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Chromebook Care 101

Taking Care of Your Chromebook

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Please watch Greenville County’s School District Video Intro to Chromebooks and Personalized Learning. In the video, you will learn information about Chromebook care and digital citizenship.

Play Me!

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Chromebook Information

Chromebooks are typically easier to manage due to automatic updates and a lack of software that needs to be maintained.

What do you think is the most common Chromebook repair request made by students?

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Chromebook Information:

Most Common Repair

  • Broken Keyboard

B. Cracked Screen

C. Missing Chrome OS (Operating System)

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Chromebook Care

The following suggestions will help reduce the chance of damage occurring to your Chromebook:

  • Do not poke the screen
  • NEVER carry the Chromebook by the top corner with the lid open or even carry/walk while the screen is still open. (Closing the lid will not shut the Chromebook down).
  • Only use the Chromebook on a stable, flat surface.

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Chromebook Care

  • Clean your Chromebook screen with a dry, clean cloth (no cleaning spray).
  • Keep your Chromebook away from drinks and food.
  • Always check to make sure there are no items lying on your keyboard before closing the lid.
  • Do not place heavy items on top of your Chromebook.
  • Do not remove any of the labels (factory, serial number, etc) from your Chromebook.

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Chromebook Care:

In order to learn additional information on Chromebook care and moving around school with your Chromebooks, please watch the video - Students! Respect Your Chromebook!

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Chromebook Care:

The next student session will include tips for troubleshooting your Chromebook and information on how to report issues/repair requests.

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Chromebook Care:

Students cannot decorate their Chromebooks with markers, writing, or stickers.

Chromebooks come with a case already installed and students should not remove or alter/decorate the case in any way.

Students should not remove any labels that are affixed to their Chromebook.