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Meet Tucky!

Our Certified School Therapy Dog

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What is Tucky’s training?

  • After several months of training, Tucky earned his AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy certificate at the Princeton Dog Training Club (PDTC) in August of 2020.
  • After advanced training classes, Tucky obtained his AKC Canine Good Citizen title.
  • Tucky was then enrolled in a specific Therapy Dog training program. Upon completion of all of his classes, he took and passed his Therapy Dog test on July 19, 2021. He is registered with the AIR Therapy Dog Team.
  • We are so proud of our sweet boy and all of his hard work!

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What Does Tucky do?

*Tucky only interacts with students who want to interact with him. Prior to any interaction, students are individually asked if and how they want to “say hi” to Tucky.

  • Greets students with “Ask, Approach, Pet, Goodbye”: One at a time, a child asks if they can pet Tucky. After permission is received, the child approaches Tucky with palms up. They pet Tucky. They say goodbye to Tucky, so he understands their time is finished.
  • The Child Whisperer”: If a student is upset, Miss Tia and Tucky may visit the student, or the student can come to Miss Tia’s office. The child must be safe (no hitting, kicking, throwing) to keep Tucky safe.
  • BARKing with Tucky”: As a reward, students may come to Miss Tia’s office for a short visit, play ball, cuddle, etc. Kids may read to Tucky, show him their good work, or give him treats. Another option may be taking him for a walk or playing outside.
  • Rent-a-Tucky”: Teachers may arrange a time to have Miss Tia bring Tucky to their classroom. We can visit for a few minutes as a presentation, read to the class, or Tucky can individually visit with the students.

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What about scared/allergic kids?

  • As a goldendoodle, Tucky does not shed and is hypoallergenic.
  • Students who do not want to/cannot interact with Tucky for whatever reason, will never be forced to do so. Prior to any interaction with Tucky, children are asked if they want to “say hi” to Tucky, and (when appropriate) how they would like to interact with him.

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Tucky in action @ yocum!