project #2

Step 1: Draw your ground, the tree, the mountains, and the sun.

Step 2: Fill each space with a pattern or design.

Step 3: Color the designs until the whole page is full of color. (See the next slide for design ideas.)

5 מתוך 15

Design Ideas

6 מתוך 15

Art Project #3

Step 1: Listen to Ms. Neiderer’s Read Aloud. (Click on the blue link at the bottom of the page!)

Step 2: Draw a rectangle close to the edges of your paper. (This will be your “frame.”)

Step 3: Pick something to draw inside your frame. It can be your room, someone you love, an object, or ANYTHING you want. View Vincent Van Gogh’s art gallery if you need inspiration (link underneath step 3) or look at some ideas on the next slide. https://artsandculture.google.com/search/asset/?p=van-gogh-museum&em=m049xrv&categoryId=art-movement&hl=en)

Step 4: Put the finishing touches on your drawing. (Details on your frame and details in your drawing.)

Step 5: Color your frame and drawing!

Link to Read Aloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpJkPArvIjU

7 מתוך 15

Framed Drawing Ideas

8 מתוך 15

Art Project #4

Step 1: Draw your name in block letters so that it fills the whole page. (Examples on next slide.)

Step 2: Draw designs in the background BEHIND your name. (Your letters should stay white.)

Step 3: Color your background!

9 מתוך 15

Block Lettering Examples

10 מתוך 15

Art Project #5

Step 1: Outline your butterfly’s body.

Step 2: Map out the areas you want to put your designs in.

Step 3: Draw designs in your butterfly’s wings.

Step 4: Color your butterfly!

OPTIONAL: Here is a video from National Geographic that shows the life of a butterfly up close! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVm5k99PnBk

11 מתוך 15

Art Project #6

Step 1: Draw hexagons all over your paper.

Step 2: Draw bumble bees all over your paper. (Ovals for the body, circles for the head, half ovals for their wings.)

Step 3: Color your drawing! The hexagons will be orange/yellow and the bees will be yellow and black. :)

National Geographic Kids Video on Bees! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9zZ48jJZyk

12 מתוך 15

Art Project #7

Listen to Ms. Neiderer’s read aloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3ijX926rWk

This week I want you to draw someone in your family! Below is a checklist that shows everything your picture should have. There should be A LOT of details. :) Also, make sure that you add a background to your picture. Draw them in their favorite place or doing their favorite thing!

Checklist: Head, hair, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears, chin, and details from their shirt. (Glasses if they have them.)

13 מתוך 15

Art Project #8

Step 1: Draw a line diagonally across your paper. (This will be your sand and ocean.)

Step 2: Draw waves in your ocean and then dots/circles in the sand.

Step 3: Draw your flip flops and draw designs in them.

Step 4: Color!!

Thank you for a great school year! I hope you all have a great summer. I love and miss you!! <3

14 מתוך 15

Art Related YouTube Videos

15 מתוך 15

Art for Fun!